Friday, June 3, 2011

Fashion Friday #36: Work Out Edition

First of all, Happy Friday! Second, thank you for all the encouraging comments on yesterday's post/announcement (:

Now for today's rather humorous post:

Working out is a foreign concept to me, I'll just keep it real.  I feel like walking to class, taking the stairs to my 3rd floor apartment and the occasional running after the bus does it for me.  Bottom line: the gym bores me! There's nothing fun about running in place or pretending to pedal real fast on the bike, making it look like I'm really struggling, even though I'm on level one...
For Christmas my mom got me some cute work out pants and a top to match. It was supposed to be my motivation to, you know, actually work out.  It is now June, and I have sported them all of 7 times {for their intended use.  I lounge in them all the time(: }
There is one form of exercising I enjoy: hiking outdoors.  It's not boring to me, I get some vitamin D on my way, and we always stop at Noah's bagels on the way home. Which is clearly the real motivation.

The past few weeks, my roommate and I have made a weekly habit of trekking up a pretty steep hill and walking to my very favorite little park on Queen Anne.  Guess how long the walk is??
wait for it
6 miles!
I'm a little bit proud of myself (:

So in honor of our routine, and mostly to prove to my family and friends that I actually somehow get myself to the park, here is Fashion Friday: Work Out Edition...

Work Out Top: Calvin Klein {bought from Loehmans}
Pants: Nike
Shoes: Nike
Sunglasses: Anthro

I love this is lightweight, dries quickly and has a print, which I love.  I think my mom's idea of buying me a "cute" work out outfit may be working (;

How do YOU feel about working out? What's your favorite way to get exercise? HELP ME (:
Have a wonderful weekend! I'll be busy packing again...yikes!
PS. I'm over at

sharing my top three design secrets to arriving at your dream room!  Check it out over at A' La Mode and say hello to my sweet friend Shelli.  She's the genius behind one of the BEST designed nurseries I've seen in blogland. And we all love a good nursery design (:


  1. I hate working out at the gym. I would rather walk and enjoy the scenery! Cute Pics!

    Happy Friday! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. You should workout more often because that outfit is too cute! I like to do exercise videos, pilates, or walk outside. Whatever I can squeeze in while Sterling naps! I am with you though I hate to workout but I like how I feel afterwards so I tough it out! Have a great weekend and good luck packing!

  3. i mean, do i really need to tell you how i feel about working out? clearly we already know the answer to this. although i would wear that outfit and pretend.

  4. Love that top! I've been looking for cute workout clothes that aren't crazy expensive.
    I do 30-60 min of yoga every day and my muscles are sore by the end! I also walk with my mom for some cardio a couple times a week.

  5. i agree working out in a gym can get boring! especially with grunts and loud breathing noises from sweaty men in the backgrounds.

    working out outside on the other hand, is GREAT!

    you rock that outfit. even if you lounge in it!


  6. super cute workout outfit!! i love lounging in yoga pants :)

    and WOW, 6 miles is a long walk!! go girl.

  7. My workout clothes are so boring lately. Definitely thinking I need to make a trip to the store and get some cutesy workout clothes! Thanks for the inspiration!


  8. That workout top IS the cutest!
    I get so bored of the gym, especially when it's nice and warm outside! Hubs and I spent alot of time hiking over Memorial Weekend and I fell in love with it! I definitely plan on doing more of that :)

  9. Ummm yeah, me and working out don't really get along. I think it's because I was a swimmer for so long... in college, I was basically paid (scholarship) to swim, so I had to! And now... no exercise = a good day! : ) Love the work out pants, you look adorbs!

  10. Being motivated to work out is the hardest thing for me! It sounds like you girls found a great way to work out though, by hiking for 6 miles! That's impressive!

    Love the workout gear!

  11. How cute! I love dressing up to work out too, makes me get motivated haha.

  12. Cute Gym Outfits = UBER motivating! <3 love it girl!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  13. Such a cute top! Perfect for a sunny and warm day.

    I love running - and trust me, I used to hate it. But once I got to college I needed an outlet to relieve all the stress, and somehow took to running. In fact, I remember my very first "distance" run. It was on the treadmill in the gym and it was only 2 miles. I was so proud of myself that day. 7 years later, I'm addicted.

    My day doesn't start until I get my daily run in, and it is usually outdoors - rain or shine. There's something about going for a run with the weight of the world on your shoulders, and once your run is complete all the stress seems so miniscule.

    I think you should give it a go - but opt for a run outside rather than on a treadmill. You get to sight-see, and get a "runner's high" at the same time.

  14. Haha I always find that when I have cute clothes to workout always makes it easier to just go for it. Running is a great workout but it is something you have to do consistently and then all of a sudden you are addicted. I'm not kidding either. It really is addicting. My workout it for FUN. If you don't want to go for a long time, don't. Don't set huge goals that may be overwhelming and push you NOT to workout. Seriously do it for FUN and it will all work out! haha work out! Ok I know...I'm pretty lame. :)

  15. I love that top, super cute chick! And way to go on the 6 mile route:)

  16. goo. i can so relate. i have a very strong dislike for working out! although, i can say, my metabolism is already slowing..or i'm just eating too many sweet things/baking too much. AH! umm, at least you look amazing while you're doing something you don't like ;)

  17. Love the workout outfit :)

    I have always wanted to go Hiking. Im probly the only person on the face of the planet that hasn't done it :( I never used to like the gym but I only have a 2hr bracket to workout everyday and thats early in the AM... so I had to get used to the gym :( [But its actually enjoyable now].

    Have a great weekend!

  18. We both know that I don't work out. I love to wear a cute pair of lounge pants, though! Haha!

  19. I feel like you took the words right out of my mouth! I despise working out. And my husband loves to buy me active wear....but we call them my 'lounge wear' :)

  20. why are you so gorgeousss? love these

  21. You are adorable!! Thank you again for today, you are the best!! xoxo shel

  22. love the workout attire! the glasses are ca-ute too :D

  23. So happy to discover your blog through "A La Mode" - you are too presh!!! And my absolute favorite form of exercise is SNORKLING, particularly in the Cayman Islands, which is where we are at the moment ;D

    Blessings - Katie

  24. Does anyone really "like" working out?! The outfit is cute - but you always look cute! I like PureBarre - it's a great workout for the non-runner.

  25. Yeah, I have to admit the gym is kinda my idea of torture...(c: but hold the phone, if I had cute workout clothes like that I might feel a little more motivated! But probably not...hey, just keepin' it real! Have a great weekend and I am completely impressed by the 6 miles girl, woo hoo!!!

  26. I can't believe how long it has been since I have popped in and said hello to you...

    You are gorgeous as always.

    Have a great weekend Michaela....


  27. Don't feel bad-it's a foreign concept to me most of the time, too lol. I just try to eat healthy and walk farther, etc. Cute pics! xoxo

  28. Michaela, I admire you more now! I HATE working out. I used to do the same things you described in Brazil. I keep walking, taking stairs and all here in the US, but for some reason, I can't seem to lose weight the same I used to when I was in Rio. So my husband drags me to the gym now, kicking and screaming hahaha
    I think I need some workout clothes so I feel better about it!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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