Wednesday, July 13, 2011

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: This Kind of Love

Wednesday already- wow! It comes quickly.  Today were hearing from my sweet friend Jamie from This Kind of Love
She's an adorable southern girl who is a school teacher. I love seeing and hearing about her classroom decorations.  She also loves the Lord and has such a kind hearted personality.  I'm so excited she's hear sharing what she's got her eye on and what she's not digging this week. Take it away, Jamie!
Hey y'all! This is Jamie from This Kind of Love! I am so excited that the super sweet Michaela asked me over to post about some things I'm loving and some things I'm not :)

She Loves Me:

I never thought I'd love blogging as much as I do :) Even after 2 1/2 years, I still enjoy it! I just love being able to "meet" so many wonderful, talented, crafty, sweet, and beautiful ladies!

As I'm sure many of you would agree, Pinterest is my latest addiction! It's such a great place to be able to put all your favorites in one place :)
Here are some of my latest pins...

Modcloth and Ruche always have the cutest dresses :) It's always fun to online window shop!
on the pier striped dress

{my little Daisy}
My hubby and I got little Daisy about 4 years ago. She really is the sweetest, most lovable dog in the world :)

{being married}
My hubby and I were married May 30, 2009 and it was one of the best days of my life! Being married is such a blessing and it's so wonderful to be able to share my life with such a loving, caring, and sweet man!

She Loves Me Not:

{summer vacation ending}
I can't believe that my summer vacation is ending and that we start school in 3 weeks! I sure will miss staying up late and sleeping in :)

{hot dogs}
For as long as I can remember I have never liked hot dogs...yuck!

Is it just the Wally World in our town or is everyone's always so crazy crowded? Yes, Wal-Mart does have some good deals on some things but I try to avoid it at all costs!

I guess this has to do with my fear of small spaces but I have never been a fan of elevators. I get so scared I'm going to get stuck in them!

Even though I like tomatoes, I am not a fan of ketchup. Give me mustard any day of the week!

Thanks again for having me over, Michaela! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Totally agreeing that Pinterest is the best invention...ever! Love putting all the things I love into one place.  And elevators have always been a tad bit nerve-racking to me, too...not sure why! Going up to the top of the Space Needle was quite an experience.

You can catch Jamie over at her blog, This Kind of Love. She's the genius behind What I Love Wednesdays, so you can head over to see what else she's loving!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. AMEN to the walmart non-love! i TOTALLY agree!!!!!

  2. I'm right there with ya on your statement about WalMart! If you live in such a small town as I do, it's a social 'hangout.' You can never go in just to get something quick because you'll see everyone and their brother inside.


  3. Thanks again for having me over, Michaela! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  4. Love her blog!!! Have to agree on the elevators, wal-mart, and hotdogs - but I have to have ketchup! Such a fun series, Michaela!

  5. I feel the SAME way about Wally World! It's not worth saving the little $ for the long lines and shady peeps!

  6. Hi Michaela! Stopping by from Jamie's blog...aren't you just the cutest thing ever? love your blog girlfriend.


  7. Haha funny you write that about elevators because we got stuck in our last night! With 3 other people and a dog. Not fun! Luckily it was only for about 5 minutes before the landlord grounded it. Phew!

  8. Cute list, Jamie. Am I the only one not on Pinterest. Oh boy. And those dresses are darling. Happy Wednesday, everyone.

  9. Great list! I too am in love with Pinterest! :) Who isn't these days ;)

  10. So fun! Love Pinterest and that she's a 2009 bride! Yay! :)

  11. Yeah, definitely not just your Wally world that is *insane*...we definitely try to avoid it, but darn it if you can't beat their prices! And I {HEART} PINTEREST!

  12. She's so sweet! Off to check out her blog now :)

  13. She is so sweet! Love this, Michaela!

  14. this was so fun!!!! i love her!

  15. i love "meeting" fellow ketchup haters!! they are few and far between :)

  16. I am the opposite...I hate tomatoes, but love ketchup! So weird!!

    So good to see Jamie over here!

  17. Those dresses are so cute! I need to go check them out!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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