Wednesday, April 6, 2011

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Bright Wishes

Today the adorable Brooke is here from Bright Wishes
Brooke has the sweetest heart and her blog always give me so much inspiration She's planning a wedding, so I love following along with that, too! Let's hear what she's loving and what she's not:


1. Cake - craving this cake so much. It looks so fluffy and delicious.

2. Window Panes - I think they are such a great idea to use in a wedding.

3. Kid's Jersey Headband- This is so cute and probably very easy to make. If only I knew how to make the flower!
via Pinterest - can't find the source :/

4. Watching Old Shows on YouTube- remember So Weird on Disney Channel?


1. Medium Length Hair - I would really like to do this:
Time to start growing out my hair so it actually works :D

2. Spring Finale of Pretty Little Liars- What am I supposed to watch on Monday nights?

3. The wait for Harry Potter Part 2- It's killing me. My fiance & I love Harry Potter, we even saw it the night we got engaged because we promised each other we'd wait to be together to see it!

Thanks for having me Michaela. This was so much fun :D

Thank you, Brooke! That cake looks amazing right about now (:
Be sure to pop over and say hello to Brooke and sweetie pie daughter {who is oh-so-cute!}



  1. Agreed about waiting for tv shows & movies. No fun haha
    And that cake does look pretty darn delicious :)

  2. Love her loves! Mm.. cake!! I dislike when my favorite shows go off too! Great post, Brooke :)

  3. Great post and I wish PLL was on still too and we didn't have to wait :-(

  4. I love all these photos! That headband is perfect! I wish I was crafty ;X

  5. Seriously! Mondays went from the best night on TV (Bachelor and PLL) to so boring. I can't wait for the premiere in June!

  6. Almost couldn't get past the first picture of the cake! YUM!!! I'm with ya on the medium length hair!!

  7. that headband is so adorable! worth having a baby for...okay, maybe i'm being dramatic.

  8. Can't wait for Harry Potter!! And that cake looks delicious (p.s. wedding color)!

  9. I haven't seen part one of the final Harry Potter.... oops! I prefer to watch them on my couch (ya know in the privacy of my own home so people don't tease me )

    I want cake ANYTIME someone on tv has a slice.. it's bad.

    I didn't get into Pretty Little Liars until this season... ok fine the marathon they did on the last day drew me in... and now I miss it : (


  10. i was trying to resist the goodies in the office kitchen...but that cake picture just pushed me over the edge :)

  11. That cake looks incredible. Thanks for sharing Brooke. I love those window panes too.

  12. Oh my God, the cake looks so delicious! I'm really craving cake right now. And the headband, so adorable! The baby helps a lot, what a cutie!

  13. ah a girl after my own heart. PLL (please god who is A???!) and cake. and omg. So weird on disney. holy childhood memeories.

  14. I am DYING for that cake right now & that jersey headband is too adorable. I want one! x

  15. The cake looks delicious!! I love the headband and the hairstyle. They are both so cute!

  16. great guest post.

    you are BOTH so cute!

  17. I want that piece of cake right now, my mouth is watering. I think I need to start watching Pretty Little Liars, everyone loves it!

  18. She is so very cute and after the comments about cake and Harry Potter, I'm pretty convinced we could be besties. (c: And I'm with Natalie...where is a big, huge cake when I need it???

  19. Oh Brooke is an absolute sweetheart! I love this series :) That cake made me want dessert before dinner tonight, and that jersey knit headband is so cute I want one for myself!

    And yay for being in the NW! I grew up in Vancouver, WA :) My brother is currently living in Seattle...such a gorgeous city! :)

  20. That cake looks beyond delicious and I love the little headbands! :)

  21. yay. i love brooke and i love you so this was perfect.
    seriously obsessed with harry potter too :) x

  22. Beautiful post! We love Brooke!! :)

  23. agreed! i cannnot wait for harry potter!

  24. Love her loves :) We have some window panes hanging in our living room and I LOVE them!

  25. Awe! I love Brooke! And that cake is looking DELICIOUS!!

  26. that cake has me drooling!!!

    xo! Lauren @ tickled.

  27. I love Brooke! I wish that my hair looked like Michaela's, too!

  28. aww you girls are so much fun!
    Love that little headband and M's hair piece! Awesome round up!

  29. i love brooke :) this is so sweet. and michaela, your hair in that picture is adorable! i really need to learn how to make those little flowers

  30. i know! (re PLL) i have no idea what to watch on monday nights either! and i'm on the edge of my seat!

  31. i love brooke! and that cake looks AMAZING.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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