Friday, January 14, 2011

Fashion Friday #16 + Giveaway Winner!

Hi friends! I don't know about you, but for me this week flew by! I'm enjoying my classes {always a good thing!} and can't wait to share with you some things I'm learning in my Sustainability and Materials class I'm taking for interior design.  It's quite interesting {and super technical, but I'll leave that part out for you!}

I have some exciting news- I just started a new job! I'm going to be writing the blog for my very very favorite clothing, home & accessories boutique on Queen Anne, right by my school.  It's called Meadow, and the name fits it perfectly.  I go often {maybe too much} and have come to know the owner pretty well. She took a gander at my blog and asked if I would be interested in writing the blog for her adorable shop. UM YES! So, after this weekend Meadow's blog will be up and running! You're going to love it.  

Today I went to the boutique to take some pictures of clothing and accessories, and while I was there I realized I hadn't taken my pictures for Fashion Friday.  The owner of Meadow just had some new arrivals come in, so I got to play dress up! Dream come true.

Top: Meadow
Belt: Meadow
Leggings: Meadow
Shoes: UGGs! Can't live without them.
Headband: Whippy Cake...always (: PS. They just released their new collection!!

Ready for some hair ideas?
1. I'm loving this curls to the side look because it's simple.  Curl your hair in sections, then hairspray it lightly.  If you want loose curls, brush through it.  Then pull it to one side and bobby pin a few key pieces close to your neck. 

2. Lauren Conrad invented the side braid, but now she's doing a chic french braid-bun look. I adore it.  Do two loose french braids on each side of your head.  When the two ends meet then twist them, tease them and pin them into a messy bun.

3. This is so elegant! Two small side braids lead into an updo in the back.  Red Carpet ready- that's for sure!

4. I do this one all the time!  Do a side french braid and pin it under, so some hair can cover the pins.  Make sure to tease the back for some volume!  This is cute with straight or curly hair.  I love it because it keeps it out of my face.

Now for the giveaway winner!

Congratulations, #1- Samantha from All I Want Is Everything!

Min: 1Max: 431Powered by RANDOM.OR

I'll be e-mailing you shortly to get your mailing address (:

Have a wonderful weekend, lovelies! You are beautiful.
PS. Don't forget to do a random act of kindness and tell us about it! Link up with Megan on Monday!

Love and Fashion Friday,


  1. Congrats on your new gig! I can't wait till the next time I visit my parents to stop in a Meadow. I've always loved the Jennifer Aniston braid, great in place of a headband! So Chic!

  2. Well, first, congrats! That's so exciting to be able to write for your favorite boutique!

    And then, yay! I won something! lol That was a nice surprise at the end of the post for me :o)


  3. Congrats on the new job! That sounds really awesome and can't wait to check out the Meadows blog! :)

    Love those outfits and you pull them off really well!

    I really want to try one of thise side braids with my own hair. I feel so bad because I neglect my hair a lot. 90% of the time I just wear it back because it's more 'convient' but I really need to start making it a point to wear it down more... Adding it to my 2011 resolution list! lol

  4. That is so awesome. You'll be the perfect model :)

  5. hey doll, congrats on the job! i just have to tell you - your blog and your spirit always fill my heart with joy. thanks for being such a light!

  6. congrats on your new job! how exciting!!!

  7. what a fun new job! so fun~ love the outfits, and all the great dos! have a fab weekend chick!

  8. Love the outfits and I'm pretty sure I had all of those hairdos bookmarked for my wedding! Isn't LC's hair always so wonderful?? Jessica Alba is one of my favorites too!

    I love uggs and I'm currently wearing them (and have been all week, the ground here is covered in ice!) but I am so looking forward to spring and cute flats season!!

  9. Congrats on the new gig Michaela - right up your alley girl! I'll be sure to check out the blog once it's up and running! :) Also happy to hear you are enjoying your new classes!

    Have a great weekend!

  10. That's exciting. I've never been to Meadow, will have to check it out because that first dress is delightful!

  11. ahhh congrats michaela!! that is so exciting!! your gonna go far in life...i just know it :)
    & love the outfits & hairstyles!


  12. wow! congrats on the new position, girly! can't wait to see the new blog :)

  13. Those outfits are adorable!! And so are the hairstyles! I just love your blog, you are going to do some great things with the new job!!

  14. Congrats on the new job!! :)

  15. You are sooooo perfect for that. I am very proud of you. And as always, you look adorable. Happy weekend.

  16. Yay for a fabulous new job!! What an awesome deal!! You are going to be amazing at it and I just can't wait to see the blog!! : )

    I love all of those outfits! So adorable!!

  17. What a FUN new job you got! You'll have to give us the link to the blog so we can read along!

    Have a wonderful weekend girlie!

  18. Love the braided hair! I'm a big fan of it too. glad to be a new follower! have a great weekend!

  19. Yay on the new job blogging!! I'm so excited for you girl! Congrats :)

    Happy weekend friend!

  20. Congrats on the new job! Looks like Meadow carries some cute things!

    Style Obsession
    Win a $25 gift certificate to!

  21. Congrats on the new job! So deserving!! And, their clothing is adorable. Will they ship things??? My girls would love that store!!! Loving the hairdos. My youngest wore hers like Jennifer Anniston for Homecoming last year. Very classic.

  22. Congratulations! That's so exciting :) I love their clothes!!

  23. Congrats on the new job ~ how exciting!

    And I love the pics ~ that one of Jennifer Aniston is one of my favorites. I really need to learn how to french braid! :P

  24. Congratulations on the new job! How very exciting. Just started reading your blog and am loving it!

  25. Love love love LC's hair...did you see she went brunette?!? It looks super cute! Hope you had a great weekend, my dear--and congrats on the new job! xoxo {av}

  26. Love the braided hair!! You are too stinkin' cute!!! Im your newest follower :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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