Wednesday, August 24, 2011

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: The Littlest Things

Happy Wednesday! Today we're in for a treat, as sweet Sophie from The Littlest Things shares what she's loving and what she's not!
Sophie is a beautiful Australian girl at heart, living in the UK.  She takes lovely pictures and her outfits always make me smile. Let's hear her love list!

Hey fellow Michaela readers. I am Sophie from The Littlest Things. I'm so happy and excited to be here sharing the things I am loving and the things which I am not loving so much on Michaela's beautiful blog. Lets's start with the happy things :)

She Loves Me:

1. Moving to Cardiff

I just moved here two days ago and I am loving it so much. The Welsh are such lovely people. I'm so excited to be able to explore and go on many adventures around the city. I love having a change of environment here and there.

2. Fresh Fruit

I just love summer so much because it means we get to eat the yummiest fresh fruit ever. I live for peaches, mangoes, strawberries, nectarines, watermelon...the list goes on. They are just so yummy.

3. Getting inspired via Pinterest & Design blogs

Now that George (my boyfriend) and I have our own place, it means...decorating time! In comes Pinterest and incredible design blogs (much like the blog you are reading right at this moment) where you can never become uninspired. I have been collecting so many images of beautiful rooms and I just can't wait to start applying all this inspiration to my little apartment.

4. Farmer's Markets 

Aren't they just the best? It has to be the perfect way to start a Sunday morning. I can't wait to check out the farmers markets in Cardiff.

5. Sydney Beaches.

They are just incredible. Since recently returning back from a holiday in Italy, I made me realise just how much I take my beaches at home for granted. With the white sand, the rolling waves and the space...Italy didn't stand a chance in the beach department.

She Loves Me Not:

1. Not having internet.

I have to wait until next Friday (!!!) until we get our internet installed in our apartment. I don't know how I am going to survive. Luckily we have the Cardiff Library (pictured) just across the road from us which has free Wi-fi access. However, it closes at 6pm so it means no more late night online shopping sessions...for a little while anyway.

2. Being away from my family

I just miss my family way too much. Since they are all the way on the other side of the world in Sydney means I am just way too far away from them.

3. Not having a car in the UK

Everything is just so much easier when you can drive there.

Thank you so much for having me here Michaela, I love reading your blog and this series so I was so happy when you ask me to participate :)

So happy to have you, girlie! I love Farmer's Markets and sure wish I was in Sydney on those beaches! No internet?! What a nightmare!

Head on over the The Littlest Things, where you'll find all the little things that inspire and make up Sophie's world (:



  1. i love fresh fruit and farmer's markets, too!!! and i dpn't think i could handle life without being online.

  2. Very cute! I cannot imagine NOT having internet! Eek!

  3. my two loves in one place.

    soph...i am jealous you got out of Notts...but i neeed you.

  4. So much adventure. Wow those photos are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing and I adore all Farmers' markets as well.

  5. I love the farmers markets, too! :)

  6. I love the farmers markets, too! :)

  7. I just wanted to say how much I love this series. It is so fun even if I get a little jealous of your guests and feel the need to add another blog to my Reader! I think I have over 60 now. Eek!

  8. That is a pretty cool move, despite the things that aren't on the "love" list! Everything will look much brighter with internet, I promise! (c:

  9. i love this post, and your blog as well!

  10. I love little Sophie! She's adorable!

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Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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