Monday, June 27, 2011

The One with the Wisdom Teeth

Well, friends. I'm here to recap my post-wisdom-teeth-week for you.  And really, there were no bumps in the road, just a few funny stories!

Here's what went down.

1. Michaela panicked entirely too much, like always (: Especially after my initial consultation. My goodness, why would they sit you in front of a video where they list everything that could go wrong?!

2. I took a Valium an hour before my surgery and let me tell ya, we mixed well...that valium and I. I don't remember any of the following....but this is what happened: I took the pill, then my mom told me to go wash my face and get ready.  No more than 10 minutes later, I walked to my mom's bathroom with my face dripping wet while cracking up.  I told her it started working and gave her a thumbs up. I was in 5th grade. 
 I could barely walk to the car... I was so relaxed!  Laughing all the way to the dentist, I was texting Megan {don't remember it, but I checked my phone after and saw I did...awesome} that...and I quote, "Wow this valium is strong. I am so high right now hahahahaha. This is so funnnn." Oh dear God.
I'm embarrassed already. This isn't even the best part.

3. I got to the office and made it inside somehow.  My mom told me multiple times to keep my voice down in the waiting room.  Apparently valium makes me loud?

4. I went back to the surgery room and got the IV started right away. This was the part I was most scared about, and I don't remember it hurting at all! As soon as the IV started, the doctor started asking me questions. My head was spinning and I was still giggling like I was 10.  He asked me what my favorite subject was in school, to which I appropriately answered, "interior design".  Then he asked me what my dogs name was.
You may be thinking he was talking about my pup, Shasta, at home. But no! In fact, he was asking me about the stuffed animal dog I decided to bring in surgery with me.  My mom said I wouldn't let her take it from me.  I told him her name was Mia. Perfect...he thought I really was 10. Or had a stuffed animal infatuation!  Good thing I left my baby blanket in the car.  That would have just been inappropriate.
Good call, Michaela, good call.

By my side the whole time.

5. I woke up in a recovery room with Mia on my chest. I was looking around so confused, and then I had realized I really brought a stuffed animal with me, a 20 year old college student, to my wisdom teeth removal surgery.  Embarrassed again.

6. Got home and my sweet mama took care of me all week. She's the best.  I'm so blessed to have a nurse as my mom!  She even gave me a bell to ring if I needed something:

Yep, it's a Christmas angel bell. It's all we had, so I made it work.
And you would be correct in thinking I rang it more than necessary.

7.  I got swollen a little on one side but it wasn't bad at all! Still didn't want to show you though (:

8. I learned that on Vicodin, I'm a happy camper:

But without it, my mouth hurt real bad.

9. I also learned that if I was a good patient my mama takes me to Anthro and lets me pick out a prize. I got this little bowl to hold jewelry. It's on sale for $4 so go get yours right now!!

10. In closing, I learned it wasn't that bad. I'm not even scared to get an IV anymore!  I also can acknowledge my unnecessary anxiety before something that is out of my comfort zone {hey mom...aren't you proud of me? how bout another one of those bowls for saying that??}
And one last thing...if I see another Ritz Cracker I will die. I'm sorry, it was the one of the only things I ate for 5 days straight.

I will never talk about teeth again on my blog. I swear it (:

Happy Monday! And please share funny anesthesia or surgery stories!


  1. You are so adorable~what a fun story! When I had my wisdom teeth out, I was awake (as they had come all the way in), but on laughing gas. I remember the dentist cracking up at one point and pointing to my mouth. He then proceeded to tell me that I was a "drool machine!" Talk about embarrassing. he said he'd never seen anyone drool more. Lol, what can ya do? =) It'll be a good one to share with the kiddos some day!

  2. oh that is the funniest and cutest story!!! i was 17 when i had mine out and i had nitrous oxide that they gave me.... i also was very giddy, giggly.... and i actually laid there thinking, wow, this dr is so nice, i thinki love him. and i thought i am in love with him. and i got home and was so embarassed that i had that thought as his so was in my grade!!! luckily i didn't announce it or anything. ;)

  3. This is so hilarious! I'm glad you lived to tell about it. :)

  4. michaela ... I died laughing. my experience getting them taken out sounds very similar. and my mom rewarded me with a little shopping too (:

  5. I just knew you would survive! The stuffed dog part was great... I mean, I think people should take whatever works. You definitely deserve at least one more of those cute Anthro bowls for getting through the surgery without any major hiccups. Glad you're feeling alright!

