Friday, November 21, 2014

The Makings of a Fashion Post: Behind the Scenes

Being a blogger is great, but it comes with it's challenges. Perhaps the biggest challenge is finding someone who will take your pictures for fashion posts (without complaining or being embarrassed.) I often get asked who takes my pictures and I'm here to tell you today! When I am in California, I've trained my dad to use the camera. When I'm here in Michigan, my boyfriend gets stuck with this non-paying job. They are both great photographers, but what you don't know is that they are also great models!

What you see here on the blog are pretty pictures of my outfits, but what you don't see are the pictures I have to take of my dad and McCann before they take the pictures of me. In order to get the light and frame set up, my "photographer" has to stand in the shot for me while I get things ready to go. It's funny how they evolved since starting to help me with these photos. At first, both were embarrassed that we had to take pictures in public and just stood there, not looking at the camera. And now...well, now you can see for yourself below. They are quite bold in their posing ;) I guess they figured they would have fun while I "test the light" on them!

For everyone's enjoyment, I give you The Makings of a Fashion Post:

My favorite? Definitely the one of my dad with the balloons on the railroad tracks. In second place would be the one of my dad in his biking outfit and water shoes.  That's what happens when I ask him to quickly take some pictures of me before his Sunday bike ride and he doesn't have shoes on yet. He ran to get the closest pair, and unfortunately, but fortunately for this post, they were his "water/gardening" shoes. Finally, I love the one of McCann pointing his toe and angling to the side. He says that's the pose I do. I beg to differ... ;)

Black Dress & Balloons
Blue Pants & Chevron Top
Gray Coat & Black Boots 
Black Coat, Hat & Booties
Floral Pants & Sweater

I thought we could all use a good laugh this Friday, so there you have it. At the expense of my dad and boyfriend, you're welcome.

Happy weekend!


  1. My fav is the bottom right one of good, I think he's got this thing down!!!

  2. I love the one of McCann in a hoodie hamming it up. Your dad and the balloons is a close second :)

  3. Oh my goodness this is too good!! Haha they are both very good sports for letting you share these ;)

    Hope you're staying warm friend!! xo

  4. Great post! I love the "behind the scenes" look :) Your dad and boyfriend are very good sports!

  5. These are hysterical, Michaela :) Got to love family! What camera and lens do you shoot lifestyle/detail images with?

  6. This post did make me laugh! You are lucky to have such supportive and funny men in your life!

  7. haha! I love this post ;) what fun memories

  8. Oh what a perfect post for a good Friday afternoon laugh :) These are awesome!

  9. This was too fun, thanks for the giggle ;)

  10. These are hilarious! A few laugh out loud moments for sure ;)

  11. Oh my gosh, I have these same type of pictures! Why do guys think we look like that? They're so silly!

  12. This is too funny! It's sweet of your dad and boyfriend to take your photos for you!

  13. It didn't even occur to me that you'd need to test the light etc. before the photos were taken, makes sense really! Love the one of your dad with the balloons ;)

  14. I liked the one with the guy wearing the plaid shirt.. see they do know how to pose :) great post!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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