Monday, November 19, 2012

{Thankful} A Big Girl Job

Have you ever been thinking, hoping and praying about something very specific and then boom- it just happens, gets answered and all falls into place? I equate none of this to luck, a coincidence or fate, but rather God's hand in my life and on this journey. He is so good and has the best timing.

Last week I wrote this post about how I long to do big things once I graduate, but even more, how I desire to work with people who are passionate about people and good design.  I was praying that doors would open and close where God saw fit, so I would be directed to a job that combined all of my passions. Last Friday I had the opportunity to go grab coffee {or tea in my case!} with Sara, the owner of Lulu & Georgia.  I was so excited to meet her, network, and get a glimpse into the life of a young woman business owner.  What I didn't expect was for Sara to tell me that she was looking for an assistant!  Needless to say, I was over-the-moon to hear this and immediately accepted the job :)

Working for Lulu & Georgia will be fun and creative, it will give me great skills and knowledge, and more than anything, I'll be combing many of my passions: people, good design, social media, the home, and style.  If you don't know about L & G, it's a chic online home decor boutique, carrying everything from beautiful rugs, lighting, wall art, furniture and accessories.  I've been a fan from day one, and to have the opportunity to work for Sara is a total answer to prayer.  I'll be helping to run the Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram of the company, as well as writing blog posts, helping Sara style photo shoots, choose products for the shop, and other fun things like that. I can't wait.  I am so thankful!

Follow along with me at Lulu & Georgia: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram

On another note, I had the best weekend! I spent it in Newport Beach with a friend and then even got to squeeze in an appetizer and drinks date with my sweet friend, Courtney from A Thoughtful Place. I love her to pieces :)

I have a few very exciting things coming your way soon: my bedroom reveal feature and an awesome giveaway! Stay tuned. How was your weekend?

Happy Monday!


  1. I feel like I cannot say this enough lately--the Lord is SO faithful!!! Love you girl, and so, so excited for this chapter! :)

  2. So exciting girl, CONGRATS! I hope you are doing something to celebrate :)


  3. Eeek so excited for you! That will be such a great opportunity!

  4. Eeek so excited for you! That will be such a great opportunity!

  5. So fantastic!! God is good! Congratulations!

  6. So excited for you!! Congratulations :)

  7. Congratulations! What an awesome God we serve.

  8. Sara is lucky to have you! Congrats my friend. Was so wonderful to see you yesterday. Excited to get together more!

  9. Ahhhh Michaela I am SOO excited for you! God is so good! So happy that you recognize his goodness in your life, what an affirmation that you're on the right path. Looking forward to hearing more about it! xo

  10. That is SO exciting!!!! Congrats Michaela!! God is so clearly directing your paths and I will pray he continues to do so! xoxo

  11. congrats! i'm so excited for you! i love lulu & georgia!

  12. So fun that you got to meet up with Courtney!! You two girls are the cutest! xo

  13. What an incredible opportunity. So excited for you!

    The Glossy Life

  14. Congrats Michaela!!! So exciting! I wish I knew you were gonna be in Newport Beach! I would have totally made you hang out with me!

  15. what a fast answer to prayer! so excited for you!!

  16. Congrats Michaela! I've been praying for some of the same things for my life. God understands what "big girl job" means right? ;) So happy for you!

  17. Wow, congratulations Michaela! So excited for you!

  18. Congratulations!!! That is so very exciting! God really does provide. :)

  19. Oh my gosh Oh my gosh! We are going to be working together!!!! :) I saw that you guys met up on Friday! Welcome to L&G! :)

  20. Oh my goshhh!! I am so happy for you! Literally I was saying "Oh my gosh" and "Wow" in front of the computer screen. Lol. That is so awesome! What a great opportunity. You are doing great things :)

  21. Many, many congratulations on your new position! I can't think of a more deserving, lovely person. I'm looking forward to reading about all you learn!

  22. WOW Michaela that is so amazing! I know you will excel at your new position. What an amazing opportunity, congrats!

  23. Congratulations Michaela! You are most deserving of all good things to come. So fun that you and Courtney got together. Love the photo of you two beautiful girls.

  24. Congrats! It sounds like a super fun job :)

  25. Yay! Congrats! If you were nearby I'd hire you for all of those same things plus occasional client work! Darn it. :)

  26. over the moon for you, perfect fit!

  27. Congrats - such wonderful news! God does have the best timing and truly knows the desires of your heart! So excited to see what comes from this! yay! :)

  28. Congrats pretty lady! You just have to love God's perfect timing!

  29. Woohoo!!! SO SO happy for you!!! This is just perfect and I love that God knows exactly what we need, when we need it!!

  30. Congratulations! How exciting!! :)

    and yep.. God is so awesome!!

  31. It may sound all gushy, but when I hear stuff like this it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I am SO happy for you! It's given me great peace in my short years knowing that God's timing is my timing... Congratulations!

    ~Anneke at This, That and Life

  32. Michaela, this is amazing!!! I'm so excited FOR you. It sounds completely perfect for you...designed by God. Praying it's as wonderful as you hope it will be. Makes me think of Proverbs 3:5-6..."Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do and He will direct your paths."


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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