    Not sure that my anesthesia/surgery stories are any good... but my mom did drive me home from the dentist after they gave me a gas mask once. It was the worst thing ever... I'd much rather get shots in my mouth than gas any day! I was feeling really messed up when I left the dentist, and my mom was laughing at how I mixed up the words in a sentence. If I was trying to say something like "we're in a blue car"... it would totally come out "we're car in a blue". Not.Good.

    I still think that taking your "dog" to surgery wins the award for silly surgery story! (:

  6. Ahahah I was 18 when I got mine out and I also brought my stuffed animal! I cried and went mental beforehand and they had to give me laughing gas to calm me down enough to take the IV.. embarassing! I also proposed to my dentist, told my Mom I was going to pee on her, and tried to put my teddy bears foot in my mouth.

    Hot mess!

  7. Aww you are too cute! I'm glad it's over and done with and that you're feeling better! I love your anthro jewelry bowl!

  8. Cute dog : ) I wasn't sure if real or not LOL. Glad your doing well!

  9. I was 18 when I got mine pulled. Being in the Military it was mandatory for everyone to have them pulled. When the Dentist told me it was time to get them out, I seriously wanted to throw a tantrum... but I had no choice. In the end it wasn't at all bad as I thought it would be. I didn't have an IV drip, they gassed me and I was out by the time I hit 8 [counting backwards from 10]. I vaguely remember leaving but what I do remember about leaving the dentist that day was when they wheeled me out into the waiting area I can only imagine how dreadful I looked with a mouth full of gauze... there was only one woman in there and when she saw me her face turned white. She looked scared lol. But in the end, it was virtually pain free and the only thing that grossed me out was once I was able to eat solid food again and I had to use that little thingy to splash water in the back of my mouth and the amount of food that would come out of where my wisdom teeth were pulled... NASTY! lol.

    Jealous that you got to go to Anthro :)

  10. Funny story! My husband got his removed during the first week I had my baby because he planned on taking off work for that. I then had a brand new baby and I was a new mother and a really "big baby" on my hands!! Not good!!! :)

    LOVE your bowl!

  11. Haha! Love this post! We all do crazy things on meds! :)

    I hated having my wisdom teeth out. Hurt like heck

    So glad you are better!

  12. This is so hilarious and adorable all at the same time! Those meds can make you do some silly things. Glad everything went well though!

  13. I'm glad all went well. Its funny how we get ourselves so worked up and then its over... Worrying is sometimes so useless yet i find myself worrying all the time.

    Feel better soon!

  14. I'm glad you survived your surgery. I had mine taken out a few years ago, and it was no fun at all...

    Hope you are feeling better now though!


  15. What a week! Glad you made it through! Also love the cute new looks great with all the jewelry in it! :)

  16. All together now: "Michaela, you are *adorable*!!!" And to my mom, hey, I didn't get a prize for being a good patient!!! (c: I'm pretty sure I was kinda nervous and so I was completely boring...just super easy going...I guess I'm not a very fun high person! You know it's sad when you are more fun *off* drugs than on them!!!

  17. HAH! Oh Michaela this was too funny! I wish that I could say that I am FUN when under medication but NO...they KNOCK ME OUT! I remember after my wisdom teeth being put into the car and then I don't remember anything for hours after. I don't remember the drive home. I don't remember my mom helping me to the bathroom. I don't remember getting to the couch. Yeah... I was out cold. HAH! Glad it went well! And glad your mamma took care of you. Moms are the best!

  18. We must have seen the same wisdom teeth video! I was absolutely terrified after seeing it. You're lucky your swelling wasn't too bad, I looked like a bloated chipmunk for over a week, it was pretty embarrassing. I'm happy to hear you're fully recovered and even ended up with a gorgeous bowl out of the whole adventure :)

  19. Haha, you never told me that you took your stuffed animal!! That is awesome! I love it. : ) I'm glad I got to experience "high" Michaela! She was pretty funny!

    When I got mine out, my mom said I said all kinds of crazy things on the ride home. Thank goodness I didn't spill any secrets or anything! ; )

  20. You look great for having your wisdom teeth taken out! I was black and blue all over with some green mixed in. I couldn't talk for a few days and all they gave me were Tylenol 3's when Tylenol doesn't work at all for me. It was rough. I like how you got a reward though, love the color of that bowl! Glad to see your feeling better.

