Saturday, May 14, 2011

Let's Get Real

Sometimes it's so easy to blog about the beautiful stuff and forget to let everyone know you are human.  Today I'm being honest and letting you in on my real life.

In school I've always really struggled with reading and test-taking.  Especially standardized tests.  Every since I was young, I've had poor reading comprehension, which would cause me to take twice as long to read something as someone else, and at the end of reading it, sometimes I'd have no clue what I even read.  I was always last in finishing the reading, last in reading an article and responding to it, and being last was not okay with me.  

Somehow I think this reading comprehension issue was translated into my standardized test taking skills.  But mostly, I just struggle with severe test anxiety.  I could study for hours and know the information backwards and forwards and still,  I psych myself out before the test even begins.  In high school I could manage this because 1) tests weren't worth as much of you final grade and 2) The tests were a lot easier than in college.  Now in college, it's been much harder because tests are worth way more than projects and homework {which I excel in} and boy, the tests hard! Multiple choice tests get me every time.  For some reason when my brain sees all the answers, I suddenly begin freaking out and thinking that any of the answers seem right.  I'm much better at fill in the blanks, short answers or essay questions because I feel like I can fully unload what I know and show the teacher I really studied by explaining my answer.  

This past quarter I've been really down about my scores on exams, so when I had a test this past Thursday, I felt like just giving up and not even studying. But my mom encouraged me to still put effort in and continually be in prayer.  Take a deep breath and be confident in my knowledge of the subject.  
So that's what I did.  I studied like crazy, verbalized the information out loud while studying, wrote it out on my whiteboard {yes, that's how I study}, and tried to relax as much as possible.
I took the test and right after the test, we were able to grade it.  As I was correcting my test, I had the biggest smile on my face, because answer after answer was correct.  Was this really MY test?! Yes it was!  I ended up getting a B+ on the test, and that was like getting an A in my eyes.  

The next day I got an A on a quiz, too! I don't know what's happening, but I could start getting used to it (:  It's just what I needed to give me that extra confidence to get through the quarter.  Right when I was the most frustrated about the situation was when it turned around.

This taught me to keep trying. Keep putting in the effort, because someday it will pay off.
Mama, I'll send you the test in the mail soon so you can hang it on the fridge.

In other news, my mom sent me this picture this morning:

Apparently, Shasta goes in my room and lays down a lot now.  The cute little fur-ball misses me. Let's just be honest mom, I'm her favorite. 4 more weeks, Shasta, then I'm home!

Have a wonderful weekend!

PS. If you missed my headband hair tutorial because of the craziness of blogland, it's over here.


  1. Congrats! It's so exciting to experience progress when you are putting in the effort!

  2. yay!!! that is wonderful! congrats and keep up the good work- you CAN do it!!!

  3. Yea, good for you! I always had to study extra hard in school too so I know how it is.

  4. That is awesome!! Congratulations:-)

  5. Aw, thanks for sharing this!! I have college test-taking struggles, too. Those suckers are hard. I get super-nervous when I know the test is worth 20% of my final grade. And sometimes, this blanks my mind, too!

    I try to say a prayer before every test I take now, too. I just ask God for His strength. Mostly, because I know that will keep my mind focused, calm and I will be able to see the answers more clearly. God is so good.

    I hope you're doing well as you finish up school! I had no idea your college goes so late. I finished almost a month ago now. My last day was April 19th, last final was April 22nd. It feels so good to be done... hang in there and keep being strong!


  6. School is STRESSFUL. Especially when you're doing everything you can to do the best you can. I am so disappointed in how this semester turned out for me, but I know I'm not defined by it. The Lord will STILL use me in a school, in a child's life even though my GPA was low this semester. I know that the Lord has big things to do through you too! Congrats on that awesome grade! I know you deserve it!

  7. Such a cute picture of your dog! and oh my goodness I hate taking tests too, They freak me out! CONGRATS on getting a B+ Thats awesome!

  8. Congratulations! I can totally relate as I am not good with standardized tests either. But I worked hard just like you and got through them! So happy for you.

