Wednesday, September 18, 2019

On Our 3rd Anniversary

 Dear Husband,

Today we're celebrating 3 whole years of being husband and wife. I cannot fathom how it's been so long, and yet it feels like yesterday. Our wedding day was the happiest day of my entire life! I had dreamt about this day since I was a little girl, all the details, sure-- but mostly wondering who I would walk down the aisle to and spend forever with. To know it was you, my handsome husband, is so sweet. When I would pray for my future husband in high school and college, little did I know I was praying for you, all the way across the country from each other, nonetheless. It was you all along. 

Marriage isn't easy; it requires intentionality, work on our selves and our own sin and pride...but it's sanctifying and it's worth it. Our love will always be worth it to me. Loving you and being loved by you is my greatest honor. May we grow together for years to come and become more like our Heavenly Father in the process.

Cheers to 3 years!

Enjoy our black and white photos from our wedding day-- some of my very favorite!

Photos: The Poffs 

See more of our wedding related posts here!


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