Friday, November 1, 2013

23rd Birthday!

I turn 23 today. Twenty. Three. Wow! Where has the time gone?! I know I probably say that every year, but I really, really can't believe this year is here already. This last year has been one that I will always remember.  Today I thought I would just share a few things I learned just in this past year.

- Moving to Los Angeles to finish college taught me a lot about myself, the world we live in and how important it is to stay humble. I came across so many people trying to make a name for themselves in that city, and their character/personalities got ugly...quick.  I always want to be kind-hearted, humble and glorifying to God in my work and personal life.
- Don't be afraid to ask for opportunities. This is what happened to me when I did that, and it was my favorite day ever.
- Never settle. In relationships, friendships, business, or anything.
- Graduating college is a big deal. Anxiety attacks are normal.
- I worry about little things a lot more than I care to admit.  Worrying is born out of fear, but I don't need to fear, because God has everything in the palm of His hands. I'm still working on this one :) Isaiah 41:10
- Starting your own business at 22 is totally possible. Always push yourself, keep learning and strive to be the best you can be at your craft.
- Staying in touch with friends who live across the country gets harder every year, but it's really important to me.
- God has gifted each and every person with a unique gift. Encouraging others to pursue their gift and passion fuels my soul.
- Social media is great, but I need to create boundaries! No one should be social 24/7.
- Connect with like-minded women and/or men in your industry. This one, this one, and this one have been so, so good to me.
- I discovered the show Nashville. Possibly my favorite show ever.
- God is good and always faithful. His timing is impeccable.

What have you learned this year?

I'm off to enjoy the day with my mom then go to a family dinner and eat my favorite cupcakes for dessert. Happy birthday to me :)

PS. Don't forget to join in on my November Instagram Challenge! Today is the first day and the prompt is to post a picture of your favorite room in your house. Use #joyfilledhomechallenge so I can see it!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are such a beautiful woman inside and out! You are going places my dear because of your talent and you'll enjoy the ride because of your sweet nature! I hope it's the best year for you yet! xoxox

  2. happy happy birthday, friend! i second julia! :)

  3. Happy Birthday, sweet girl! I hope you feel so loved today and that your light continue to be shed on all those around you :) Cheers to turning 23!! <3

  4. HAPPY Birthday sweet Michaela!!! I hope your day is wonderful and that you do something special for just you!

  5. Happy Birthday! Seeing 23 was like a smack in the face. lol Enjoy your 20's!!!! Great years! I'm no longer in the bracket. ;)

  6. Happy Birthday Michaela. May you have a wonderful day celebrating, and may God bless you in the coming year.

  7. Happy, Happy Birthday Michaela!!! Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!!! You sure have accomplished one heck of a lot in the last year, great job!!!

  8. Happy Birthday Michaela! Have a beautiful day :) xo Kristin

  9. These are all so great and true! Happy birthday!

  10. Happy Birthday Michaela! Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day

  11. Happy Birthday sweet girl! I hope you have a fantastic weekend! :)

  12. Happy Birthday sweet girl! I am so glad to have found your blog, you're such a inspiration and true gem. Enjoy your day!

    xx, Kylie Rae

  13. Happy Birthday sweet and beautiful Michaela! I know 23 is going to be a HUGE year for you with the launch of your new business! God will continue to reward you for you kind heart and soul. Your point on never settling really resonated with me. I ended my three year relationship a few months ago for this very reason. Love you sweet girl.

  14. happy birthday girl!!!

  15. Happy Birthday, gorgeous! Wishing you such a happy year of more blessings and love :) Xoxo

  16. Happy Birthday to you!!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!! I still have a messy room in my parent's house but I will try to participate in the challenge. :)

  17. Happy happy birthday!!! Love you so much!!

  18. Happy birthday Michaela!! Your career is off to a wonderful start, wishing you success, joy and happiness in the coming year!!

  19. Happy Birthday Michaela!! I hope this year is even more wonderful for you!

    Five Minute Style 

  20. Happy happy birthday Michaela!!! I hope this next year brings you such greatness!!! (:

  21. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  22. Happy late Birthday dear! Sorry I'm late. I knew it was your birthday but I was out of town coaching for the volleyball tournament and also got sick :S. I love reading your blog! I love hearing your reflections on your year. So happy you fell in love with "Nashville"--I wish we could watch it together :). I hope it's not too late to join your Instagram challenge. My new house is still extremely bare but I would love to do it!

  23. Happy Birthday to you! I hope you had a great day! The Lord is always with you! XO,Desiree

  24. Hope you had a fabulous birthday!

  25. Ahh how did I miss this last week??? Happy belated birthday!!! Hope you had an absolutely lovely day :) xo

  26. I've been away from the computer so I hope I'm not too late to wish you the happiest birthday Michaela! I have so enjoyed following along with you this year. It's been a blessing getting to know you through your blogs and a few back-and-forth emails. May 23 be your best year yet sweet girl!

    Chelsea & The City


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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