Monday, August 12, 2013

Real Talk: Collections

Happy Monday! I hope you had a lovely weekend. While I was working on cleaning out a few areas in my room, I rediscovered one of my favorite things.  All the cards I've ever received since my first birthday are stored away in a cabinet in my room. Love notes from family, encouragement from friends, high school notes I wasn't supposed to be writing, a letter from the pastor who married my mom and dad and dedicated me when I was 4, cards from my mom that she'd give me when I'd go on trips, funny notes my dad wrote me, the cards that he would send me with flowers on valentine's day.  So many precious memories and words written to me over the last 22 years. I just love knowing they're all in there!

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all these cards, but I just can't seem to part with them! Some may call this hoarding, but I'll call it my card collection :) Reading through a few of these cards made me wonder if you collect something special?  In addition to all the cards, I also collect vintage tea cups. If you've been here for a while, you know tea is my favorite thing! I drink it every morning and sometimes at night. It actually got me through college, as it soothed my soul and reminded me of home. Oh, and kept me awake ;) When my great grandma passed away years ago, she left me three teacups, and since then, I've added a few more to my collection. They are so, so treasured!

So friends, do you hoard collect anything fun?!

Enjoy your day!

PS. The new Travel issue of Rue Magazine is hitting online newsstands TODAY!


  1. I've been saving all of my cards and notes as well. I have a big box on my book shelf that I keep all of them in. Once in awhile I like to go through them. It's funny because I noticed three years in a row I received the same birthday card over and over from the same person!


  2. I saw on Pinterest (duh) where someone punched holes in the cards and put binder rings through them to make a book

  3. So so sweet - I also collect and keep all my old cards. I saw a fun DIY on Pinterest by sealing them all in piles (by occasion) with a fun card on the front. Think I may sort mine like that... Or in albums!
    Love your vintage cups too x

  4. That is so sweet that you save your cards! I collect vintage dishes. So fun tracking down pieces here and there to add!

  5. We each have a photo box (or two) filled with cards and notes. They are fun to look back on. One time the girls found a five dollar bill in an old birthday card they had not realized was there. LOL I still have cards my Granny and Pop sent me. My Granny always signed them and then added P.S. Somebody loves you (meaning they and God). Brings a smile to my face every time I read them.

  6. I have a similar collection... :) a box full of old notes, torn from bits of paper, and cards for birthdays, valentine's and just-because. They mean the world to me!

  7. Same issue over here with the cards. They are literally falling out of my desk drawers! Ha! My mom collects vintage tea cups...many of them are family heirlooms actually, which is so cool I think! :) Love yours, Michaela!

  8. I hoard birthday cards, too! When Chris and I got married he thought I was crazy, but then we sat and started reading them and it is so touching to have those memories!

    Have a great day!

  9. i just to collect cards until i moved 3 times in a year and somehow that box went missing.

  10. I'm happy to hear that there are a lot of people out there saving cards, its just bittersweet to throw something away that has so much meaning, yet weird that we keep them.

    I have a collection of ice cream scoops (approx 20), which is ironic because a. i generally don't eat much icecream and b. when I do I buy it in half pints because its way easier to eat out of it with a spoon that way. Ice cream scoops are so cool though, theres gotta be a thousand different ones and every time I see a new one, I HAVE to have it.

  11. I think it's so sweet that you've kept all your cards from your parents! I'd love to start doing a scrapbook for my kids with the cards and notes that we give them someday. I don't know that I have a collection, per say, but I do love cake stands and vintage china! I always love going to antique shops and seeing fun, beautiful pieces to add :)


  12. I also have many of the cards I've been given through the years! I love looking back on them and remembering. The ones from people that have passed are especially special. :)

  13. I'm a card collector, too. I love looking back and reminiscing while reading through them. I also have a large collection of decorative pillows. I like having them for different seasons and holidays. I never meant to have a collection, but I do have a bunch.

  14. Magazines are my hoarding collection, I just cant bare to part with them even after Iv read and reread them a zillion times! I go through my cards every few years and either throw them out or reuse them to make my own cards :)

  15. Hmmm, I'm honestly not sure what I hoard. I do keep special things, but not cards. But I have letters, notes, tickets, etc in a couple of big shoe boxes. I love going through them and reading stuff!!

  16. I always save all cards I get, so all christmas cards, congratulations, etc -- I have show boxes full haha


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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