Wednesday, February 23, 2011

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Look Linger Love

Happy Wednesday! It's that time of the week to hear from another of my favorite bloggers.  Meet Chassity: the stylish, fancy, talented and beautiful mama of the cutest little one.  She's over at Look Linger Love and writes about all things pretty and fashionable.

Let's hear what she's loving and what she's not:

Hey Everyone, Chassity here from Look Linger Love.  I'm happy to be visiting the adorable Michaela's blog today sharing my likes and dislikes.  What a fun series this has been to follow...

She Loves Me:

Fuller than full skirts!
image via Lonny

Gorgeous light fixtures, especially this one.

Fifi.  That is one well dressed bunny.

She Loves Me Not:

Captchas!  Who knows how many of my comments haven't gone through b/c of these!!

The $3K price tag on these beauties

The bored and miserable look that often graces Kristen's face.  Why?!

At the risk of offending some, I've never cared for the Keep Calm sayings.  And now it's just spun out of control!!

Thanks, Chassity! Love your loves! Especially that skirt.  And those codes at the ends of blogs...I literally can never read them.  Spare me. Do I have problems or do other people have issues with those, too?

Have a wonderful Wednesday! What are you loving?

Love and xoxo,


  1. loving those light fixtures, and am dissapointed that the keep calm carry on trend, like so many other awesome ideas at one time, spun out of control and became tacky instead of trendy. boo.

  2. Love it! Kristen Stewart annoys me because she always looks so miserable. I mean really, you are a highly paid actress dating RPatz, give us a smile life ain't that bad! Also hate the keep calm sayings they have permeated the market. I heart wallpaper and Chassity's blog:) Oh, and if anyone knows a way to get my blog not to display captchas help a sister out!

  3. HA! I love her "nots" as much as her "loves". Chassity is always spot on. Especially the one-look only Kristen. I didn't read Twilight until after the first movie had been cast and I had the hardest time believing anyone would fight over her. Much less a badass vampire and a hotty wolf :)

  4. Fab post!! Completely agree with those comment things haha

  5. Chassity always has her finger on the pulse of what's hot and what's not. I promise I had that skirt my Junior year of high school, from a store called Panache :) Is it wrong that I thought the sq bandaids were keep calm condoms? Now that would be CRAZY! HA

  6. Love Chassity's loves! She is fabulous!

  7. fun! love skirts like that, and i totally agree, i can never read the codes - bah!!

  8. Too funny and a fun series idea...very clever! I couldn't agree more about "keep calm"!

  9. I'm with you on every single choice Chassity- damn those captchas!!

  10. Haha--thank you for saying that about the Keep Calm line....I think that all the time!

  11. I look forward to these posts every week! Love them!

    And LOVE LOVE that skirt ... I have a love/hate relationship with those shoes ... love them, hate the pricetag! :)

    Lauren @ tickled.

  12. chassity, i hate those captchas too! you are so funny :)

  13. I had no idea they were called 'captchas' but I hate them too!

  14. I often want to bitschlap KStew. Come on, you're in a fabulous movie series, you've got money to spare, AND you're doing RPattz. Smile, fergadssakes!!!

  15. I always love hearing what Chassity has to say!! She finds such great stylish pieces.

  16. Love this post!! I, too, am not a huge fan of the keep calm sayings. Too much of a good thing is not a good thing anymore. :(

  17. Totally laughing about the bored and miserable look comment. So funny! Love Chassity.

  18. totally love this series! what a great idea!


  19. Haha I adore the "She loves me not" list -- definitely agree about Kristen Stewart! Girl needs to perk up.

  20. Agree on everyone of these, the likes and dislikes!! I heart Chassity, and fabulous blog!

  21. I know what you mean with the keep calm and carry on signs - you see them literally everywhere and I just got bored of them.

  22. Love this one!! I am definitely in agreement with her on everything. I have always thought the keep calm sayings were a little weird.

  23. Absolutely love it from head to toe...Chassity is the best and so spot on! Why is that Kristen Stewart always so miserable looking??? (c:

  24. I have never understood Kristen's sour puss looks either! She has a serious problem.

  25. I just watched the 3rd Twilight recently and seriously. Kristen Stewart annoys me. She has and shows NO emotion what so ever. And it's not just for character. Every other movie I have seen her in she has the same facial expressions and tones in her voice [i.e bad acting].

    And I agree with the Keep Calm thing. I can't believe how big it has gotten in such a short time it seems like!

  26. Love these usual!!! It's great to have women who can tell us what they love AND what they aren't too into! :)

  27. Oh my gosh Michaela and I always talk about how those stupid comment verification thingies are ridiculous! Ha it's only because I can't ever figure out what the letters are! Ha ha. Great post, Chassity!

    PS. seriously KS, smile!

  28. ha! i too hate those letter thingys! and is there anything better than an amazing light fixture?? and why is kristen always so somber? talk about annoying! ha:)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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