Saturday, August 11, 2012

Pretty Little Change!

Well, I was going to wait until Monday to put up my new header, but alas I couldn't stand it! I worked with Anna from In Honor of Design and am so beyond thrilled with how it turned out. She is a dream to work with and has the kindest spirit.  I wanted something with a bit more color, and something that represented me as a designer. The colorful pattern at the bottom of the header was inspired by paint swatches, and the chandelier was Anna's wonderful idea. I think it gives it just the right amount of sophistication, elegance and color! Thanks, Anna :)

You'll also notice there is a new tagline. While I loved my old one {and it's still in my About the Girl section}, I wanted something that would describe my blog right away. I also wanted to incorporate my favorite bible verse:

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
~Philippians 4:8

While not everything in this world is lovely {in fact, far from it}, I try to make an effort to choose joy and create a little bit of lovely here on this blog and in my everyday life every day. I'm hoping you can do the same!

Speaking of's a few fun things I've been up to:
outfit of the day// saturday to-do list// spent thursday poolside// sleepy pup
To see more weekend happenings, follow me on instagram: michaelanoelle
Make your weekend wonderful!


  1. I love the header and you're new tagline!!! That verse is one of my faves :) xoxo

  2. Love it! Anna is such a sweet person. Love that bible verse!

  3. Very nice! I think the header and verse fit you very well! Congrats!!!

  4. I love the new header. Certainly less busy than the other one and very professional and gorgeous and just plain lovely.
    I also love your skirt!

  5. i absolutely love it and LOVE how you incorporated your favorite Bible's just lovely ;)

    hope your weekend is amazing girl!

  6. Oh my gosh!
    It's so perfect, and I love the chandelier :)


  7. ooooh i love it! love the soft colors!

  8. Beautiful Michaela! Dont you love when your blog/brand just feels like you. So energising. Enjoy your weekend :)

  9. I love the new look... and I love the tagline even more!

  10. Love the new header! Anna is such a doll and I was so fortunate to meet her in person. Looks like you had a great week.

  11. Beautiful! It totally suits you:)

  12. Michaela, it's PERFECT for you!! I love the new text and design elements, and especially the use of that amazing verse from Philippians. So you, and so LOVELY! xoxo

  13. It looks beautiful Michaela! It really suits you. Hope you had a great Saturday!

  14. Your new header really is lovely and suits you perfectly! I hope you are having a great weekend!

  15. This looks amazing! And that verse is one of my favorites too! My husband actually has it tatooed on his shoulder, which I find pretty attractive. :)

  16. Absolutely love the new header! The color scheme is so pretty and soothing! Hope you had a great weekend!

    The Glossy Life

  17. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new header!!!!! it looks SOOOO good!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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