Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mantel: Pine Cones, Noel + Snow!

Today we finally finished the mantel! I've always loved this part of our house, because the mantel is so big and the exposed brick is enough to make me swoon.  Every year we have a theme for our tree, so this year I extended the theme to the mantel, too.  The theme this year is Winter Wonderland, complete with a flocked tree!  So excited to share soon (:  For now, here's our mantel:

As you can see, there are some pine cones strung from the mantel.  Here's how I did it:

Bought 2 bags of pine cones and laid them out on some newspaper.

Then bought some white spray paint...

I painted the pine cones, spraying from the top so it lightly misted the tips.  The key here is to spray some more heavily than others, that way it will look more like real snow since they'll be different!

Next is the messy fun part:

{See how my nails are covered in white spray paint?? I was scared it wouldn't come off, cause my mani still looks good! But spray paint comes off super easily with Goo-Gone.  Thank the Lord!}

After spraying them white, I just lightly misted each one 1 more time so the glitter would stick.  You can either roll the pine cone in the glitter or sprinkle it.  I sprinkled (:

Then I strung them all together using white string and tying a knot at the top of each pine cone. You'll notice the one behind the first pine cone doesn't have white on it.  That's because I wanted to do a little mixture of white and not white...just to mix it up a little!

Here it is all strung up and put in place:

Here are some other details on the mantel:

{Love these white trees.  They're glittered, too, you just can't tell!}

My favorite part: The stockings.  My Grandma hand stitched each stocking.  She sewed mine when I was just one year old!

I also made the NOEL sign inspired by the Pottery Barn one.  I tilted my "O" to the other side, just to be different (:

We just love how it all came out!  The tree will be done by tonight and I'll be sure to put it up soon!
Be sure to come back Monday, because the adorable Cassie from Hi Sugarplum! will be here sharing a fun Christmas tradition!

Have a wonderful day, darling readers! And if you'd like to see more of our Holiday Home, go here for the Christmas Vignette and here for a fun Christmas craft.

I'm sharing this post with: My Uncommon Slice of SuburbiaSerenity Now, Fingerprints on the Fridge and The Nester.

Love and Snowy Pine Cones,


  1. WOW- the first photo is definitely beautiful and the prettiest set-up I have seen this season!
    Nice job with the pine cones, they look fab. also!!


  2. Beautiful! I love the snow-covered pinecomes! You did a great job- can't wait to see the tree :)

  3. Everything looks great and your family room is so cozy and welcoming, the perfect place to be with all of your loved ones.

    I am putting our tree up and decorating it this weekend.

  4. Looks so cute and cozy! I love what you did with the pine cones.

    Happy weekend, girlie!

  5. I'm pretty much in love with your decorating skills. How totally BEAUTIFUL everything looks. Love how you glittered the pine cones. So cute!! Hope you are having a fab Saturday, darling friend. My weekend plans? School work. I must survive just a few more days!:) :)


  6. so impressed with your pine cone project--makes me want to try too! happy to have stumbled upon your blog :) I'm your newest follower! xoxo {av}

  7. Looks great! I love the little white reindeer at the bottom of the fireplace, and the white Christmas trees on top of the mantle. x

  8. I love how you decorated your mantel for Christmas! Thank's for visiting my blog :)

  9. So warm and cozy! Love your mantel!

  10. It's gorgeous, Michaela! I love how your mantel stretches all the way like that. :) Such pretty touches everywhere!

  11. It looks so beautiful and cozy! Y'alls stockings are the best!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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