Monday, June 11, 2012

Just My Style: Ten June

Happy Monday! Today Ashley and I are finishing our road trip by driving all the way from Portland to the Bay Area. Should be a great 12 hour drive ;) Holding the fort down today is one of my real-life best blog friends, Michelle. She blogs about everything DIY, design, and baby {now that a little boy is on the way...yay!} over at Ten June.  Let's continue in our Just My Style series and take a peek at Michelle's style... you'll love her :)

Hi friends! I'm Michelle, popping by my dear friend Michaela's blog.

That's me and my crew- otherwise known as the hubs, David, and my sweet pups, Tucker and Maggie. Oh! And we can't forget the most important new addition... I'm six and a half months pregnant with our first little one! You can read all about my crazy life over on my blog, Ten June.

It's hard to say that I have one area in my house that's truly "my style." Actually, I'm constantly in the process of redoing my house, which is a 1952 ranch here in Georgia... new renovations, new DIY projects, new shopping additions... needless to say, I think my decor style is constantly evolving. 

But if I had to pick my favorite right now? I'd say my dining room!

I took a leap of faith and painted the room a bold navy blue last year. And I absolutely love it- it looks like perfection against the crisp white trim and paneling, don't you think? 

And just because it's fun, here's a good before picture of the space. It's come a long way, right?

The space really defines me- a little wild, but more or less classic and chic. It's truly my style!
For more information about my dining room, check out my house tour or project gallery.
Thanks for having me, M!

Thanks for sharing, friend! Her dining room is beautiful, right?! What's your favorite element in her room?

Enjoy your day!


  1. Wow. What an amazing transformation. I love the navy blue!

  2. love the new lighting fixture and the stenciling she did behind the wine. very cute! hope all is well!


  3. Two of my favorite design pros :D
    Fun seeing Michelle over here, and this is my favorite room in her home as well!
    The sunburst mirror is to die for!
    Hope you had a great weekend,

  4. i love michelle and love her dining room! it's gorgeous- love the dramatic walls!

  5. Love Michelle! So fortunate to have met her in person. Her home is beautiful!!

  6. Love both of your blogs :) Her dining room is wonderful!! Love the crisp navy with white!

  7. Love her dining room! The dark walls are so eye-catching!

  8. I love Michelle's style! Those walls are such a great color. Way to go on the design, Michelle!

  9. The navy adds wonderful contrast to the white. Looks great!

  10. It is truly wonderful. I must say that the eye catching dark navvy looks perfect with light white combination. You have organized everything very perfectly. The design of rug which is under the dining table is really much pretty.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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