Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March Goals

Each month when I'm writing a Goal post, I'm seriously baffled that another month has gone by. Isn't time a strange thing? This has felt like the longest winter, but the months are also flying by! Before we get into this month's goals (and I know, we're already 7 days into the month!) I'm taking a look at last month's goals...

- Take our Valentine’s Day cooking class together! After the class, we get to enjoy a romantic dinner together! This was one of my Christmas presents to McCann. We did this! It wasn't as great as I thought it was going to be, but we had some good laughs ;)

- Write a post about grief and how we’ve gotten through the death of my husband’s dad. I often get asked about this topic, so a post is in the works, written by both of us and sharing our hearts. You can read this here.

- Stick to our budget and remember that saving now will mean we can have freedom later to do big things like buying a house, take a trip, be really generous to strangers and friends, save for our future kids. Working with a financial advisor the last year has been really eye-opening! I'm a bit of a spender, so this has actually been challenging for me. I'm planning to write about this more soon too. Yes!! Doing great at this, probably because I gave up shopping for Lent ;)

- Continue meal planning. This has been going so well for the last few weeks! Makes grocery shopping so much easier and less stressful. And I only grocery shop once a week! Always looking for more meals to try (a new year’s goal was to do one new one per week!) so send them over! Not to toot my own horn, but I'm rocking this (and staying under budget) and heck, I'm kind of enjoying it! Should I share our meal planning soon?

- Finish sourcing items for 2 new construction design clients of mine. One home that I shared a few days ago on the blog will actually be in our Michigan parade of homes in May, so I’m working on finding pieces that will look beautiful in there and show well! Excited to be filling it with Chelsea Michal Art and Arianna Belle pillows. This is coming together! One whole house is done, now onto the next.

- Really make sure to be active and go to the gym! Now I have a real motivation coming up for us in April, which I’ll share about soon! I've been going 1x for the past few weeks, but I need to up it to 2xs!  I've been averaging 1x / week...ugh! Oops ;) Moving this goal down to March!

-Finish my current book so I can start a new one. I’m ordering The Lifegiving Home soon, which has been on my list for almost a year! Finished my book! Onto the next...

- Continue being diligent in my study of the book of Judges in the Bible. I’ve actually never read this book of the Bible, but I found a bible study podcast on it by a new favorite, Jen Wilkin, and it’s been really great. What an interesting book, I’ll tell ya! DONE! Just finished it this week and so glad I did the study with Jen's podcast.

- Have a wine and Skype night with my parents! We did this while they were up in Tahoe visiting my grandparents! It was fun :)

- Take Lincoln on more walks. I feel so bad, it’s so dang cold so he really doesn’t get as many walks as he should! We did take him to the dog park last weekend when it was sunny and he loved it. I've been trying to do this anytime it's not unbearably cold.

- Make a special Valentine’s Day breakfast for us the weekend before Valentine’s Day! I'll be sure to share it here with you.  IT WAS SO YUMMY! Find the recipe here.

- Put up one piece of Valentine's Day decor in our home. Not sure what this will be, but I might try to make a little heart garland or something. We'll see! (Do flowers count?! Ha!) I can't believe I actually completed this here!

- Go on a girl's retreat with some friends from church this weekend. So excited!

- Get Lincoln's barking when he sees another dog walk by our windows to goooo away! We have a vibrating bark collar we just got. Any tips welcome ;)

- Host our La Petite Bloom workshop here in Grand Rapids well! So looking forward to spending a day with other Creatives, learning about floral arranging and how to watercolor on cookies/fondant! 

- Write a few interior design specific posts with hard-hitting content, like how I select paint colors/my favorite paint colors, and color psychology. Those are just a few I get asked about often. If you have any topics you want to be covered, leave me a comment!

- Get my lake house client project photographed with furniture in it and everything styled! I was there yesterday and it's so beautiful. I can't wait to share everything finished.

- Start getting my summer clothes out of boxes and get them laid out to prep for our trip to Hawaii in April. I don't want to rush doing this at the last second! I hate being stressed before a trip. 

- Related to the last one, I want to take a good hard look at my winter closet and ask myself what I never wore. I realized I have so many clothes, but always gravitate towards the same handful of items. Definitely picking favorites ;) So I want to get rid of the ones that I don't gravitate to as often. 

- Start our Spring Cleaning routine! There are a few places I like to organize and purge each year:
* Entry Closet
* Bathroom Drawers
* Bedroom Closet (mentioned above)
*Laundry Room / Kitchen Cabinets

I'd like to get started on this with one project every weekend, so that come April, we aren't doing everything on the list in one weekend.

- Continue trying new recipes. I want to use our George Foreman Grill more this month, so those are some recipes I'm going to look for. I kinda forgot we had one (we got it as a present from our wedding!)

- As always on my list, I want to be more active. I'm really focusing on toning my legs and abs. I've found the Tone it Up girls to be a great resource for exercise routines!

- Put some spring decorations out (that I already have, of course, because of Lent.)

- Lastly, I feel like we've been slacking on our no phones in bed rule, so I want to be more firm about that.

Those are mine! What are your goals this month?


interior design website / services / portfolio


  1. Yes - please share meal planning! I have spring cleaning as a major goal this month. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. YAY!! Well done on your February goals friend, totally rocked them! x


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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