Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Perfect (Petite!) Gift Idea + My Love Language

Ever since I was little I've loved giving (okay, and receiving!) gifts. When I read the 5 Love Languages book in college there was no doubt in my mind which was my number one love language. It was Gifts, of course! And at first, I was embarrassed by this because I don't want to be greedy ha! But I've learned it's nothing to be embarrassed about; it's simply the way I receive love best and the way I like to give it. You see, the gift doesn't have to be expensive-- handwritten notes are the best types of gifts in my opinion :) I think at the root of the love language of "gifts" is the fact that someone thought of you, took time out of their day to remember you and appreciate you.
My husband and I have different love languages, so trying to love each other in our respective love language is something that's been a little challenging, since we're so used to giving love the way we best receive it. Makes sense, right?! We're learning each other better and better though. Sometimes he'll leave me notes or out of the blue surprise me with something (like once he bought me a sweatshirt with a hood because he said I "didn't own any hoodies", which was true because they're not my favorite typically ;) But this one had lace on it and looked just like something I'd pick out! This made me feel so special!) Enough about us, though.
I love the packaging of a gift almost as much as I love picking out what goes inside. It's the little details that make it extra special and fun. When Greetabl reached out to partner on this post together, I couldn't say no because I think this company and mission is so genius! You know I'm all about creative business ownership, so this is right up my alley. I also love any excuse to celebrate the little and big moments of life. Greetabl makes gift giving super fun and easy by letting you pick out the pattern on the card, which also doubles as the box the gift comes in (which means your gift is so cute and petite to fit in the box!) They have a wide selection of gifts you can choose from while you're building your Greetabl. I was telling my husband about the company and he said he'd like to pick out my Greetabl for me and surprise me with it. How can you turn down such an offer?! ;)

Being the crazy gift-lover that I am, I couldn't wait for the package to arrive.

You just peel the sides to open the adorable box...

And start revealing the card and gift inside! I've gotten a Greetabl before and the friend who sent it also chose this fun pattern. I guess it really says "Michaela"! They have tons of patterns to choose from to make the gift extra custom for your friend or family member.

My husband got me this amazing smelling candle. He knows me so well! The copper jar is so perfect!! And he had me note that the lid was "very pretty so he knew I'd like it" :)

When you're building your Greetabl, you have the option to upload 3 photos on the card. If you choose not to, it'll just fill in with the pattern. But how fun is this to personalize it even further?!

Gotta love a good pun. He gets me ;) If you're thinking this seems a little girly to send one to your husband or dad, you're wrong! Greetabl has tons of patterns that look more manly and lots of gifts that guys would love including toothpicks, bouron candles, a cement shot glass, caramels, spice blend, key ring, and more. You can see them all here! They really are the perfect go-to for a birthday present, Mother's Day, Father's Day, graduation, "thinking of you" gift, or whatever other occasions you can think of. 
If you think you're going to use this gifting option for your friends and family, you should head here to become a Greetabl Insider where you'll get $20 credit to send your first Greetabl, plus free shipping and lots of other perks! Oh, you can also get 15% off with code michaeladesigns at checkout, especially for my sweet readers!
Have you ever sent one of these gifts?! Any others of you also have Gifts as your love language?
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*This post is in partnership with Greetabl. All opinions are my own, as always. I only ever review and share products and companies I actually love and use myself. Thank you for supporting companies and blog posts that keep MND's doors open!

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