Thursday, November 8, 2018

November Goals + Thankful List 2

This time of year can feel so rushed and crazy, so I want to be intentional in sharing my goals this month, even if it felt like I didn't have time! At the end of today's post is also this week's Thursday Thankful List. 

First, a look back at my October goals...
- My mom is coming next week to visit and I couldn't be more excited. We're going to Northern Michigan to experience (hopefully) the color changing and go wine tasting. We're also having a spa day, going shopping, and going to eat at some favorite restaurants! This was such a sweet visit. You can see the recap HERE.

- Cook / bake something fall-inspired. Maybe chili and cornbread, peach or apple cobbler, etc... I kindaaa cheated and picked up a bread mix at Williams Sonoma. It was the pecan maple one and it was divine. Not even mad about it.
- Go to the Keith Urban concert! We're so excited about this, as it's our anniversary present to each other. I'm a total country fan and my husband is just being very kind to me ;) This was SO fun!! One of my favorite date nights ever with my husband. Keith Urban was incredible and so was Kelsea Ballerini!
- Get my parade house photographed and show you soon on the blog. Got it photographed! We got so many pieces of great feedback on the house for the Parade of Homes here in Grand Rapids. I'm so thankful. Hopefully I'll start showing it in January on the blog.
- Go on a retreat with the other youth group leaders at our church. This is always one of the most fun weekends for us! This was such a fun weekend. When I moved to Michigan almost 5 years ago, I knew nobody except my boyfriend and best friend (who lives an hour away), so it was imperative I make some friends. Not only did we want to make friends at our church, but we also had a heart for the young people, so working in the youth group has been a double blessing because we get to do that and this is where all our best friends are from!
- Start with a couple of new clients. Can't wait to dive into more projects with some new families. (PS. I'm booked until mid-November, but am taking clients on after that!) Yes! Met two new families this month and I'm already so excited about their designs.
- Share the Beautycounter Holiday collection with you soon! It's SO good, girls! So many fun gift options. Didn't do this yet, but I think October was too early for Holiday. It's November now, so anything goes ;)
- Attend a workshop about how to keep our immune system healthy next weekend. I'm excited to learn, but also excited to have my Beautycounter table set up for people to learn about safer beauty! Check!
- Visit the apple orchard where we met and got engaged. Also goal: eat all the donuts there. I did this with my mom when she was here. And yes, we got the donuts. My husband and I haven't gone yet just the two of us. Hopefully we'll get to that before Thanksgiving.
- Be intentional about spending time investing in our marriage! We did this by getting Date Box and it was so fun! More on this soon. 
- Go to the dog park as often as we can before the snow hits. Another goal: don't cry when the snow hits ;) We did it as much as we could! Keeping the second part of the goal through the whole winter, ha.

- Share my fall decorations with you both inside and outside and give some tips on how I decorated with what I have. Our fall porch is coming tomorrow! Done! You can see our porch here and interior decor here. My post on decorating with what you have is here.
- Host a Beautycounter party at a client's house. I can actually check this off already because it happened on November 2nd :) it was so fun! Everyone loved seeing our products and we even had a friend of mine there to do eyebrow tints and waxes.
- Watch a couple Hallmark movies. Not sure why, but they're just so sweet and heartwarming to me! No judgement ;) This goal shouldn't be hard to complete, considering I've already watched a few.
- Make a dish for Thanksgiving! Usually I bring the mashed potatoes since my husband's family loves how I make them (the secret is finely chopped rosemary). 
- I can't wait to try a recipe from Reese Witherspoon's new book. I think I'm going to try her pecan parm crusted chicken this week. I'm also trying the chicken spaghetti from Joanna's Magnolia Table. 
- Get our Christmas decor out and decorate the week before Thanksgiving so we can enjoy it a little longer! (The tree will come the weekend after, see below)
- Go get a tree the weekend after Thanksgiving! My husband wants to go chop one down this year. We'll see what happens...but our tradition is to go get a Starbucks before we get our tree, so that'll stay the same.
- I know this is so crazy, but I always love going to one or two stores on Black Friday. I feel like the craziness just gets me in the holiday spirit haha!! I know so many people are shaking their heads right now. 
- Get a couple gift guides out this month to help you all (and myself!) with Christmas shopping! And honestly, I'd love to get a couple gifts checked off my list!
- Our small group wants to find something to do to help the community or a family in need. We're brainstorming ideas and will hopefully choose something by next week. I'm really excited about doing this together.
- Plan my holiday parties out for the season. I know I want to have my girlfriends and my neighbors over this year!
- Follow this little reading plan I made for my husband and I. 1 verse a day, each day of November. Each verse has to do with giving rightful praise to God or inspiring thanksgiving towards Him because of his faithfulness. We are also writing down a couple things each day that we're thankful for. Join us if you'd like!
Share your goals with me in the comments!
Now onto my weekly thankful challenge. Each Thursday of November I'm sharing a bunch of sweet things I'm grateful for. 
- The way my husband comes in and kisses me goodbye before he leaves every morning.
- Seasonal candles. The other day I sat and read my new Reese Witherspoon book with a Magnolia fall candle burning...little piece of heaven :)
- The beauty of creation proclaiming God's faithfulness
- My parents, who see needs in their children's lives and seek to fill them. 
- Fresh roses by my desk, deep purple in color and lasting over a week.
- Lipstick. Yes, I'm thankful for lipstick because it's fun and makes me feel put together and feminine :)
- Date nights and good food. Good food is such a wonderful common grace.
- Birthday surprises and girlfriends who love celebrating.
- Real and raw conversations with friends. Friends who feel like sisters and who you know care, in the depth of their souls. 

Share what you're thankful for below, friends!
Happy Thursday,
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