Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spotted: Ugly Dresser

I'm the type who has the idea and wants to put it into action as soon as possible. When I get going on a project, I want to finish it that day, and make it really good.  I'm like a speed racer perfectionist.  So, it was no surprise to my mom and dad when I called to tell them I needed the big car to pick up the dresser I found on day one of the search. To read the plan, go here.

After going to 2 Goodwill's and 1 other consignment store, I found the perfect ugly, beaten up dresser.  Goodwill's price was $79, but I noticed one of the drawer pulls was missing.  I may have haggled the price down to $70.  Yes, I bargained the price down at Goodwill, and yes, I'm really happy with the $9 sittin' pretty in my wallet.  I count this as a good deal because the dressers at the consignment store were $200-300 range.

Want to see the beauty?

It's dinged up everywhere, but it's all getting painted white!
Aren't the keyholes charming?!

My idea is to keep these bottom handles and polish them nice and purty:

I'll be changing out the top drawer knobs for something a little more...well, chic. Like, Anthro chic!
Here are some of my favorites:

Ultimately, I'm going for something vintage and classic. Don'tcha think that would be lovely?

I'm also painting it white. But first, according to Centsational Girl's painted dresser tutorial, I'm going to sand it, get a great primer, cover it with a paint and additive {called Floetrol} which makes the paint stay wet longer {that way brush strokes don't show up}. After the paint dries and cures, I'm going to give it a coat of Polycrylic to seal it! That doesn't sound hard or anything, right?

Soon it will look like this:
Centsational Girl
I'm also planning on lining the dresser drawers in a cute paper or fabric. I loved the paper Cassie from Hi Sugarplum chose for her daughter's highboy:

Kate also added some fun paper to her daughter's desk:

I can't wait to get started.  Keep the refinishing furniture tips coming. I'm soaking in all the info I can get!
I'm sharing this post with:

Love and Getting Antsy to Finish the Project,


  1. Oh I can almost see how gorgeous that dresser would look like...
    and I'm lovin' the pretty papers. ♥

  2. Beautiful beaten up dresser! - I can't wait to see the final product! My favorite knob is the first one :)


  3. What a great find! I love the anthro knobs too! Should be a great reveal.. looking forward to it!

  4. Love love love the #2 and #3 knobs! So beautiful! Can't wait for the end-results! xo, Gabbie

  5. Love a project - cant wait to see the finished project! It has great bones!!!

  6. I love the lines of the dresser!! It is going to look fabulous when you are done, I know it! BTW I would have haggled the price too:)

  7. That is going to look really wonderful! I can't wait to see pictures of the final product... and I'm TOTALLY the same way with projects. Blessing and curse.


  8. Can't wait to see ittttt!! FYI, World Market has lots of Anthro-ish knobs for about 1/4 of the price : )

  9. Awesome find!!! I'm sure it'll turn out beautiful :-)

  10. Ohhhh, that's going to look sooo good when you're done!! Can't wait to see your progress. Love the glass knobs!! And I'm definitely going to have to line my dresser with some pretty paper like that!!

  11. How funny . . was going to mention the world market knobs, too! Such a great piece. I know you will make it a stunner. Good luck with the project.

  12. LOOOOOVE number 3!! it's going to look amazing and I can't wait to see the finished project.

  13. Great dresser! Can't wait to see it all "dressed" up!! I'm with Michelle and Courtney, World Market has some great knobs as does Hobby Lobby.

  14. Can't wait to see it when it's done! Make sure to paint it in a well ventilated area (or a garage) and wear a mask! I just sprayed my lamps (http://blueribbonstudio.blogspot.com/2011/03/how-i-spent-my-sunday.html) and it wasn't as easy as I thought... Glad I had my dad teach me while doing it!

  15. oh it's so fabulous! i cannot wait to see it all finished:) love all the anthro knobs too!

  16. What a steal!! Can't wait to see the finished product!!

  17. it's going to look fabulous!! and i LOVE the idea of lining the drawers!! very fun! :-)

  18. Fab piece!!! Definitely going to look stunning painted and dolled up :)

  19. What a great piece Michaela! As soon as the weather warms up a little more I'll be tackling the dresser for the babies nursery! :)

    Can't wait to see what you do with this piece!

  20. SO much potential! I love it and can't wait to see it white! :) Have a lovely day! xoxo

  21. I think it's going to turn out absolutely beautiful! It has so much character!

  22. I'm excited to see how your dresser turns out! I think it's awesome that you got $9 off of the price too. Way to go.

    I love the knobs that you chose... I think the first one is my favorite but only because that would look great against the white and it's one of my favorite colors. ;)

    I think you're going to do a great job and I can't wait to see the finished product.

  23. Love it! Don't get too antsy with paint though, because it's best to let it do it's full drying thing. Otherwise, this go awry fast!

  24. This is going to be beautiful!! Rock on sista :) I love the #2 and #3 fixtures! Can't wait to see the end product...

  25. love the idea of lining the drawers!! so pumped to see the finished product :)

  26. Girl, I'm the SAME WAY! If I find a project I want to do, I go out that same day and get to it! That dresser is gorgeous, can't wait to see the finished product! :)

  27. I have bargained at the goodwill before! It's always worth a try! The 2 dressers I have redone I also added drawer liners too, it really finishes the transformation off!

  28. yay you found it! Can't wait to see the finished project!

  29. Just A Girl has a great tutorial on painting furniture white and it requires NO sanding! I'll send you the link if you like! :)

    Can't wait to see the finished product...this a GREAT find!

  30. Yay...it's going to look amazing! I can't wait to see the finished project! I love the idea of lining it with cute and colorful paper!!

  31. What an awesome dresser! It has so much potential, i can just envision it! I love the knobs you have picked out, its going to be so pretty!

  32. OOooohhh! I hope you finish soon because I can't wait to see it!!!!! Love fixing up ugly finds!

  33. Great find! I'm excited to see the end result. It's going to be beautiful:-) Glass knobs/handles=always a good choice! xoxo

  34. That is a PERFECT ugly dresser!! Can't wait to see it when you're finished :)

  35. Such a great find! Now if only one of those would pop up at my Goodwill! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  36. Can't wait to see the finished product. :)

  37. Love love love it, girlfriend but you already knew that :) hehe and the knobs in photo number three are what we have in our washroom and I lurve them!! Whee!! Chat with you soon muffin xoxo

  38. i thought i commented on this. clearly i didnt. which is upsetting for multiple reasons.

    i literally cannot wait to see the finished product of your dresser. mainly because then you will be pro and can do all my furniture for me one day.


  39. That dresser has a lot of potential! I can picture how amazing is going to look! I just discovered your blog and I am your new follower.

    xoxo from NY
    please stop my new blog and support.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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