Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Things I Learned During Lent + Giving Up Shopping

This past Lent season I decided to "give up" shopping for home decor and clothing/shoes. I chose this to give up so that I could focus on one of my goals for the year: practicing "enough". I thought I'd share some of my thoughts while going through it and a couple things I learned about myself and such, since I had some readers ask me how it went. Hope you enjoy!
cassidy carson photography
- I love fashion and home decor and beauty all around. This is built into me and I think it's a good thing to love those things. God designed me to love to create and design and cling to beauty for a reason.
- I love the satisfaction of finding something adorable and perfect for my wardrobe or closet. Quite honestly, I just like new things. They make me feel good (hard to admit ha!)
- Most of the 40 days was really easy to not buy anything. I've always liked challenges and I like succeeding at them. I felt pretty proud of myself (not sure if that's a good thing ;))
- There were a couple instances where I REALLY wanted to buy something on sale, and started to justify it in my head (because #sale) but stayed strong.
- During this period of time, I was doing a design project for a client where I had to go out and buy enough decor to decorate his entire house. I remember feeling really excited about this, because I got to shop with someone else's money. Ha! (I don't take this lightly for my clients-- I always stay in budget and get them things they really love...just saying, it's fun and I'm thankful for this job of mine!)
- I definitely had some jealousy when I would scroll on Instagram and see the fashion bloggers posting their new clothes and things, so I even unfollowed a few. Not because I couldn't buy things at the time and I was jealous of that, but because I just think seeing girls posting new things all the time isn't good for my heart. 
- The above discovery led me to this next one. I don't want people to feel that way when they come to MY page or blog, so I want to be really careful in sharing things moving forward. There's a fine balance I think...I want to share what I love and I know a lot of you want to know those things (and hey, it's fun to share!), but I also just want to be careful not to make anyone feel like they don't have enough stuff or need something new all the time.
- After Lent, when I was able to shop again, I actually really thought about my purchases (want vs. need). I definitely want to head towards quality over quantity and make sure I'm not buying something just to buy it or have the adrenaline rush of something new.
- I think I should do a couple of "spending freezes" every year to teach myself constraint and practice the feeling of "enough". It did good things for my soul.

- Jesus is better than clothes and home decor and shopping, friends. He really is. He is the only thing that won't run dry.

Have you ever done a shopping spending freeze or given anything up like this for Lent? I'd love to learn about your experiences! And hopefully I'm not alone on some of my feelings above:)

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  1. Thanks for sharing Michaela! You and Corilynn were kinda doing this at the same time, I think she gave up shopping for April? Anyways we are finishing up one old farmhouse and getting started on the next so I needed that motivation to not shop as well. I didn't buy anything for April and most of May so I was pretty proud of myself.............this week Target got me :)

    1. Haha, darn Target!! ;) That's awesome that you stayed strong for April and May!

  2. Great post Michaela. Since Mark's surgery, I haven't been in the stores much other than for groceries. I have "window" shopped a couple times just to get out of the house (we had so much rain). But, after having a yard sale just prior to his surgery and seeing all the "stuff" I was determined not to bring things in that we truly did not need. I too unfollowed several blogs and instagram accounts. If they sucked the joy right out of me while looking at them, I new that my time could be better spent doing something else. I also have to remind myself often, that things posted on those types of sites are "filtered", we only see what that person WANTS us to see. I have found I enjoy those who share "real" life tremendously more. I give them credit for being authentic and open. Life is messy some times, and it should be OK!!!

    1. Yes!! I hate clutter and want to make sure I'm only bringing things in the house I truly need or LOVE. Unfollowing a couple accounts really made me breathe a sigh of relief! I'm glad you can relate. I need to be better about sharing real life stuff, too, but it's hard because I don't want to share overly personal things that our families wouldn't be comfortable with, you know?!

  3. Loved reading about your experience and insights! I agree that while it can be fun (and a bit addicting) to gaze upon new things all the time, it's ultimately probably not the best for my heart, mind, and definitely not my wallet, haha. Thanks for sharing! Sounds like you did a great job.

    1. Yes, same thoughts!! Thanks for reading, girl!

  4. Wow friend, I loved this!! I have to admit though, I don't know if I could do it... Although it is now seriously on my mind for Lent next year. I like to think that I don't spend frivolously but with three daughters, it's also hard not to love all the cute items. Well done x

    1. Ha! I know. It was hard to get in the mindset to really stick to it! I don't even know how you're not broke with 3 precious girlies!! Lord help us all if I ever have a girl!! ;)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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