Friday, April 26, 2013

Springy Colors & Favorite Sofas

one / two / three / four / five / six 

A few days ago I went on a pinning streak on Pinterest, pinning all my favorite images from House Beautiful's website.  We're going to play a game. What do all of the above sofas have in common?! 

They're all colored in some way.  I, for one, am totally digging this colored sofa look, especially for spring and summer. {Told you I had spring fever!} As walls are more neutral, furnishings are becoming more playful and this is the perfect example. Striped or powder blue sofas? Sure, why not?!

What else am I loving about these image? I thought you'd never ask :)
-the lattice work and lime green
-the wood island and white cabinets
-seafoam. I could live in that bedroom.
-daring pink in the living room. Go pink or go home!
-the architectural detail in the ceiling of the 5th picture
-the pastels, bright and cheery colors, perfectly fresh and sweet for the season

What's your favorite element from these pretty pictures? Do you like a colored sofa?

Happy Friday!
PS. Welcome my sponsor Hattan Home

Fill your home with cute little treats. Lindsay has everything from bath and kitchen towels to candles, jewelry, and the yummiest lip gloss on the block! 


  1. Lindos ambientes, são uma inspiração para uma apaixonada por decoração.
    Tenha um ótimo fim de semana.

  2. i have been in love with pink and light blue lately. i love the 2nd to last picture!

  3. I'm a BIG fan of colorful sofas! Especially with children in the house:-) xoxo

  4. the colors are all so fresh and inviting I'm having a hard time choosing a favorite!

  5. I can't get over that lattice! I never in my wildest dreams would imagine I actually like the looks of that but I'm actually rather smitten. It's just so dang happy!

  6. I absolutely love colored sofas even though I gravitate to white! And all of these photos are very inspiring. :-)

  7. Loving these springy colors!


  8. I am not a fan of colored sofas but I aboslutely love that touch of color in the green beding!
    Great pictures! XO


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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