  21. Haha. This reminds me that I need to post my wisdom teeth picture. It's bad. Soooooo bad. I turned into a giant chipmunk:-) xoxo

  22. That is hilarious!!! MUCH better than my wisdom teeth removal story. I didn't have to take meds before the surgery, but they sure did give me some amazing drugs. I don't remember walking to the car after the surgery, and my parents tell me they had to half carry me...which I'll believe because I don't know how I walked if I wasn't conscious! I remember waking up in the car CRYING. Tears running down my face crying. My mom asked me what was wrong, and I honestly didn't even know!!! It was so weird!

    I'm glad you're doing better!! Wisdom teeth removal isn't very fun. Unless you're drugged, of course. ;-)

  23. Ugh I need to get mine out soon. I guess it's a good experience haha. I'm over IV's I've had like a million when during and after I was pregnant. Crazy! I love that you took your stuffed animal. I wish I could take Little One and just snuggle with her the whole time haha

  24. hahahaha, this is seriously hysterical! i bet you were SO funny :)

    umm, precious bowl. sending your blog to my mom now...heavy hints should work for me :)

  25. I love that you brought your stuffed animal with you! Too cute!

  26. Such a trooper! I have two girls as you know, one whose been thru tonsil/adenoid surgery plus shoulder surgery and the other who had tonsil/adenoid surgery. One at age 7 the other age 19...the 7 year old wins, hands down!!! LOL Kate was such a trooper through her shoulder surgery as well. She has a teddy bear name DINK...he's been around the world and through many a doctor's exam, test, MRI, X-ray, name it. Most recently...he hit the Big Apple for a week!! I keep telling her she needs to right a book..."The Adventures of Dink". He's even been left for trash, retrieved,and shipped home via UPS!! ROFL

  27. When I got mine out, the moment I got home, I fell face first onto my mom's bed SOBBING. I had no idea why. Crazy stuff!

  28. That was such a fun story!! When I had my wisdom teeth pulled I was 24 and the plan was to put me to sleep and give me all that stuff you took buttttttt.....when I got to the office before the supposed surgery, the nurse said I would not be able to breastfeed for 4 days!!! I was so upset because there was no way I could go home and figure something out for my baby so I said just pull them out without putting me to sleep. So they gave me novicane and pulled those babies out 1,2,3,4! went home and that was that!

    You are one funny gal!

  29. haha I loved this! You and me are the same! I was more scared of the IV and epidural than actually giving birth. Thank god for valium and pain meds! Glad you are on the mend!

  30. Hilarious! When I had mine taken out, my hubby took me. Right before they brought me out they had to prep him that it 'gave me the blues.' He said I just walked out crying. We stopped at blockbuster (it was a long time ago!), and I cried down every aisle?!?!

  31. I'm so glad that it wasn't as bad as you'd expected, and that you had some funny stories to share! You definitely had me laughing out loud with your pre-surgery Valium story.

  32. Glad things went smoothly! I wasn't going to tell you before, but I had a TERRIBLE experience with my wisdom teeth. The anesthesia didn't work on me! Crazy, huh? So glad you had a different experience -- better too loopy than not loopy enough! And love your new bowl too! I feel like I need to get one for my wisdom teeth removal experience (even though it was almost 10 years ago)!

  33. This was the funniest post ever! I'm dying over the stuffed animal! Hilarious! :) I had mine taken out years ago and all I remember is the milkshake afterwards :)

  34. hahaha this cracks me up and makes me think of when I got my wisdom teeth taken out! After surgery, my dad brought me home and helped me walk in since I was still groggy. For whatever reason he stood me by the couch and walked away to get a pillow for me and the next thing he knew, I was falling over!! Luckily he caught me JUST as I was about to hit the hardwood floor!! I don't remember any of it but it makes me laugh to hear my dad tell it :) Glad you're feeling better Michaela!! :)

  35. So glad it went okay! I was 16 when I had mine taken out and I had a lot of issues with mine. Unfortunately I'm still terrified of getting an IV :( Cute pics! xoxo

  36. You are just the cutest. My mom gave me a bell when I got my wisdom teeth out too! And don't feel bad I was well out of my teens too ;)

  37. Aw, I hope you are doing much better! I've had all four out. One and then all three at once a few years later. The first time it went very well. The second, it was awful. Infections for months with my mouth re-swelling... couldn't wear my retainer... and so on. Ugh. But, I'm all good now. Haha. Worked out in the end. Fun to read about your journey. You are too cute!

  38. You are so funny and cute! I'm so happy to have stumbled upon your blog. I live across the water from Seattle! I will definitely be following you! :)

    Notes She Wrote

  39. How adorable are you for taking your stuffed animal?

    P.S. This post gave the push needed to schedule a dentist apt. My wisdom teeth have been hurting so bad.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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