Friday, June 8, 2012

Just My Style: Mackey Madness

I'm excited for you to meet Megan from Mackey Madness today {if you haven't already!} Meg is one of my very best friends...I'm so thankful that blogging brought us together and I was able to meet her in person last year in Louisiana.  Today she's sharing about her style, as we head into our fifth installment of the Just My Style series. 

Hi there friends of Michaela! My name is Megan and I blog over at Mackey Madness. Mich and I are pretty much besties. She even came to see me last year in Louisiana...which was a blast! Sometime this summer I'll be heading to visit her in California. It's crazy how you can make a best friend from the internet, huh?

Anyway, moving right along with this guest post, I'm sharing about my style today. I'm not a fashion blogger and I rarely (if ever!) post my outfits, but I dusted off the good camera and begged asked my husband to take some pictures of me. I'd say that my style is pretty simple with a touch of femininity. I'm not big on layering items (it's way too hot in Louisiana to layer!) I definitely favor dresses over jeans. A girl can never have too many dresses, even though my husband doesn't believe that. : )

Dress: Old Navy / Belt: Forever 21 / Necklace: Gift / Bracelets: Forever 21

And just to show y'all that it wasn't all serious business...

Doing the Heisman. 

Here's a few other outfits that I've been wearing this summer:
So that's my style for the most part- simple and girly with some fun accessories thrown in. 
Thanks so much for having me, Michaela! See you soooooon!

I've seen Megan's closet and I think know she has more dresses than I can count! We definitely share our love for dresses :) What is one word to sum up YOUR style?
Happy Weekend!


  1. Aw Megan is so cute! Love her blog and love that you two are bff's!
    I can't just pick one word for my style, its a little girly, a little causal, and a little comfy. I can't wear anything that doesn't feel comfortable!

  2. Megan is adorable! Of course, those that have been following you for any length of time knew that! Love the dresses, and totally agree..perfect for this hot humid weather!

  3. Hahaha loving the heiseman pose! Get it girl :)
    You can never have too many dresses. Meg looks fabulous in that black maxi!

    My style is really kind of eclectic. I love all kinds, from vintage, to modernly chic, to retro wide leg pants, to off the wall things like camo pants be-dazzled with patches and bling. :) Guess you could say that I base my style on my moods!

  4. you and your blogger bestie are so cute :) i have no objections to a dress obsession ;)

    have a great weekend, lovey! you'll be on the blog monday :) XO

  5. you look beautiful Meg. Love all the accessories!

  6. Megan, you are gorgeous! I adore you and your love for dresses! Hubs is wrong, there is no such thing as too many dresses ;)

  7. Floral-Chic! For the most part.
    Megan, you look lovely in the maxi dresses!
    Dreams In A Poppy Field...

  8. I think Megan pulled it off!! She looks so cute in all her outfits. And the accessories...fabulous!
    Emily at Amazing Grapes

  9. Thanks so much for having me!!!!! Love you, BFF!

  10. Love this, especially the goofy, jumping ones! Heheh!

    I think my style is similar to yours, I'm definitely a skirts/dresses girl too, although I am also attached to my jeans and boots. :)

    You should do more outfit posts! Love seeing them from someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously. :D


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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