  9. uggh, I don't envy you being in college still when it comes to homework or tests. I swear I still have nightmares about forgetting I signed up for a class and showing up on the last day for a final I knew I would fail. And it's been 8 years!!!
    Great job girl and keep up the AWESOME work!!!

  10. Great job on your test! I've had the same problems with reading comprehension in school. In high school, I was always the last one to hand in my test cause I re-read the question like a million times to make sure I understand lol. Pays off though, when you get a good grade :)

  11. I'm so with you on test taking. Somehow I always psych myself out and get down on myself. I always think I have the worst grades and by the time grades are submitted and released I end up with B's and an occasional A and always surprise myself. My mom always tells me "I'm so smart and don't give myself enough credit yada yada :)" But somehow I always feel like I'm going to fail a class. It's so weird and I'm glad to know I'm not alone!

  12. I'm not a big fan of multiple choice tests either. All of the choices do tend to start looking like they could be right... ugh. So glad that you got a B+, that is like an A!

    Pictures of your dog just make me melt... she does look like she misses you. I bet she'll be thrilled to have you back. (:

  13. i'm going to seattle on a mission trip in the middle of june.. any things i should know to prepare, packing wise? :)

  14. YAY! That's so exciting! :) You're doing great :)

    Shasta is too sweet!! I <3 her!

  15. Congrats Michaela! I can sooo sympathyze with you. I was the same way...could study for hours and then the minute the test was put in front of me I would totally blank! Kate is similar...she is VERY bright and articulate...she has a really hard time putting her thoughts together and spitting them out (especially verbally)...she is full IB Diploma, Honor Roll, and her 1st SATs stunk!! Well, not really, she was better than average but not what she expected given what she knows!! I personally hate standardized tests. One test should not make or break a child!!! My two cents as a mom of two soon to be seniors (one college, one high school).

  16. You are such a little smarty pants! So proud of you!! : )

  17. Congrats on the great mark girl! You work so hard and definitely deserved it! :) Hope you enjoy the weekend!

  18. Good for you!! That is so awesome! I was never much of a test taker myself. Must feel great!

  19. Congrats on your tests... that is awesome girl!!! We all have our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to academics... I also HATE multiple choice because there always seems to be two answers that could be right and then I psych myself out.


  20. congrats on your good grades! College is certainly way different than high school and I had to learn all over again to get by. But once you find out the right way for -you- to study, you'll do great! COngrats!!!

  21. yay!! for a B+

    ps. its okay if you are not the most jam at reading comprehension (im not either) because you make up for it in your other areas of talent like Fashion and Design!

  22. What a great feeling! Congratulations!

  23. So proud of you!! I was the same way Tests gave me major anxiety!!! Congrats enjoy your success and your weekend:)

  24. Yay! I've never done well on standardized testing. I do okay on normal tests and exams, but standardized ones just aren't for me. That is so great that your hard work is paying off :) Best of luck for the rest of your term!

  25. That's awesomeee! Congrats! :)
    P.S. You're adorable and so is Shasta! :)

  26. Yay!!! I knew you could do it girlfriend. You're awesome!! xoxo

  27. That's so great, girl! Congratulations!

  28. Love the new look of your blog!!

  29. I get nervous about testing too, when it comes to math :/ So I get your feeling about your B feeling like an A. Congrats! :)

  30. ohhh girl, i can SO relate to the reading comprehension issues. ah! sooo glad you got a B+!!! and the A on the quiz!!!

  31. So proud of you! While I don't struggle with reading comprehension, I do with math and I developed severe test anxiety in college when taking math tests and it seemed I was always struggling just to get a B. xoxo

  32. Such a great story. I had a similiar problem when I was in highschool. I know it can be a struggle sometimes and very defeating. Keep at it though girl, you've got a gift try not to let tests bring you down.Happy studying? Cue cars always worked well for me.

    Oh, your nails always look amazing in your pictures. Where do you find the time? I'm impressed. :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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