Thursday, March 10, 2011

Field Trip: Ecohaus

Last week my Sustainability & Materials class went on my favorite field trip so far.  To be honest, at the beginning of this class, I wasn't on board at all with this whole "go green" thing.  I wouldn't say I'm 100% convinced still, but I do see value in doing what we can to help reduce our carbon footprint on the earth. I think it's important to be good stewards of the earth we live on, even if our contribution is very small.  Ecohaus is a great company which believes in beautiful homes using beautiful materials, while also being careful to use materials that are sustainable, environmentally friendly and in abundance. From flooring, countertops, cabinetry, and even paint, all products they carry are as non-toxic as possible, in order to promote clean, healthy living spaces.

Here are some pictures I took from our tour and also some I pulled of their website.

We'll start with cabinetry:
All the cabinets are formaldehyde free and made from FSC harvested woods. They're non-toxic from start to finish!

Not quite my style, but nonetheless, this is pretty cool! The wood grain is different and modern.

Moving to countertops:

I'm kind of loving butcher block in a rich, dark stain.  The entire kitchen counter may be a bit over-kill, but I think it'd be a great island finish.

These are both great materials, because they are in abundance and are reused and recycles materials. Paper stone is made from recycled paper and resin-free petroleum.  Mountain stone is composited of recycled paper, glass and cement.

I also love this type of countertop created from broken mirrors, glass bottles and cement:

Onto flooring!
Engineered hardwood:

This is a mixed-wood reclaimed hardwood floor:

American Clay:
Loving this option! It's straight up water and clay mixed with a non-toxic pigment.  Such fun texture!

Lastly, I have to share something.  Warning...they actually sell this. It is not a joke, even though my entire class broke out into laughter when she told us they carry a compost toilet:

Shut up...I know. I'm sorry, but no one will be using a step stool to use the restroom in my house.  This is where I draw the line. Duh.

Aside from the toilet, everything else is great! Ecohaus's warehouse showroom is amazing:

What do you think about the concept of sustainability? Would you consider using some of there materials in your home?

Love and Field Trips,


  1. hold up. composit toilet? why does it need a step stool? this went above me.

  2. Okay, I am all for sustainablity and going greener, but a compost toilet?? Ewwww!!!

  3. Nothing like doing your business in a 'bucket'... with style haha.

  4. ok first ... compost toilet? gross. eeeeeeew. {ok, I'm done}

    I absolutely LOVE reclaimed wood floors ... Those will be in every room of my dream home! We'll all be able to have our own dream home one day, right? :)

    xo! Lauren @ tickled.

  5. yeah that's going a little too far with the composite toilet. gross

  6. So many pretty things! I definitely agree with you that I probably won't ever be 100% enviro friendly, but it's important to do our bit to help. Looks like there's some gorgeous options to help us :)

  7. you always go to the best places! i love butcher block...the toilet? kinda weird:) ha!

  8. It's so fun to go on these field trips with you! That toilet is craaaazaaaay! :)

  9. I think sustainability is important. There’s some great stuff that people throw away that can be given a new life with a little bit of repurposing! I love finding old beat up furniture and giving it a makeover. I also love that recycled glass and mirror countertop and the reclaimed wood floors are amazing!! Now, the toilet is a little much……...weird.

  10. can't. stop. the stove in the first pic. mmmm, pretty!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. HA! That toilet, Michaela :) Too funny. But I do love the butchers block countertops. And the silver coloured countertops are so fab too. The warehouse looks fun and could potentially be dangerous for me I think haha XOXO

  13. I went to college at the University of Michigan, and a while back they were at the forefront for doing green things to update their buildings. The building that housed the School of Natural Resources and Environment added composting toilets and they had major problems with flies being all around the toilets and getting into the classrooms... not sure what they ever did to fix that problem, but I agree... you have to draw the line. No composting toilet in my place, thanks! (:

  14. Great field trip! Thanks for sharing. I like the use of butcher block on counters, but I agree with you- if it's a dark stain and only on the island! I also like the sustainable counters made with recycled products. I try and go green (a little bit) by using low VOC paint in our home. It's amazing how it doesn't smell at all. Happy (almost) weekend!

  15. New Follower and I must say I love your blog! My husband and I are building a new house so I am LOVING looking at the kitchen pictures!

  16. Love the butcher block counter tops and totally agree with the idea of having it on the kitchen island!

  17. So on board with the going green...I'm reading your post and it was like "yes! cool!" and then "wtf???" when I got to the toilet...apparently everyone else was on that same wavelength! I'm pretty sure that I think my compost will stick to food and not...well, the other stuff (c:

  18. We totally have a compostable toilet, it's call our yard ;) Only joking. Although I do love that paper stone countertop!

  19. Very informative post Michaela. Even if we all contribute a little like you said, adding all of us up, will amount to a lot!

    Take care,

  20. That toilet freaks me out. Speechless.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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