Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One Thousand Things

I'm so overwhelmed with you loving and kind words in response to my post yesterday about Shasta.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you.  Your prayers and words of encouragement were such blessings to my family and I {they read all of the comments!} One of my favorite books, One Thousand Gifts, talks about how during every storm, every pain and every heartache, God's grace follows.  We are thankful for the comfort in that truth.  Today I'm working on completing Shasta's baby book. We have filled it with pictures and facts about her from when she was little, and I think a great way to conjure up the best memories are to print out pictures to complete the book.

In reading the book One Thousand Gifts, I've learned that a thankful heart leads to joy.  The author of this inspirational book was challenged to write a list of 1000 things she's thankful for, as a way to constantly be basking in joy.  Even among the storms of this life, we can always find one thing we are thankful for.

I love this idea; the challenge of thinking of 1000 things I'm thankful for.  I try to write a couple each day, but I love knowing this challenge will take me a long time. I'm hoping to be so overflowing with joy, that I'll get past 1000 and still be able to come up with more!

1. God's grace being enough for me.
2. The warmness of summer air.
3. My pink Bible from when I was little...all creased, highlighted and worn in.
4. Puppy kisses.
5. Shasta's velvet soft ears.

6. Journaling.
7. Patterns- all kinds.
8. Rosy cheeks.
9. Little one's giggling.
10. Being carefree.
11. Catching up with a teacher from high school and learning about life through her. Watching her with her kids and wanting her servant's heart.
12. Photographs of our dog.
13. Trips to Disneyland.
14. Birthday cake.
15. Butterflies.
16. The sound of ocean waves.
17. Lavender nail polish.

18. Pajamas.
19. Interior design coffee table books.
20. Grande Passion Tea Sweetened (:

and lately, I've been very thankful that a much needed vacation is coming up.  

21. Going to visit Megan {from Mackey Madness} in Louisiana.  Good friends, girl time, and site seeing right when I need it most.  See? God's grace is already in abundance.

She's going to show me where she went to college, I'm going to meet her family, friends and adorable dogs {They are in for some serious lovin'}, then we're exploring New Orleans.  I've never been to the south and I sure haven't been to a Wal-Mart, so I'm excited! Megan truly is the sister I've never had and always wanted. Her sweet southern heart has blessed me more than she'll know.  I'm so thankful we've met through blogging and can't wait to share our vacay pictures after the trip {2 weeks and counting!}

22. Forming relationships and sharing my passions for love and life and design through blogging.

Those are twenty-two out of one thousand things I'm thankful for. I've got a whole lot more where those came from {978 to be exact!}. So, will you join me in creating a list of 1000 things that bring you joy?

Have a joyful Tuesday! I will try to do the same even during this grieving process...


  1. Hi Michaela! I am one of Megan's friends you will come see in Baton Rouge! I live with Shannon! I can't believe you have never been to wal mart!!!! I can't wait to meet you. Sorry to hear about your dog, my family put our childhood dog down in May and it was so hard.

    Can't wait to meet you!

  2. when you come visit if yall end up staying with me alice' and beth PUH-LEASE dont judge our apt... we cant all be interior designers! :) Mostly we just live here for 9 months ha! So its not worth it! See you soon!!!!

  3. so adore this girl :) ha! i wish you could come to the chicago area so we can hang out! xo

  4. yes! i want to start this list...such a great way to put things into perspective. it's easy to get bogged down by negativity, but in reality we are all SO SO blessed and often take so many things for granted! i am going to try to make this a part of nightly routine and write down a few things about each day i was thankful for!
    ...and now i wanna read that book!

  5. I'm in the middle of the book right now, and have given several copies away as gifts already! Can't wait to start my list. Enjoy your time in Louisiana!! Oh boy are you in for a treat...Wally World (as my girls loved to call it when they were little) here comes Michaela!

  6. I just read yesterdays post and cried. Like a baby! My 4 legged best friend passed away 5 years ago. We got her in kindergarten and she passed my first year of college. I cried a ton and still do when I remember some of our favorite times. I miss her a ton. In the book Captivating Staci talks about how everything shows us a glimpse of who God really is. Well my dog, Patches and your Sasha, shows me how unconditionally we are loved. How playful He is. How forgiving He is. But more importantly, it shows me how much He loves us.

  7. This is a great idea! Totally joining in :) So many things to be thankful for and to remember.

    I hope you have the best day that you can have today. I know that may not be the normal "best" but you know what I mean.

    Stilling praying and thinking about you <3

  8. This is beautiful! And what a blessing that Megan is to your life and vice versa! So glad y'all get to meet up :) I am going through One Thousand Gifts right now. It is so good and so refreshing! And girl... I hope you are prepared for Wal-mart...lol. <3

  9. I'll join in for sure! Love this list. :) So sorry to hear about your loved doggy and your family will be in my prayers.

  10. I'm in!! :)
    So excited for your New Orleans trip, girl! You are going to love it...it's completely unlike any other city, and the designer in you is going to be so inspired, I just know it! :)
    Lisa xo

  11. Love #22 and that I got to meet you! Thinking of you lots sweet girl!

  12. Oh, this really struck a chord with me today. Beautiful. Think I will start my list. Thanks, Michaela.

  13. yay!! i love thankful hearts. been praying for you all day today :)

    Sam @ fitness food & faith

  14. This makes my heart so happy. I am about to 150 now. :) I am so proud of the way you look at struggles in your life. Truly blessed by your attitude. Prayed for you and the rest of your family this morning!

  15. Velvety dog ears really are the best. Have a blast with Megan, those are going to be some crazy blog posts! ;)

  16. You go, girl! That is an amazing idea! I'm definitely not gung-ho enough to do one myself (how ungrateful is that?)...but it's such a good exercise in focusing on the beauty and good in life...sounds like you are going to have a blast on your trip, enjoy every second!

  17. I like your blog today -- challenging ourselves to see the good in life when we're going through tough times makes you stronger through adversity. This attitude will serve you well in life. Very sorry to read about Shasta. You were both blessed to be in each others' lives.

  18. I'm glad you get to go see good friends during such tough times. I love the idea of the One thousand Things and will be joining in the list making.

    Take Care!

  19. Michaela, I am so sorry about your sweet dog. I know hard it is and I am thinking about you and your family and keeping you in my prayers. Stay strong and I love the idea of a baby book for Shasta. xoxo

  20. Enjoy the South! It's a great place to live! I know you will fall in love!

  21. What a great idea! A thankful heart is truly a joyful one. - Miss Disneyland! Makes me wanna hop on a plane and head home right now!

  22. i love how your finding things to be thankful for despite your grief. it's so important to do!

    i also love the list you made :) especially lavendar nail polish, it's so great, isn't it?

  23. Okay, so don't laugh, but I maybe kinda teared up when I read this.

    Mich, you have been such a blessing to my life!! I am SO SO thankful that God created blogging for us to meet!! Ahhhhh!!! See you soon!!

  24. What a wonderful idea! I definitely need to be reminding myself more often of all I have to be thankful for. And have a wonderful trip! I love NO!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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