Sunday, June 26, 2011

Live Fully

"Dare to live FULLY right where you are"
~One Thousand Gifts

I just love the quote found on the front cover of the new book I'm reading.  Before you even open the book you are challenged. Challenged to embrace the present.  Sometimes I focus on the future and where I want to be down the road.  And while I'm so excited to do what I love for the rest of my life, I am called right now, today, and in this present moment to live fully.  Give my whole self to the stage of life I'm in right now.
Living fully may mean something different to each of us, so I dare you to uncover what you're meant to be doing with your life at this time. Do it with your whole heart, run toward it with passion. It's always worth it.




  1. what a great quote! thanks for sharing! hope you are feeling well!

  2. I love this post. I am always thinking about this and lately I have had to tell myself to just sloooow down and enjoy today and try not to ponder to much about the future. :)

  3. I love when I get to hear some "real" thoughts from you. There is so much we can miss out on because we forget to live "right now." thanks for the challenge today, friend!

  4. Beautiful quote and gorgeous flowers! Happy Sunday!

    ciao from Newport Beach

  5. Great quote! I, for one, could stand to be more passionate about the people/things I love!! :)

  6. Just picked up my copy yesterday!

  7. I read this book a few months ago, and it was great! Such a challenging book to read, and it will challenge you to think in a whole new light. I learned so much from the book, and hope you do too! :)

  8. Great post Michaela. I've been thinking the same thing recently, also inspired a book I've been reading. Hope you have a lovely Sunday!

  9. I like that quote! Great words of inspiration, my dear. It's always great to have a passion and strive for it with your whole heart!!


  10. I like that quote! Great words of inspiration, my dear. It's always great to have a passion and strive for it with your whole heart!!


  11. what a great quote! Finding them in books is so much fun and really makes you remember amazing books.
    xoxo emily

  12. wow,love that quote, it's so inspiring. Your blog is so much fun, i love coming here and your writing is wonderful as well :)

  13. Thanks for sharing this quote... running toward something with passion is always worth but not always easy. Reading this just made me take a very deep breath. (:

  14. so true! Thanks for sharing such an inspiring quote!

  15. love the quote and the beautiful pictures! :)

  16. this is a fabulous quote! and a great post....i tend to live for the future too ;)

  17. I think living fully means appreciating every bit of life and following your passion. Life is too short to be stuck in a job or situation that is making you unhappy.

    Beautiful Quote my friend! :)
    & beautiful flowers as well.

  18. Great quote! Thanks for sharing! I needed that!

  19. What a perfect quote...thanks for sharing:)

  20. Oh, I'm so glad you wrote something about this. I skimmed through the available pages in Amazon and had tears in my eyes just reading the first chapter. I want to get a copy of this book!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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