Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Takin' it to the Back

Today I'm showing you our backyard.  No credit is due to me, though. This beauty is all my Mama!  She works so hard out in the yard to get it to this point.  And let me tell ya, it ain't easy.  We have a creek flowing through our backyard under the deck that you all will see soon, and creeks come with lots of wildlife.  I'm talkin' deer, bunnies who eat all our plants, squirrels, gofers, cats, skunks, snakes {!}, and our weirdest creature to date, the three wild turkey we found in our oak trees one day.  It was not near Thanksgiving time, however. Bummer (:
Our backyard was definitely the selling feature of our home when my parents bought it ten or so years ago.  With a custom hot tub and waterfall...I mean, who wouldn't love it?!  After all the weeks of hard work my mom put in to the yard, here it is! {Sorry the pictures are all kind of sun glared...it's hard to get pictures out here when the hot sun is peering through all the darn trees!}

View down to the deck. Beyond the deck and about 100 feet down is the creek.

View up from the deck:

Bench pillows and seat cushions from Pier 1:

Our lemon tree....which reminds me I need to make some lemonade soon!

Potted plants by the spa:

Succulent centerpiece: 

And that does it! I've been trying to get my tan on out here by the hot tub a little each day, but it's so darn hot I can barely stand it.  A few days ago I got so hot I just jumped in the unheated spa to cool off (:

Do you love spending time in your backyard?

Have a wonderful Tuesday. I've got another 6am shift at work...yikes!
PS. Go take a peek at the interview I did with Shelley, the owner of Meadow Boutique {the boutique I write the blog for in Seattle}.  It's sure fun to find out how she started her beautiful store and learn more about what it takes to own a boutique!


  1. i think our mamas would get along well! my mom has beautiful gardens in her yard, which she lansdcsaped herself... they are amazing, much like your mama's!

  2. Gorgeous yard lady! Our yard is nothing to get excited about... but my parents yard sure is. I love spending time out there in the summer, hanging by the pool. I've been thinking of sharing their yard on my blog as well... maybe something I should do soon! (Big difference is that the yard is my Dad's domain... I wish I had his green thumb!)

  3. wow, what a great backyard! that deck is awesome and I love the cushion you have on the bench. I'm a little jealous :)

  4. That yard is gorgeous!!! I'm jealous!

    Send some of that homemade lemonade my way when you get around to making it :)

  5. Such a nice retreat! I love all of the colorful flowers and fabrics!

    And congrats on your new car! Super cute!

  6. You have such a beautiful garden! Your mum really does work hard at it - it shows :) Must be a very relaxing place x

  7. Oh my goodness your backyard is gorgeous. Your mamma is one talented lady. I love all the colors, I would never want to leave!

  8. how gorgeous! What an amazing yard! Very serene.


  9. Love the backyard! What a nice space you guys have for hanging out + entertaining. Love the hot tub...jealous!! Xo, Katie

  10. What a beautiful space! Love the Pier One cushions and the succulents! Great job!


  11. Your yard is so gorgeous and colorful!! I love it.

  12. the landscaping is gorgeous!! I think I could use your mom's green thunb around my house!

  13. Absolutely gorgeous...I'm thinking I need a trip to hang out in your backyard, it's like a little slice of heaven! Your mom is definitely one talented lady! (c:

  14. Beautiful! My mama is the ultimate gardener, too, and I hope I can be half as good as she is :) xoxo

  15. she must have worked SO hard! it looks amazing.

  16. how beautiful! i hope someday my backyard is as gorgeous!

  17. LOVE the succulents. i'm obsessed. where do you guys live in SF?! this looks so beautiful...

  18. Love your back yard! The lemon tree and succulent centerpiece are my favorites. This makes me want to go out and buy some flowers/plants for our balcony. (:

    Off to check out the interview with the owner of Meadow. I love boutique stores.

  19. ugh those treees!!!! i LOVE trees.

  20. LOVE it!!!! It's stunning!!! And can I please have the lemon tree??? How fun is that?!?!

  21. ITs gorgeous! I miss having a backyard :( The apartment doesnt even have a balcony just a solarium! I cant wait to move.

  22. Beautiful back year! I love all the different conversation areas...it looks so neat back there! Makes me wish I had year-round landscaping! Le sigh! :)

  23. How beautiful! I love all the big trees and the deck :)

  24. a spa, creek and waterfall!?!? sounds A-mazing!

  25. It's so so beautiful! I wish my yard looked that great- I've got lots and lots of work to do!

  26. It's so lush and pretty!! I could definitely spend HOURS out there.

  27. wowza--it is serioulsy so gorgeous! love all the flowers~ so inviting:)

  28. What a beautiful garden! It looks so enchanting!! My mother in-law has a green thumb, and my husband a little too. I'm going to keep this post as an inspiration to our future garden
    (when we have a home)

  29. Loooove your backyard!! Mama is amazing!!

  30. ahhh gorgeous!!!

    Can I borrow a few lemons? ;)

  31. The backyard is my family's favorite spot!

  32. What a beautiful yard!! It seems like it is such a peaceful retreat. Your mom has done a fantastic job!

    We have a ton of wildlife too - and I just saw 2 wild turkeys the other day. It was so crazy to see them that I took a pic b/c I didn't think my hubby would believe me!!! :)

    How does your Mom keep the deer and bunnies from eating everything? I struggle to keep my flowers from being munched on...

  33. Very impressive backyard!!! That will be the one thing we will need help with. But probably not for another year or so; too many other things to do, haha!

  34. What a beautiful yard! Now I think I'll take a nap on that bench of yours. haha...

  35. This backyard looks divine. I'm on my way over :-)

  36. Your backyard is beautiful! I'm working on mine too, although it's more of a deck than a yard. I think it's funny you mentioned the turkey, my in-laws live in Sacramento and we see wild turkey all year round! But snakes? They do scare me :(

  37. Gorgeous! Looks like a wonderful place to hang out!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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