Wednesday, March 6, 2013

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Savvy Home

Today I have a new blogging friend here sharing her loves and love-me-nots. Meet Gabrielle of Savvy Home
Gabrielle is a fabulous interior designer, stylist and all-around stylish gal {see the picture below that I snapped of her!}  Lucky for me, I got to meet her in person on Monday at the Lulu & Georgia dinner and spent the week with her at the design blogger's conference. She's a true doll and I'm thrilled to have her here today! Take it away...
{Dying over her pants!!!}

1. California: I love coming here for the weather, the beaches, the food, the people, the design, the wine... I love California.

2. Paisley: A pattern that I've come to love especially in a more subtle shape and palette like the ones from Les Indiennes.

3. The Naked and Famous - Passive me, Agressive you: I don't know if it's the pop happy vibe that is the perfect complement to my trip in California but I'm loving this album from The Naked and Famous. 

4. My design resolutions: I'm so happy I made design resolutions at the start of the year. They're really forcing me to whip my little apartment into shape. 

5. Lattes: An essential part of my day. I'm always on the lookout for great coffee.

1. Winter: Winter's been dragging in Montreal and I'm over it. Bring on the sunshine, warm weather, leafy trees, green grass and blue skies...

2. Graduate school: Just like winter, graduate school's been dragging a bit. I'm graduating in June and it can't come fast enough.

3. Renting: I love my little apartment, but I'm dying to rip out the kitchen and bathroom and remodel to my taste. I can't wait to buy my own place to do exactly that.

4. Flight delays: They mess up plans and really, what's worse than spending hours on end in a terminal?

Thanks, friend! Making design resolutions is a great idea and as you all know, I'm quite partial to California as well :)

Go say hello to Gabrielle at Savvy Home today!

What are YOU loving {and not loving!} this week?


  1. love that first style photo! so pretty and full of spring!
    kw ladies in navy

  2. Those pillows are awesome!


  3. Aww! Love Gabby and I'm so glad you met and are having fun. That first photo is so cute! Can't wait to see the outfit post!

  4. Couldn't agree more about the grad school thing. Ugh, I need to be over ASAP.

  5. Hi Michaela! Thanks for sharing a Québécoise blogger :) I'm from Quebec myself, but I don't know a lot of lifestyle blogger from here yet!

  6. Hi Gabrielle! Had so much fun at the conference and love those photos that Michaela took! They turned out so well! (Mine too, Michaela)! ;)

  7. Another fellow Canadian blogger! I love it. And amen to a winter that seems to just drag on like WHOA! I'm dealing with that here in Michigan too. Call you soon my friend xoxo

  8. Great series!! Love this photo of Gabrielle! How nice that you were all able to get together. I can't wait for Sam's recap tomorrow!

  9. Thank you so much for having me Michaela! Such a fun series and I LOVE how your photos came out. Glad to have met you at the conference :) Xx


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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