Thursday, August 29, 2013

Let Us Not Become Weary

*image by Ashley Slater Photography

Since graduating college, I've been putting out feelers here and there trying to find a more full-time interior design job, working for a designer in the Bay Area. Even though I'm going to launch my website and design services in the Fall, it will be more of a "soft" launch, as I want to be working for a designer simultaneously.  Can I tell you something, friends? This whole career world is hard work. Don't get me wrong, I love being out of school and am so thankful for being done with college and on to this next phase of life, but boy, is it scary at times. Some days I'm SO hopeful that something great is going to come my way and other days I get really nervous and discouraged. 

I feel so blessed my parents are letting me live at their house for a while to save up some money for the time being, but the other day I started browsing apartment prices just for fun.  It soon turned into anything but fun. Apartment, condo and house prices are no joke here in the Bay Area. With not even a studio apartment under $1000, I found myself discouraged and concerned for my future.  I don't have the husband I thought I'd have upon graduating, I don't have the funds to live somewhere on my own, and I don't have a full time job with benefits and healthcare. Then, as I often do when I get that sinking feeling, I picked up my Bible and started reading God's truth to replace the lies. I turned to Galatians 6:9, and it was the perfect verse at the perfect time...

 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

Yes. This hit me square in the face. My only job is to do good, keep seeking out employment opportunities, continue making connections in the design world, and pray that in His timing the right doors be open. Don't worry about how good the pay is or whether I'll get benefits. Don't worry about when I will have enough money to move out and decorate a cute place of my own. Worry not about the future, pleasing others, getting ahead, having a family, or owning a booming business. None of this is for me to worry about, because thankfully, God has it all planned out already. And His plan is sweeter than I could ever dream.

So, if you're in a season of in-betweens, not-sures, or straight up discouragement with where you are presently, let me be the first to say I'm right there with you. Friends, let us not become weary if we are doing good. Hold onto hope and trust in God's perfect timing. Will you join me in trying to live fully, with an abundance of joy, in the season we're presently in? 

Have a blessed day!


  1. Love it, and so timely for so very many of us!

  2. Love this :) I am so there with you in this weird in-between of life. Working, living at home, trying to find the direction God wants me to take, it's not always easy. Thankyou for sharing that verse - SO good and a needed reminder :) All the best friend xo

  3. I think so many people right out of college are in the same position you are in. Everything will happen in God's timing, and it is not out of the ordinary to have to wait some time for that first real full-time job to come. Plus I can tell that you are not just living home, but contributing to that home in many ways!! Living at home for a while as an adult, especially when you have a good relationship with your parents, can be a great time to appreciate each other in new ways. Keep looking at that sign that you put in that beautiful b-room you just created, "God is always Good and we are always Loved." By the way I am obsessed and must buy that! :)

  4. Amen! I am in a similar situation, and definitely understand the feeling of
    being overwhelmed by the changes and things that come with this season of life!
    How perfect that verse is..such a wonderful and much-needed reminder! Thank you for
    sharing, Michaela!

  5. Oh Michaela, you have no idea how I needed that this morning. This transition has been harder than I thought. I'm still struggling and while I'm happy with the sunshine and beach trips it's definitely discouraging with the job front, making new friends, etc. So thank you for your beautiful reminder to seek GOD first and keep doing good. It will all come in time.

  6. I've been a reader of your blog for awhile now and it has been a pleasure to watch you in every season of life. So filled with joy and God. You truly are inspiring and I believe you will find the perfect job soon! Thanks for this beautiful reminder of Gods timing.

  7. Great verse Michaela. We were just there with Elie. While she had a great job out of college, it was not ultimately what she wanted to be doing with her life. She took a leap of faith and quit that job in May to enter a teaching program. She was thankful to be offered a job the "week" before school started here! She is enjoying it and her new coaching job. It was a bit scary at times not knowing "if" the job would come and knowing she had quit a good paying job to seek this new one out. Hang in is all in God's timing.

  8. I really needed this today! Thanks for the reminder! You are very talented and I know you have a bright future on the horizon!
    House on the Way

  9. Thinking of you my sweet friend and i just know that our Lord is watching over you and He has such a great plan for you. Sending you big hugs x

  10. this was good and such an encouragement to me today!

  11. I'll definitely join you in this! I'll also be praying that something amazing comes your way very soon :)

  12. i completely understand how you are feeling. i have been looking at apartments in san diego and the only ones i can find for under $1200 are tiny and in horrible areas! makes me want to cry!

  13. I feel you girly! My husband and I are looking for homes where we grew up in Walnut Creek and it's becoming a sad reality that we probably won't be able to buy our first home here. You just need to find an awesome roommate to split those expenses with you!

  14. You have such a great outlook on life and I love that this is all about being positive! I am know where near where I wanted to be at this point in my life, but I always think my turn will come and what is meant to be will be!


    Five Minute Style 

  15. I'm so there. And I could not agree more! Isn't it amazing how God's word speaks to us individually right when we need it? This was really encouraging to read. Bless xxoo

  16. Michaela..needed to hear this today. Going through one of the hardest seasons of my life but He is a God of details. He knows all and in that we can rest.

  17. this was a very appropriate post for me to read today. my husband will graduate in december & things are quite "up in the air" regarding his job situation. this is scary because he is the one who mainly supports us. after i graduated college, there was about 6 months where i put out tons of resumes & got nothing back. eventually, things did begin to turn around & i started getting some offers. i'm sure with your experience & the blog and your soon to be business, opportunities will come along in time!

