Friday, May 20, 2011

Fashion Friday #34: The Best Day Ever

Ah....Friday has come. I'm so glad (:  I have a huge test in the class I'm struggling in, so Lord hear my prayer: I need help.  I studied and I'm going in with confidence and that's all I can do!  
Moving on.

Since my best friend is here, we went down town today {took the bus, which was quite the adventure} for pedicures and shopping. Needless to say, it was the best day ever. We took the opportunity of it being the warmest day this year to snap some pictures.  Here's what we're wearing this week:

And, I know what you may be thinking: "Michaela, put on a sweater, scarf and jacket!" But guess what? I don't need one (:

Romper: Target {LOVE}
Sweater: Hollister

Dress: American Eagle
Shoes: Steve Madden
Flower Clip: Whippy's Alyssa's. I stole it (:

When we went shopping, I tried on this maxi dress. I didn't get it because I'm practicing self control {my mom is so proud of me right now}.
What do you all think about it? 

We also went to Anthropologie, which I'll be sharing about more next week. For now, here are some of my favorite looks from Anthro:

Hi adorable maxi dress (:

I think that's some great fashion eye candy to tie you over for the day!  Come back Monday because there will be something real fun happening over here. It starts with a "G" and ends with an "iveaway".  Awesome (:



  1. you are SO. CUTE. love that you had a good nice WARM day with a good friend.

    good job on the self control. That is something that I need to be better at and my husband would LOVE if I could do. and I will, promise :)

  2. I love that romper that your friend is wearing. It is super cute. I was shocked it was from Target. I'm definitely heading over to Target. They have such great clothes. I also love your dress from AE. Great Photos :]!

  3. You two look like you're having a great time visiting!! Love the dress you tried on, and the yellow one from Anthro! Have a great weekend and good luck on your test.

  4. i have that same american eagle dress :) and wow, you have some major self control because that maxi dress looks fabulous on you!!

  5. Love the striped cardigan from Hollister! I have to say that I think you need to go back and get that maxi because it looks so amazing on you! Its adorable! It would be perfect with a little motorcycle jacket! You def need to add it to your closet! You only live once remember....Have a Happy Friday!

  6. You always look so cute and your hair is always perfect! So funny I tried on that same stripped maxi dress at Nordys! I too was trying to practice self control and didn't buy it! But I thought it was a good price for a maxi dress! Have a great weekend Michaela!

  7. You look so happy and smiley : ) So glad you have Alyssa there!! Good luck on your test, love.

  8. maybe since you practiced control your mommy will get the dress for you as a surprise... i mean she knows which one it is now :)

  9. You both look so happy :)


  10. Cute, cute pictures of your girls! So glad you finally got to enjoy some sunshine!!! Good luck on your test today, I'm sure you'll rock it! Xo, Katie

  11. Wait...I've been looking for a striped maxi for weeks!! Where did you find that one??? Loving your friends romper from Target and you look adorable in your spring dress! :)

  12. Oh, Anthro. I love. And you girls looked SO cute in your warm weather outfits! :)

  13. That dress is super cute! I would have not been able to practice such control, good job, girl!

    Hope the test went well!

  14. I've been trying to practice Self-control lately, but I failed miserably yesterday :( And I've pinned that first anthro outfit..I love it! I actually picked up that skirt last week, looked at the price tag, and had to put it right back down. Maybe I can just sew one?!

  15. I love the dress from American Eagle! My sister has the same one & I love to steal it from her ;)

  16. Ah! I have been a terrible friend and I haven't been to your blog in a little bit. Oh how I've missed it. And these new design changes are AWESOME! Oh and one more thing - this mini-shoot you had in Seattle is making me want to re-live our shoot! :)

  17. I intern at Anthropologie right now! Can't wait to see your post about it :)

  18. All the self-control should've taken a break, that maxi-dress is gorgeous!So is the yellow one. I am still hunting for one that is not going to make me look even smaller =/
    Anyway... if my bff had that clip I would've "stolen" it for me too - It's too cute!

    xoxo, Ana

  19. Beautiful photos! I love the outfits. And you ROCK that maxi dress!

  20. it's so nice to see you not all bundled up!

  21. You are so adorable! I'm such a terrible influence - but I LOVE that maxi dress on you! ;)

    Happy weekend, Michaela! Good luck with that upcoming test.

  22. It's quite shocking to see your legs and arms. Haha. You are tan. I'm jealous.

    I love love love that maxi dress on you!! You totally need to go back and get it. Like right now. Or buy it for me. : ) Where was it from?

  23. You and your bf both look so cute and I'm so glad Seattle is starting to allow you to go outside without being covered from head to toe!

    Love the long dress look on you - you totally pull it!


  24. Aw what a fun day with your friend! That maxi dress is super cute too!!

  25. LOVE your sandals! and that pinkish/redish maxi skirt NEEDS to be in my closet. like yesterday.
    xo::Lauren @ tickled.

  26. Yay for the self-control. BUT- that dress is super cute!

  27. Love love love your blog! Stumbled upon it this afternoon, and have stalked it since. Can't wait to continue reading.

  28. oh girl, i know that exact feeling before a test so crucial to your career - i'm sure you nailed it!

    glad to see you girls had quite the awesome day, even the weather cooperated - bonus! i love your photos, so cute. have to say, i'm not sure about that particular maxi on you. only because you have a freakin' amazing figure. perhaps it's the stripes, you are very petite, yes? so something that directed the eyes towards length in the pattern would be my suggestion or a jewel or deeper color. hope it's okay to say so, i just think you are adorable and everything i've seen you wear makes this a pale comparison.

    Anthro rules! our 1st one opened up recently, i'm over the moon about it - thanks for your comment there by the way. happy weekend to you. ♥

  29. I love the romper and striped sweater!!! So comfy-chic! :D

    <3 Belly B

  30. as always--so freakin cute! and yes--anthro is da best! happy weekend~

  31. You two are two cute lil' peas in a pod (c: Count me in as being proud of you for your self control because that maxi is CA-UTE on you! (c: Anthro is like my Kryptonite...seriously.

  32. Yay for sunny days! We've had day after day of rain up here and we finally had a sunny weekend :D

    I love that maxi dress! I'm usually not a fan, but that one is super cute!

    And Anthro, oh Anthro, you steal my heart everytime. They're stuff is just too awesome.

  33. You look so stinkin' cute! And great pictures!

  34. pretty pretty lady. and...way cute anthro finds! ahhh!

  35. Aww now I'm missing my bestie. :(

    She's all the way in Germany.

    Really love the maxi dresses, wish I wasn't so short & could pull them off.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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