Saturday, June 9, 2012

Farewell, Seattle.

via Ashley Slater Photography

For the last three years I called you home. Not home-home per-say , but just home. Over those years I've experienced much life. I've gone through ups and downs, witnessed miracles and tragedies and life and love and sorrow and joy. I've been educated in what I am passionate about, met life-long friends, and have truly been blessed by the Lord to be given the chance to experience a new city. I will forever be grateful for my time here, Seattle. You, your rain, and your gray skies have grown on me- never thought I'd say that :) {Don't worry California, I'm still partial to you!}
Thank you for the memories...I will treasure them forever.

PS. The amount of Starbucks and other coffee shops on every corner, street and intersection still amazes me. It also amazes me that I still don't like coffee...tea and black and white hot chocolates have served me well :)



  1. Ahh!! You're leaving!! So happy I had the chance to meet you! You will be missed sweet girl!!

  2. wow- how bittersweet! are you heading back to CA for good? what's the plan, stan?

  3. It is a good home indeed. Miss it all the time. Safe travels back to CA!

  4. Such an exciting time for you! I hope that your next destination is just as awesome.

    PS: I love Starbucks white hot chocolates too! :)

  5. Awww very sentimental but on to the next chapter!! So excited for you!! xo

  6. Love that pic of you :) When I think of Seattle the first thing I always think of is coffee shops!

    Congrats of being finished!


  7. Such a cute photo! How fun to be starting a new chapter in life.

  8. What a sweet picture! Wow, it's been two years that I've been following you around Seattle! Safe travels back home. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you back in California. And, hopefully we will be meeting up in Texas soon.

  9. Awww. We'll maybe you'll be visit at least :) I know you'll be excited to get back to sunny CA!

    @ Creatively Living

  10. Congratulations on finishing school! God bless you in your future in California!

  11. I adore that picture of you! So happy for you to be returning back to sunny CA! I think Seattle has served you well, indeed. I know great things are waiting for you no matter where you end up!

  12. it's always so bittersweet and so exciting to move on to the next chapter. good luck as you continue on the next step of your journey!

  13. This is so sweet. What a moment. It sounds like it was a journey that was well worth taking. Welcome back to California, my dear!!!

  14. Y'all have fun and be careful!!

  15. ah i can't believe you are leaving! i love this photo so much! i am dying to visit Seattle! cant wait to see what's next for you michaela :) xx

  16. 1.) YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. 2.) So proud of you and your hard work in school. Can't wait to follow along for the next chapter in your journey. :)

  17. you are seriously so stinkin cute michaela!

    b&w hot chocolates are certainly the yummiest :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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