Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year + 2015 Goals

Friends, we are five days into the new year and I'm loving it already. For some reason, I've felt very excited to make some changes, share my goals and get into 2015! January is always a great time to pause and reflect on the last year; the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. I think it's always healthy to evaluate your past and make good decisions when moving forward! I've done some soul searching, thinking and dreaming to come up with a few goals for the next year, a year I think will be an exciting and sweet one. Instead of just posting these goals once in January, I'm also going to start posting monthly goals throughout the year. I hope in me sharing my goals, you can keep me accountable and perhaps find a few things you want to work towards as well. Here we go!

We will start with my word for the year: joy! (How can you type the word "joy" without an exclamation point after it?!) I want to live a life of joy; not a cheap joy where I put on an act and pretend to be happy even when I'm not, but a deep rooted joy that comes from Christ and my hope in Him. Making joy found in God as my mindset is different than being "happy". Trials will come, hard times and suffering are all around us, but we can rejoice in the fact that God loves us and walks through trials of any kind with us. We can rejoice in the fact that though we deserve nothing, Christ has offered us everything. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

And now a few goals for 2015:
- Continue to drink lots of water. Drinking tons of water has done wonders for the way I feel. Did you know I never have any caffeine?! I get all my energy from water and good sleep.
- Be more adventurous. I'll admit it, I like to stick to what I know and what I love, so I don't venture out much. I'm a picky eater, and while I don't see that changing, I want to become more adventurous in other areas of life!

- Read my Bible every day. I always have good intentions but often forget or place other things before my morning devotionals. No more excuses!

- Stop comparing. This means with where I'm at in my business, what clothes others can afford, how many DIY projects someone else cranks out every month, who gets to write a book here, who is getting featured there, who's getting married and having babies, who's relationship looks picture perfect on instagram. Just stop! Comparison is the thief of joy!

- Go on more creative dates with McCann. I already have a few ideas!

- Love better. One way I'm planning to do this is to spend more time hanging out with and getting to know the girls in our high school group at church.

- Learn calligraphy (Bloom will help with this as we have 5 workshops with calligraphy teachers in 2015!)

- Get both of my businesses (Michaela Noelle Designs and The Bloom Workshop) trademarked. 

- Save money! Hi...I often have a problem with this one. #noshame

- Grow my personal interior design business even more. I'm so excited to show off some client projects I have been working on soon.

- Continue to expand Bloom and prayerfully consider our future.

- Learn to cook better. I am known to burn things sometimes ;) Whether it be a class or just getting more creative in the kitchen, I want to become a little more comfortable with cooking.

- Use my unique gifts to serve more. 

- It wouldn't be a new years goals list without the addition of going to the gym more. I'm not going to kid myself, though. I probably won't make it to the gym often because of the snow in Michigan (don't judge me!) BUT my goal is to do workout videos from home, if nothing else. 

I think that does it. Just a few core things I want to try to work on. Some are fun, some are silly and some are really, truly important. What are some of your goals this year?!

Happy Monday and Happy 2015!!


  1. these photos are so sweet! :) and the resolutions are awesome! i also want to cook more in 2015
    ladies in navy

  2. Love your goals and your pictures in this post! Iam sure you will accomplish them all! I to have an often problem spending money (pst I think it's a girl thing), so that was one of my goals was to save more, spend less! Can't wait to see more projects I look forward to it!

    Good luck with your upcoming year may it be a great one!
    Happy New Year

    LB Designs

  3. I've been really wanting to grow my blog more, and our family has the same goal of scriptures and prayers every night! So far we're on track 4 days in!


  4. I love that you chose "joy" as the theme for the new year. I think the word "happy" has lost its meaning somehow -- it's just some excuse to smile without feeling like it, and just not doing things wholeheartedly. I, too, would like to put all of myself in every day -- and seek real joy rather than watered-down happiness. My own word for the year is to level up! (okay, two words...), and somehow your goals resonated with my own. xx

  5. Love your goals! I definitely need to work on stopping comparison especially now that I graduated but most of my friends still have one more semester! Thanks for sharing!

  6. My word for 2014 was joy, and it proved to be so very accurate! Excited to see what joy comes your way in 2015.


  7. Joy is my word for the year, too, along with contentment. I'm looking forward to what the Lord will teach me regarding both words. We share some similar goals as well and I will definitely check out Bloom for my goal to learn calligraphy.

  8. Awesome goals, Michaela!

    Personal finance is a passion of mine so I blog about the subject whenever I can. Here are two posts you might find helpful:

  9. Wore that same top today for the first time (day off, yay!) I love your 2015 goals! Good ones for sure... I have adopted some similar ones myself. It's hard with such limited time, but I intend to do my best. Hugs!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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