Thursday, March 7, 2013

{Design Files} Monochromatic Rooms & Bedroom Peek

Monday and Tuesday was spent at the LA Design Bloggers Conference.  It was lots of fun to meet some pretty amazing people, one of my favorites being Barbara Barry. I'm one hundred and fifty percent in love with her truly classic style, incredibly unique approach to design, philosophy of design and stunning portfolio.  I bought her book at the conference and have been enveloped in her writing and gorgeous pictures ever since.  

You know what's funny? I've loved Barbara's work for years, but have never looked at her portfolio all together at once.  A funny thing happens when you do that. I picked up on things I had never noticed about her work before; things I loved. She designs perfect monochromatic rooms. Take a look at a few of my favorite images from her portfolio and see what I mean!

* all images via Barbara Barry's Portfolio

That last kitchen there? Yeah, that's how I want my kitchen to look every day of the week.  Most rooms are essentially made up of one color, but with many shades and highlights of that one hue.  Coupled with texture and pattern, this monochromatic decorating style is one I could definitely get used to. Something about it so, so soothing.  One of my favorite things she said was, "Besides our bodies and minds needing rest, I believe our eyes need rest too, a rest from the visual impact of the active world."

I couldn't help but throw in a sneak peek of my bed area of the apartment. What about you? Do you love this subtle monochromatic style as much as me? {It's okay if you don't!} 

Buy her book, Around Beauty, right here!

Happy Thursday! I'll be buried in Barbara's book:)


  1. Your bedroom looks so lovely! And what a fun conference. I love Barbara Barry's work.

  2. All these rooms are incredible! I wish my house looked like that!

  3. love these pretty images! such inspiration!
    kw ladies in navy

  4. I love your cross collection. Could be a great blogpost to share the story behind each one? :)


    1. Thanks girl! I will try to do that :) The collection is a combo of my roommate and I's. xoxo

  5. Such a beautiful bedroom!! Can't wait to see the rest!

  6. Your bedroom corner looks so cozy and peaceful! And thanks for introducing me to Barbara Barry's work, truly chic and inspiring!

    1. Thank you! And I'm glad to introduce you to her work. So stunning!

  7. I definiately love the monochromatic designs, but I'm the type of person who needs pops of colors.
    And I love your crosses! So beautiful. You inspire me so much!

  8. that kitchen is what dreams are made of. all white, with lots of flowers.

  9. "Besides our bodies and minds needing rest, I believe our eyes need rest too, a rest from the visual impact of the active world."

    This quote couldn't be more appropriate and I have been thinking a lot about it lately. Especially with all of the different ways we get visual stimulation these days.

  10. ahhhh, I want fresh flowers in Even the Bean's room! And your little bedroom nook looks adorable and super peaceful! xoxo

  11. M - one day when I have money and you're all HGTV famous, I'm hiring you to come design my whole house! Remember me when you're brushing elbows with Martha Stewart :)

  12. Lucky you to get to meet Barbara Barry! I am a huge Barry Barry fan. Your bedroom looks beautiful Michaela. Cozy and peaceful.

  13. My eye is always, always drawn to monochromatic coloring. Just as you said - it's so soothing. i just love it :) And, goodness...that kitchen!!! WOW! And your bedroom is so perfectly cozy. I love the crosses on your wall :) XO Brynn

  14. this style is alllll me. it is definitely what i am drawn to most.

  15. Subtle and monochromatic? YES, please! I actually just posted my own house tour, and it's both of those...well, for the most part, anyway. :) How cool to meet Barbara in person! I was really drawn to her showroom when I saw it about 5 years ago in Dallas with my interior design class. I adore all those flowers in that airy kitchen.

    Your little bed corner is so sweet, by the way! It's definitely a "Michaela" style...sweet, serene, and filled with hints of faith. :) Beautiful!

  16. Can I own a house already? The urge to decorate and home-make is too much.

  17. I love the eclectic feel of the space. The rug is gorgeous! Hope you are off to a great week!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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