Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Sinks Everyone Loves: Across the Pond

I'm real excited to have my girl Megan from Across the Pond
here today holding down the fort for me while I'm recovering. Remember two weeks ago when I had my girls sharing their favorite design trends of 2011? {the color pink, ikat, and wallpaper!} I saved Meg for today!  She's a ball of fun. Get ready to laugh a learn an awesome design fact, that I'll admit I didn't even know!
Hi future designers and non designers of the world
I am Megan from Across The Pond
happily gracing my lovely Michaela's blog.
I like it here.
Which is why you may have seen me here before.
I am that person.
the one that keeps showing up.
and never leaves.

I really like dreaming of my future non purchased non existent home
and all of the non existent children that will live there..

My favorite room in a house is the kitchen
insert resounding 'duh'..

I may be late on the train
because I am no interior designer
but I am all about those big deep sinks
(I'm pretty sure that is the exact word for them)

(get ready for mind blowing)
but those sinks are actually called a Belfast Sink
originally designed in Belfast Ireland.

I know this because I created the sink in ireland.

I joke

I know this because my friend is from northern Ireland
and he told me so.
which means its true.

So while you are around the dinner table talking about sinks
You can say
"well actually that sink is called a Belfast sink"
and they will say
"well how do you know that?"
And you will say
"because I READ"
and that wont be a lie
because you read blogs.

You win.

You are welcome.

Repinned to Interior Design 8 hours ago from Windows by Stephanie Laughlin
Pinned to Remodel Inspiration 10 weeks ago via pinmarklet
double the pleasure...double the fun..
if washing dishes was fun..

Pinned to Kitchen Inspiration 7 weeks ago via pinmarklet

oooo modern deep sink

Pinned to 101 Greenbank Lane 6 weeks ago via pinmarklet

I think you get it.
Thanks, Meg, for sharing your favorite design trend. You never fail to crack me up.  I will read this again on Tuesday (I'm scheduling it on Sunday night) and be laughing a whole lot more just for kicks and giggles.
Those sinks really are my favorite.  My future home WILL have one!

Have a wonderful Tuesday, and go say helllloooo to Megan!


  1. I agree - massive sinks are the best. You can just dump everything in them then. This post made me laugh and I will certainly pay credit to you Meg when someone asks me how I know they're called 'belfast sinks'. xoxo


  2. I love them too! We always called them farmhouse sinks... haha but I don't know why! Thanks for the education :)

  3. Love the sinks! They add character to the room, specifically the ones that are not "built-in," per se, to the counters.

    And you crack me up, but that's a given!

  4. I love those sinks, and I love Megan even more. She's the bomb dot com.

  5. Awesome guest post! We have one similar to the last sink!!

  6. Love Megan, she really is just completely hilarious...I'm totally going to use that "I read" line...GENIUS. (c: It can be like my trump card, y'know, in any argument...

  7. Awesome finds...I love dreaming of the things I want to have one day too! :)

  8. I need a massive sink in my life!!! Your blog is so peaceful. Every time I arrive on your page it's always so welcoming!! Happy Tuesday!

  9. I love big farmhouse-y ceramic-y sinks!

  10. i feel so smart now (: just pinned a belfast sink. people on pinterest will be impressed. they bettah be!

  11. The second and third photos are my favorite. I love unique sinks. They add so much.

  12. My mom has a sink like that and it is gorgeous!

  13. I love Megan and this post. I have this long-term project of changing sinks/fixtures in the WHOLE house. The previous owners apparently were stuck in the 70s. Great picks, Megan!!

    PS: Hope you're feeling good, Michaela! It's so hot in the Bay, I'm sure you're having lots and lots of ice cream :)

  14. we're remodeling our kitchen soon. thanks for the inspiration! love the white subway tiles...


  15. Oh, Megan. I learn so much from you!

    (this made me laugh... thank you both!)

  16. these sinks are the best...you can fit so many more dishes in them before it actually looks like you're letting them "pile up"

  17. This post totally cracked me up! I am a fan of this sink (whatever it is really called!) as well. Gor-ge-ous!! I want one for sure when we re-do our kitchen.

  18. I tell my husband that we need one of these sinks every time I wash dishes. #oneday

  19. I think every room should have a deep sink in it. Just because.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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