Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hello, Seattle!

Today my best friend Alyssa arrived, so I toured her around my school. I realized I had never showed you pictures of my campus.  Today that changes!  Here are some pictures of the lovely brick buildings I fell in love with initially.  It's sunny and warm now, too! Bonus!

Oldest building on campus: 

Beautiful, right? I just love the small campus...mostly because I'm not the biggest fan of walking long distances. That's a whole other blog post though (:

Where did you go to college? Big or small campus?

PS. I'm guest posting over at My Newly Wed Life today sharing what I'd do with her new family room and giving tips on how to decorate your first home. Check it out and say hello to Ana (:


  1. Your campus looks lovely! and I love the Vespa, someday I will own one, I will.

  2. Beautiful campus. Our oldest's is similar in that is to has a lot of pretty green space!

  3. great photos! and a seriously beautiful campus. I went to a small campus in tennessee that was equally and beautiful, but in a different way :) i agree too, i liked the shorter distance walks between classes! ha!

  4. I went to a college with a smaller campus too! So easy to navigate and I could make it from one side to the other in a decent amount of time. My husband (then boyfriend) used to tease me that it was small compared to his large state school, but then I reminded him that he had to take the bus to get from one class to another. I'd take walkable campus over that!!

  5. I went to school at Penn State, so it was a huge campus! There were about 43,000 students on campus, and sometimes you had to walk half an hour to get to class! I LOVED it though, and by senior year I was wishing it was just a tiny bit bigger!

  6. Love your small campus - I went to UGA which was honestly like its own small country! The hilly walking was pretty painful, but it was such a fun place to go to school!

  7. Your campus looks beautiful! I went to a small college too and I loved it!

  8. I also went to a small campus and wouldn't have had it any other way. But what was neat is it was right next to a huge university, so we got all the "big school" perks without having to actually go to a big school.

  9. you are the cutest thing! glad we got a tour of your pretty campus. enjoy time with your friend! i went to a small college... and then a big one for grad school. i think i like small best (:

  10. It looks beautiful! I love the red brick road. I went to school in NYC so i missed out on the beautiful campus life but I got to enjoy the crazy city which was wonderful! Where else can you get Indian/Thai/Italian/Chinese/ANY food at 2 am?

  11. I haaaate walking all across creation to get to my classes. It definitely brings out the lazy in me. Haha!

  12. I love the two of you sitting on a curb! Great photo!

  13. the campus is so pretty! have a blast with your friend :)

  14. I bet you're super happy to have your friend there with you! Plus you have sun... double bonus.

    Your campus looks beautiful. I just love brick buildings on college campuses. They seem so knowledgeable, those buildings. Glad to hear that they're close together for you! (:

    I went to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Our campus was huuuuge. My school was on the north campus, so I had to drive or take the bus from the "central campus". There were a couple of days where I called a snow day, because I was too afraid to go outside in the wind and snow haha.

  15. Such a cute campus! I went to Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo! I think it's considered a smaller campus...we had no more than 30 students in my classes, but I think there were about 20,000 students there. Loved's such a great time in life! :)

  16. I definitely went to a big campus...not nearly so charming as yours! It's just so cute! I'm a sucker for brick...

  17. I live right around the corner from your campus & drive by it often! I love how small & cute it is!

  18. What a beautiful little campus :) So glad your friend is there to visit! xoxo

  19. I love SPU's campus, it reminds me a lot of Whitman, where I went to school. Small campuses are the best, though we still managed to drive the two blocks to the grocery store...hmm

  20. For undergrad, I went to a very small private school (Only one thousand people!!!) I loved it! But my graduate school is the flagship of my state and will be HUGE!!!

  21. what a gorgeous campus! brick buildings are so charming :-) i went to tufts university in boston - jessica biel lived in my dorm!

  22. So beautiful out! I hope you girls enjoy your weekend and you take her to the market for fresh doughnuts!

  23. I LOVE your campus! I also went to a small private university called California Lutheran University. In fact, I think we fall into the same size division as your school and that our study abroad centers may have collaborated on some stuff :)

    So wonderful that your bf could come visit!


  24. So beautiful. I loved college! Enjoy the time with your friend.

  25. i went to a big school but your campus is GORGEOUS! reminds me of the notre dame campus - very classy :)

  26. This seriously looks exactly like my college campus! It was full of brick buildings and lots of grass and trees! TWINS!

  27. Beautiful campus! I toured the University of the Pacific law school in Sacramento--nothing like brick buildings and lots of green trees!


  28. You go to SPU?! Awesome! I went to UW. Love the pics and you look so happy to have her visit:-)

    I've so been MIA and miss your blog hun, hope things are well!

  29. Michaela How fun!! is that your scooter.Adore it!

    Art by Karena

    Come and enter my New Giveaway from Serena & Lily! You will love it!

  30. Lovely photos. It reminds me of when I toured Providence College right before I graduated H.S. -My sister lives in Seattle and she says it's very beautiful up there! :)

  31. It's lovely!! I go to school right downtown in a big city so there's not a lot of greenspace. But the campus itself isn't very big, which is definitely nice!

  32. Is that a Vespa? How Chic.

    I go to a University here in SA.
    I really wanted to go out of San Antonio, for school.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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