  18. Oh friend, I just love this. I was in your shoes when I left college. In fact, everything I thought I had I didn't have, and even some of the things I did have (like my health) were taken from me for a little while. It was extremely tough, but somehow God has opened doors and here I am in grad school, doing what I love, and although I still have so many many unanswered questions and sometimes doubt, I have to trust that His plan is better than my plans. It was a good reminder to read your post today too as it has been a pretty awful day. Got into a minor fender bender on the way home from a day starting at 4AM, and let's just say I had had it. Thanks for the reminder that God is still faithful, even in the midst of what seems like a big 'ol thunderstorm. xoxo girly. praying for you.

  19. I so identify with you, Michaela. I am entering my last year of university (studying English literature), and am terrified. I have no clue what I’m doing after graduation, and I have no clue how to figure it out. I am so excited to be done school but I am also paralyzed by the unknown. You are right in that we just have to trust and have faith during this period... but it sure is HARD. I am someone who craves consistency and routine and will be happy when I can count on that again.

  20. Words of wisdom my friend. As a USMC wife, mother, and classical musician with a M.M.E., every three years we get up rooted and I feel like I have to start over with my career. This most recent move has allowed me to spend more time with one of my greatest passions, interior design and blogging. But I often wonder what God has in store for me with the talents he has given me. Thanks for sharing your inspiration.

  21. Michaela, how I feel for you! Everything that you have described is what I am also currently going through. Although it wont give you a job or the stability that you crave, know that you are not the only one. Thank you for sharing!
    Adding you to my prayer list of people in a similar spot and asking that the Lord would give you abundant opportunities.

  22. I remember feeling the exact same way after graduation, and even now, I still feel that way sometimes. I think you have a good perspective on things now, and I know great things are in your future. xo

  23. My only advice: save as much of your money while you can!

    It didn't take long for me to realize after starting college that my biology degree alone was pretty much going to be useless unless I went to grad school. I ended up working $10/hr as a medical front office assistant after I graduated, which didn't even require a high school diploma (making me even more depressed after 4 painful years of undergrad!). Even though it was "close" to my field of interest (medicine), I wasn't doing any actual patient care and I felt SOOOO BORED! I took night classes while I worked full-time to keep myself intellectually challenged, and I got a phlebotomy certificate (again, no college was necessary for this training, so I was surrounded by people with very little motivation). I am going to be applying to medical school next year, but the soonest I'll be able to matriculate in just seems like a waiting game at the moment but I hope it gets better for the both of us! Even though I'm not too spiritual, I admire your reliance on God.

  24. Thank you so much for posting this, Michaela! I'm also a recent SPU grad from June, and I am totally in the un-sure season of my life. It makes sense that we feel this way right after graduating college, but we cannot help but begin to over-think and worry so much about the future. But, I love that you mentioned that these doubts and fears are lies, and that God's timing is the ultimate truth. Thank you for this beautiful reminder to surrender our worries and concerns to the Lord, because God is so so so good.

    Blessings as you continue to explore your near-future life!

  25. this is gorgeous!

    good luck with everything! you have a good head on your shoulders!

    kw ladies in navy
    $75 Anthropologie Giveaway

  26. Love this post. You are on the right track, girl! Trust in the Lord...He's very good at being God and when you least expect it things will fall into place :) Thanks for the words of are an inspiration!

  27. Thank you for sharing your heart and His will. I am going through the exact same thing, a recent Interior Design graduate in Portland and have been so discouraged. I too am trying to trust and lean on Him. He will provide sweet girl, you're on the right path.


    Shimmer Me Pretty

  28. Thank you so much for sharing this. I have been feeling the same way lately and then I just try and remember I have a lot of be thankful for. I could my blessings and I pray for strength. Love you girl!

  29. This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear today. It's so hard to be "in between plans", but remembering how faithful God is sure helps.

  30. THIS is why I love you oh so much!! Thank you for being such a great encouragement to others out there and thank you for giving an honest glimpse into your heart and your career!! I know the Lord is already being glorified by your business and I am excited to see what He does in the coming weeks, months, and years! Love you!!

  31. Such a beautiful post. I love you SO STINKING MUCH! I know that God has great things in store for you and I can't wait to see it all!

  32. Or maybe he's just telling you to move to Louisiana. We have NICE apartments way under $1000. : )))) Just saying.

  33. Wow !Its incredible to see the power of the word of God . It amazes me even more to see just how masterful he is , even in the small things , like coming across your blog today. I follow the inspired room a lot . I love her design approach and share a similar taste . I remembered a while back when she said you were joining her blog and even ! it must be nice to be surrounded by so much creative influence after graduating. It's funny but at that moment I just knew you were off to a good start. I've always had it in my heart to start blogging , even to explore an education in design but have been fearful . I have a lot on my plate, I manage a practice, just bought a home that between remodeling and designing hasn't neecesarily gone my way , I'm a
    leader for my ministries youth group and just always seem to have something going on in my life. In this season , my life feels a little shaken by the storm and I can't express enough the magnitude of my awe to how come across this post.Just like it reads in John 14-God, brings peace to the hearts of those who trust him .Todays is my first time visiting you blog and God used you to speak to my heart. I just thought you should know and I really wanted to say "Thank you" for being an instrument of the Lord.

  34. Don't stress yourself out on worrying about making ends meet. God always takes care of us and you have to remember that you're just getting started. It takes years to get established after college and in my opinion, you're way ahead of the game compared to most recent grads! Every month when I write my rent check, it's painful. I look at all my friends who have husbands to help foot the bill and wonder why I'm not one of them. But the truth is, there's a lot to be said about making it on your own. Love your inspirational!!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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