Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sleepy Head + Blype Date + Headboards

{There's a little something for everyone today.  The I-stay-in-my -PJ's-all-day girl, the chef, the blogging fanatic, and interior designer!}

Yesterday was unlike any day.  My first class was cancelled, so I slept in and took it upon myself to label this day as Breakfast In Bed Day.  You know, after I got out of bed to actually make the breakfast...which was obviously Eggo waffles, orange juice and strawberries.  I even dipped the strawberries in sugar, because I was feeling spunky like that.  

After breakfast in bed, I decided I should probably shower and get ready.  When I got out of the shower my sweet Blogging BFF Megan, from Across the Pond, had g-chatted me on gmail.  We got to talking and I told her I looked really embarrassing, with my wet hair and purple polar fleece robe.  I was embarrassed about the robe part mostly. But then she said she was wearing her blue fuzzy robe, too!  Then we decided to Skype. Because it was clearly the most opportune time, both in our robes and all. 

We talked for 55 minutes and within that time, our stuffed animals, Lavender and Bartholomew, started dating.
We also talked about life, school, blogging and why we could never stop, her curtains and wallpaper, our crazy thick hair, and how everything in life has potential to be a blog post.

Meg also coined a few terms recently:
Blogpopblogger friend that pops out of the blogosphere and into your reality.
Blate: Going on a date with another blogger
Blype: Skyping with a blogger BFF

Our blype was awesome. We're going to do it again soon. Probably tomorrow...maybe this time we'll do it over some tea.

After my blype, I laid in bed some more until my class. I got to thinking about headboards.  I LOVE headboards! All kinds, really. Here are some of my favs:

I adore the velvet with the nailhead trim. Gives the headboard just enough pizazz.

The geometric pattern adds interest and detail to the cute pink headboard. It almost makes it have a more grown up feel.

White tufted headboards:
YES please. I'll have the entire room, actually.

Emily A. Clark's daughter's room.  So cute and sophisticated.  I love the height of the headboard.

Simply lovely. Rustic and whimsical, you had me at hello.

Loving the shape of this headboard, as well as the tufts in the upholstery.  So elegant!

Which one is your favorite?

I highly recommend staying in bed most of the day sometime soon. It's good for the soul. Especially if you're Type A personality like me!
Also, go on a blype.  You'll love it.

Love and Bed Heads,


  1. I love this! Those terms she coined are seriously hilarious :) I laughed out loud. Aw you guys and your stuffed animals and robes are adorable!!

  2. yay for blyping! i should start a blogger dictionary...

    that picture is so.dreadful.

    of me. not you.

    bartholomew misses lavender. he told me.

    im loving the first headboard..i havnt seen one like that before.

  3. I love all of them. What beautiful images. Anything with nailhead trim has me at hello! Good for you enjoying a day in bad. Won't hurt anyone!

  4. You two crack me up!! Love that the stuffed animals are now dating!!! LOL Love all the pics of headboards. Emily's daughter's room is beautiful.

  5. Yay for blypes and dating stuffed animals ... Love the last image - I want!

  6. I love all of them, they each have a different style and feel. And yay for blog friends!!

  7. I guess I live under a rock because I have never heard of blyping lol. Looks like fun though!!

    Love those photos, you have awesome taste Michaela! :)

  8. I love the white tufted headboards, especially the first room with the gray comforter! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I also really liked the LOVE headboard!

  9. Too cute! I adore the white tufted ones and the last brownish one for the shape :)

  10. I always wanted a White tufted headboards but our bed is dark brown :(

    btw I got your package! thanks so much..i updated on my blog :D

  11. hello! just found your blog and love it!! those headboard inspirations are soo inspiring! i love that "love" one!!

  12. You 2 are the CUTEST! :)

    I LOVE all those headboards ... Especially the 'love' one ... I really want that! Project for hubs? only where would it go?! :)

    Lauren @ tickled.

  13. we need a headboard so badly, i feel like i'm still living at college sometimes!

  14. The LOVE one would be perfect for a cabin, or cottage/country style house!

  15. cute!! love the new lingo :)

    white tufted headboards are my fave. thanks for the inspiration!

  16. How fun that you guys skyped in your fuzzy robes! I keep seeing that wooden headboard all over the place and I have to say, it's incredible!

  17. OMG i love this post, it's great! so true about the Blate :)

  18. Cheers to blyping! The first and last images are calling my name. Love the folded comforter on the first bed as well. Scrumptious.

  19. I am loving those headboards. I have been itching to try to make my own upholstered headboard for some time now but am a little scared to just go out and do it. Meg is such a darling. What a cute idea, 'blyping'.

    Come check out my blog if you like:


  20. hahaha i loveeeee that you guys had a blype! that is so awesome! i went to dinner at megans on sat night actually and you got mentioned in the convo :) just about how cute you are and how we love your blog. so all good stuff of course :)!

    andd i love the 3rd headboard, and like you i want that whole room, including the flowers! xx

  21. Okay this is why everyone loves you so much! You are like the lost little sister I have never met, but love your cute lil' personality and all your random musings! I hope you take that in the compliment kind of way that I meant it! (c: And I think those words should be added to the urban dictionary...

  22. Y'all are adorable. I want to blype! With both of y'all. Ha.

    Love the headboards, especially the rustic wood one!

  23. Thanks for stopping by. I love Seattle. I was there once but didn't have much time to see the city. I've always wanted to visit the Nordstrom there. Is that silly?

  24. i sooo wish I could stay in bed!!! I haven't been able to do that since before my daughter was born! I am so jealous you got to skype with Megan. You two are so awesome :)

  25. I like Emily Clark's best, but I worry about how dirty it might get with little kids sticking their feet all over it. So jealous that you got breakfast in bed, even if you did have to make it for yourself. ;) Thanks for the comment today! We'd love to have you join us at Target any time. ;)

  26. Blogpop is an awesome word! Totally going to use it :-)
    And I love all of those headboards way to much to choose!

  27. Love all these of them even looks familiar! Happy "almost" Friday!!!

  28. ha! you are flipping hilarious! sounds like a fab blype:) and the die for!

  29. that was my day today

    and im so jealous of your guys' blype! i wanna blype with you two too! haha!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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