Wednesday, August 28, 2013

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Attempts at Domestication

Today I'm excited to introduce you to one of the most fun and kind DIY and home bloggers around. Meet Ashley from Attempts at Domestication...
Ashley dishes on life as a newlywed, cooking, DIY projects and home decor. She's always so genuine and thoughtful; I just love her and the inspiration she brings to the blog world! I'm thrilled she's here sharing what she's loving (and not!) for this Wednesday's installation of She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not.

Hey there everybody! I'm Ashley and I blog at Attempts At Domestication, where I write about everything from home decor, DIY projects, recipes and life in general. I'm so excited to be guest posting here on Michaela's blog today and sharing about some things I love, and some that I'm not so into. 

She Loves Me (1)
Fall Fashion - August is almost over which means fall is coming! I can't wait to take my boots and scarves out of storage, plus go shopping for a few new items. ;)
Paris - My husband and I are going on a European vacation in September and we'll be in Paris for half of it. I absolutely cannot wait to see the sites, especially the Eiffel Tower. I'm also excited to eat a ton of croissants, macaroons, and of course chocolate.
Pumpkin - Fall also means indulging in all things pumpkin! My favorites are pumpkin desserts and pumpkin spice lattes. I'm also looking forward to visiting a pumpkin patch and carving pumpkins with my husband for Halloween.
Glee - I've been obsessed with this show for a few years, so much so I'm rewatching it, again. I've always loved musicals and I like tv shows with drama, this is a combination of both and I love it! I'm excited for Season 5 this fall, even though it will all feel different without Cory Montieth.
Ultimate Frisbee - As the weather starts to cool down I want to spend as much time as I can outside. My friends have been playing Frisbee every weekend for a few weeks now and it's so fun! Not to mention a great form of exercise!

She Loves Me NotWaking Up - I'm not a morning person. Never have been and definitely never will be. I especially can't stand getting up early to do something not fun, like going to work.
Cleaning the Kitchen - My husband and I have a deal that whoever cooks dinner doesn't have to clean the kitchen. My husband does the vast majority of the cooking which means I'm always stuck on dish duty. At least he's an excellent chef. ;)
Rain - It has rained over 80% of the summer. Luckily there's usually one sunny day on the weekends, but all the dreary weather definitely has affected my mood. I can't wait for the clouds to part for some sunny, non-humid fall days.

Thanks so much for having me Michaela! :)
Thanks for sharing, Ashley! Do you think it'd be okay if I came along to Paris with her? :) I also can't wait for fall and the boots/sweater weather that comes with it.

Go say hello over at Attempts at Domestication!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Can't wait for fall, and love Glee, but agree it will be different. And, I hear ya on the rain. We've had our fair share (or more) this summer.

  2. For me, it's cleaning the bathrooms (even though clean bathrooms are one of my favorite things) -- Cute post!

  3. So ready for all of the Fall shows!!

  4. great lists! i love pumpkin and glee and want to go to paris! i also very much dislike cleaning the kitchen- it's always the last room i tackle.

  5. Ahhhh two worlds colliding! Love Ashley! She is one of my oldest (longest? not oldest!) blogging friends! :)

    Is it sad that I am actually jealous of your rain? We haven't seen any since "winter"...


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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