Wednesday, June 22, 2011

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Primitive & Proper

Hi friends! Today we have the super talented Cassie, from Primitive & Proper here!
She's a furniture-redo-extraordinaire and really just the DIY queen (:  Our styles are really similar, as we both love vintage and modern combos.  Cassie is a ball of fun and always so encouraging.  Let's hear what she's loving and what she's not...go girl!

Hello!  I am Cassie from Primitive & Proper and I am so excited to be here!  I never tire of answering fun introspective questions, so I was so excited when Michaela asked me to be a part of this series.  I feel like I am at camp with my girlfriends sitting around a fire, and sharing our thoughts! And Michaela is one of the sweetest bloggers out there... I don't think there is a picture of her not smiling. And not to mention she's adorable. And probably looks great in skinny jeans, but we'll get to that later.

She Loves Me:

1. Baby Carrots
I seriously cannot imagine my life without baby carrots in it.  I eat them all time time... so much that my the palms of my hands actually have a slight orange tint from so much beta carotene.  Sweet, crunchy, and good for you!

2.  Costa Rica!!!
Map - Costa Rica
My husband and I went to Costa Rica for our one year anniversary... it was the most amazing vacation of our lives.  It was inexpensive (realtively speaking), the food and drinks were amazing (hello pina coladas!), and there is so much nature to be enjoyed.  It is heaven on earth.

3. Since it's happening right now as I write this....

Rain!!!!  I love weekend days where it storms and I am home with my family.  I love the smell of rain, the sound it makes, and I love being stuck inside with the people I love most.  It forces us just to relax, snuggle, play games, and talk... just enjoy each other's company.

4. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

A seriously amazing, though rather depressing book.  I read this book when I was in high school (so like years and years ago...) and loved it.  I am thrilled that it will be released in 2012 as a movie soon starring Julia Stiles and Virginia Madsen.  I know I will be seeing it!!!

5. Scary Movies!!!
I love creepy, snuggle on the couch under a blanket, sit on the edge of your seat, scary movies!

She Loves Me Not:

1. Skinny Jeans!

With my body type (thicker thighed!} there is nothing "skinny" about these jeans on me! And I'm really sad I can't participate in this trend. Boo on all you skinny legged girls! ;)

2. Pork.

Pigs on a farm
I saw a TV show about the poor treatment of pigs once, and now I don't eat pork.  I don't eat beef either, and once was a vegetarian, but I had started eating them again when I had kids.  But then I saw the show, and stopped.  It made me pretty sick to my stomach.   I just hope I never see a show about the ill treatment of fish.  Then I will be in trouble.  I love  me some sushi!

3. Geography.
No pictures for this.  Just please don't ever quiz me on geography.  Enough said.

4. The boy who called my 5 year old a weirdo this year in kindergarten.  
Yeah, you.  I know who you are.  And I don't like you.

Thank you soooo much, Michaela, for having me here today!  It was so much fun to ponder some of the things I love, and some of the things I don't!

Thanks, Cassie...I loved hearing your love and love-me-not list! Dontcha just hate those little meanies on the playground?! 

Be sure to stop by and say hi to Cassie over at Primitive & Proper (: 
Have a wonderful Wednesday. We're half way through the week which means I'm half way to recovering from my little procedure.  Hopefully I'll be back making blog rounds soon!


  1. It was nice learning a little more about you Cassie! Love me some rainy days at home with the family too. Isn't is hard to see your child being treated badly? Boo meanies!

  2. Oh what fun getting to know Cassie a little better!

  3. Awwww... I dont like that boy either! These are such cute loves and love nots! I love baby carrots too!

  4. Costa Rica - YES! Rain- I think I'm a little rained out being from the NW :) You should watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution! It's an amazing show on ABC, and from what I can tell, you're eating habits/ways are a lot like mine :)

  5. Aw Cassie your little boy is ADORABLE! Not a weirdo! Mean little boy!

  6. Good to get to know you better here!
    Cute post Cassie!
    Nice to meet you Michaela!

    Deborah xo

  7. Hey! I just had to comment because I love beef and pork, but would never want to eat conventional either because they're so mistreated. Chicken are really mistreated too. I, however do still eat my meat because I get it from a local farmer, who I visit and I know that all their animals are happy in grass and never mistreated (no hormonoes, no antibiotics, etc.). It's a lot of fun to know and support my local farmers and I love having conversations with them. They're so knowledgeable and it's fun to see them passing on that wisdom to their children, who can tell you a lot too!

    On to decorating--I've been reading your blog for a while and LOVE LOVE LOVE what you do :)

  8. I definitely love the rain, when I'm at home, all cuddled up. But when I'm outside..not so much! :)

  9. Went to Costa Rica on my honeymoon and LOVED IT!!....And yes, I too, am HORRIBLE at geography!

  10. I too fell in love with Costa Rica the moment I stepped off the plane! Great atmosphere, fresh beautiful food, friendly people, lots to do, it has everything! I got to stay for three weeks, study abroad program, and stay with a host family! Nicest people! Some of the best weeks of my LIFE! If anybody has a chance to go I highly recommend it!

  11. did I miss the whole pig/pork hint?? I don't like that kid that called S a weirdo either!!

  12. I'd love to have some rain down here in's SO hot and dry!

  13. Great list from Cassie!! And I hope your recovery is going well Michaela!

  14. Great post! I am not a fan of skinny jeans either just because they're so tight and I like to breathe ha. OH and Michaela, the dresses are all going to be different!

  15. We got some rain, too...and it was wonderful!!!! Oh and don't feel bad. I can't wear skinny jeans either! #toofat

  16. Ahh this was a fun one! I have to agree with you on Geography! bleh!

    thanks for the fun post ladies!

  17. thank you so much for having me here today, michaela! it was soooo much fun!!! and thank you ladies for all the great comments!!

  18. Now who doesn't love their skinny jeans :D

  19. love Cassie!!!

    yeah on that kid who call your 5 yr old weirdo..i dont like u either :P

  20. Cassie is too funny! I hear you on the skinny jeans - darn thighs.

  21. I love the rain too! Makes me so happy! :)

    I am guilty of loving bacon though..
    Even though teacup pigs are adorable.

  22. I love rainy days too! Why do kids have to be mean sometimes?! It's the hardest part of motherhood when some kid hurts yours with mean words.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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