Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Coocoo for Cupcakes

You know as well as I do: cupcakes are all the rage.  To say I love them would be an understatement. Every time I see one my mouth waters.  In fear of sounding like I eat cupcakes for every meal, I will stop there (:

The great thing is that they are perfect for every event! Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries- you name it.
Enjoy some of my favorites I've found over the past few weeks. I may or may not have started an inspiration folder entitled "cupcakes".

I would like to bake them all in this pretty kitchen:

cupcake royale

cupcake royale

Amazing, right?

Here's some great advice that I strive to live by each day:

It's in my family room so I walk by it every day. Makes me smile (:

You know where there's going to be some yummy cupcakes?!
The blogger meet up, Flourish!  
To get more info, go here. Then sign up!

It's this Saturday, March 5th!  We're getting so excited.  Here's the guest list:
& me!

It's going to be a fun night of shopping, drinks and good friends. Oh, and cupcakes of course!

Love and Cupcakes,


  1. oh my goodness, those cupcakes are fabulous! Making me hungry and I haven't baked some in a while.... hmmm what to do today? :)

  2. Why are you tempting me with all these cupcakes before I have even had breakfast? Now I am going to have to pick up a cupcake today. Those all look scrumptious! xoxo

  3. it's not even 8AM and i've already decided i must have a cupcake today ... but who am i kidding? i could eat one everyday! :)

    so wish wasn't SO far away otherwise i'd HAVE to be on that guest list too! :)

    Lauren @ tickled.

  4. Stopppp! lol. I could seriously eat an entire batch of cupcakes all to myself, oh how wrong that would be but deep down would feel totally right.

    I really love that Kitchen however. That looks just as delicious!

  5. so jealous about the blogger meet up..I wanna play!

    Is it weird that i rather look at cupcakes then eat them? and that when i do eat them i take off the frosting?

    can we still be friends?

  6. Love all the pics of cupcakes...now I have to make some today:)

  7. Mmm .. now I want cupcakes! Love all the cupcake pictures! I love the kitchen too and how the green really stands out! :)

  8. now you've got me craving cupcakes!! : )

  9. Fab kitchen to bake them in!! Two of my friends are starting up a cupcake business and they sometimes bring a few to class...delicious snack for crappy classes :)

  10. Cupcakes are so fun to make it just sucks that there are always so many in a batch. I want to have one or two but if they are sitting in the kitchen I have to eat more! :) I love the flower tree made of cupcakes!

  11. I think I just gained 10 pounds looking at all those yummy cupcakes!!

  12. Dang it! Why don't I live closer to Seattle??? (c: I think you just convinced me to bake me some cupcakes today...

  13. Those cupcakes look AMAZING! Thanks for leading me to your blog!!!! <3

  14. beautiful inspiration pictures! i love cupcakes...especially strawberry :)

  15. cupcakes are going to kill me! they are everywhere and soooooo cute! :)

  16. Oh my WORD. I am a serious cupcake-addict, too. And these photos are all making me drool. I especially love the one with the hands holding the cupcake (from Cupcake Couture). I might just have to paint that one...

  17. Yummm, you're making me hungry missy! I love those green chairs in that kitchen, they're so adorable.

  18. i ordered a dozen red velvet cupcakes just because i've been craving them and want a treat...of course i'm sharing :) i pick them up thursday after work from my fav cupcake baker in Toronto.

  19. I bet that cupcake cookbook I got you is perfect for your obsession. I can't wait to try all of them as soon as I come to Seattle!

  20. Love love love love love!!! Cupcakes are the BEST! :)

  21. If you get that kitchen...I'm coming over to bake cupcakes ;)

  22. OMG, I love cupcakes too! They're so beautiful and delicious. My 3 year old only eats the frosting though, which cracks me up. I think they should make just "frosting blobs" for little kids!


  23. love the cupcakes ... each so unique ... and the lovely quote "live life one cupcake at a time" is a beauty

    Super Yummy Recipes

  24. I need a cupcake now!! Good thing a new cupcakery opened in my hometown so I can cure my craving :).

  25. i literally just made cupcakes after seeing this post
    defiantly doing a post about them on my blog! inspiration ! xx

  26. YUM!!! Cupcakes are divine!! I love them all. Wish I could be at the meet up!! So jealous!

  27. I could live off of cupcakes!!!

  28. cupcakes don't exist over here in my part of europe and it KILLS me.

  29. OMG! I REALLY want a cupcake after seeing those pictures...I like those green chairs too....

    I never advertise my giveaways via comments to others, but it seems fitting that I tell you I am having a giveaway right now for an awesome bottle cap cupcake necklace. You would wear it so well Michaela!

    Take care,

  30. Wow, I just want to run out to Billy's or Magnolia's which are popular cupcake places here in NYC... These are so yummy looking!!

    Follow me @:

  31. I love it!
    Those are AMAZING Cupcake pictures you found!
    Happy days!

  32. Those cupcakes look absolutely delicious!! Aw, and I SO wish I lived closer. The blogger meet up is going to be so much fun!! Please post about it :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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