Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tips for Maintaing a Clean & Organized Home You Love

Did you know having a clean house or workspace helps you focus and get more done during the day? (Especially if you work from home, like me!) Working from home comes with its challenges and its plusses. I want to be focused each day, giving all my time and attention to my interior design clients or our workshops, and not having to stress out about my house not being clean or be distracted from little messes forming in the corner. I can tell you, when I first moved into my apartment and I had boxes everywhere, it was a nightmare. I felt so discombobulated! Now that the boxes are gone and Christmas decor is also packed up, I feel like I found a routine to keep my place clean.

Today I'm sharing a few things I do to keep my 600 square foot apartment looking put-together.

Everyday Routine:

1. Make my bed. The second I wake up, I make it. If I don't do it then, it ain't happenin'!
home organization, cleaning, love your home, organizing your house, maintaining a clean house
our guest bedroom

2. Check the trash every morning to see if I need to take it out on my way out of the door. 

3. After my morning tea and toast (with peanut butter) on the couch, I always clear my dishes and straighten my pillows a bit before moving on to the next task. This might sound silly, but if my couch looks nice and put together, I can concentrate better on work! Whatever makes me love my home more, right?!
home organization, cleaning, love your home, organizing your house, maintaining a clean house
my apartment pillows

4. At night before I go to sleep, I always do any straggling dishes that are in my sink and wipe off the counters, so I can wake up to a clean kitchen. There is nothing better than a sparkling clean sink and kitchen! (Okay, maybe there are a few, for example, clean sheets :))
home organization, cleaning, love your home, organizing your house, maintaining a clean house
my apartment kitchen

Here are a few other tips for generally keeping a clutter-free home:

- Go through your closets periodically and get rid of things. Don't do too many at once, or ou will get overwhelmed. If it's a clothes closet, ask yourself if you've worn it in the last 6 months (and if it's a seasonal item that you only wear in summer of winter, ask yourself if you wore it last season). If the answer is no, We don't want you to end up on Hoarders: Buried Alive ;)

- When you buy new things for your home or wardrobes, ask yourself if you have a place for it. If you can't think of one quickly, or your answer is you will have to get rid of something else to make room, you might want to wait.

- Don't start something without finishing it. If you open mail and get bills, paychecks, etc., take care of them right then! Recycle the envelopes immediately so paper clutter doesn't build up.

- Storage bins are your friends. So are baskets and other things to keep items in their place. I'm reorganizing one of my closets and going to get some storage baskets. I can't wait to show you!

- For any clients of mine who struggle with containing papers or mail, I always recommend getting one of these trays. Keeping mail or papers you need to go through on one tray in a designated area will help you stay organized, contain the mess and hopefully get to it in a timely fashion. Trust me :)

home organization, cleaning, love your home, organizing your house, maintaining a clean house
client office reveal

- Remember that your home should reflect you, what you love, your personal style, and things that have meaning to you. If an item in your home doesn't check one of those boxes, get it out of there! 

- This post from The Inspired Room is really helpful if you want to declutter your home over the course of 2015. I'm excited to join in with some of the month's challenges! 

- I once heard that having people over regularly helps you keep your house picked up automatically!


I love this quote that a famous textile designer shared years and years ago...

home organization, cleaning, love your home, organizing your house, maintaining a clean house

Do you have a daily routine you use to help you in maintaining a clean, organized home you love? The most important part, of course, is the last bit of the sentence: a home you love. What help you love your home?!

Hope these tips help. I'd love to hear yours! Happy Wednesday!



  1. Great tips! I wouldn't say I have any daily routine (I really should do my bed daily) but I do try to clean up after myself. For example, when I am done getting ready in the morning, I put away my makeup and hair products. I used to be notorious for leaving everything all over the bathroom sink, but I now I make a habit to put things back!
    Another thing of mine that you mentioned is cleaning the kitchen before bed. That is a must for me. I don't like dirty dishes left over night. That attracts all the little night crawlers! I clean dishes and wipe down countertops :)

  2. Love this! I have been decluttering & getting our home more organized since January 1st! I am loving it too!

  3. I REALLY need to get better at making our bed in the morning!

  4. I really love the wall paper behind your bookshelf! Is that just removable renters wall paper?


  5. These are good tips :) I am working out a cleaning schedule that is weekly and will keep us more organized. I've also been working away on random home organization tasks... so it's getting better! :) My husband has a 'morning list' things to clean/get ready before work, and I have a night list of things to get together at the end of the day. Those help us tag team. Though it is still very much a work in progress. :) XO -Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  6. Where did you pick up that gold mirrored tray in your Instagram pics? I've been looking for one to put my perfumes on for the bathroom.

  7. Great tips Michaela! Like you, I always feel much more organized if I make the bed in the morning; and in the evening, clear away any dirty dishes. Another thing I do is to organize my desk at the end of each day.

  8. Truly, all of the tips for maintaining a Clean & Organized Home that we Love are amazing. I love the way you have managed your home. It’s beautiful. Well I will also hire now house cleaning for cleaning my home with green cleaning products. Your post really motivated me to hire professionals for maintaining hygiene.

  9. This looks awesome! I love cleaning so I'll need to bookmark your post. Thanks a lot Natalie. :)

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