Thursday, December 29, 2011

Top Eleven Projects of 2011

I really can't believe I'm writing this post right now, because writing this post is acknowledging the fact that 2011 is coming to a close! This past year has been fun, challenging, sad {with the loss of our pup!}, exciting {as I drove my new car to Seattle and redid my bedroom}, and a whole bunch of other things. In the midst of everything, I learned a lot about myself, design, life, fashion, friends, family, and of course a few DIY projects along the way(:
Take a look:

1. I moved into, decorated and moved out of my first college apartment:

2. After some serious Good Will Hunting, I spotted, sanded, painted and changed out the knobs on this pretty white dresser.  It found its home in my bedroom at home in California:

3. This Cookies-in-a-Jar recipe was a perfect gift for one of my good friend's weddings:

4. When my family decided to put our house on the market, we ripped up the family room carpet and refinished the floors. We love our new Pottery Barn rug and pretty wood floors:

5. I took my obsession with mason jars to a new level by adding Chalkboard paint to the jar:

6. In order to give my hair a break, I tried out some No Heat Curls and it worked so well I do it at least once a week now!

7. Again with the mason jar thing.  This time, I created a lace vase:

8. I made both a DIY Clothespin Bulletin Board
9. This Glossy Magazine Collage Canvas for me new bedroom in Seattle.

10. Upon moving into a disaster of a room in Seattle, I gave it a little TLC. My Chevron Dresser is my favorite part of the room:
See finished room and source list here.

11. And finally, most recently, my favorite Christmas project was these mason jar snow globes:

Guess you could say I made great use of mason jars this year?! Ha! Hope you enjoyed these projects. Can't wait to see what 2012 has in store! (:

I'm linking up with Rhoda at Southern Hospitality.

What was your favorite project you did in 2011??
Happy Thursday!


  1. i love them all! seriously! love that chevron dresser so much! i am surprised the new place isn't on there as i love that one, too- the lavender and white palette is gorgeous! :)

  2. so many great projects! when we moved into our house we pulled up the carpeting wall to wall on all three floors so i know that's quite a job. i love your lavender and gray room so much.

  3. amazing. amazing. amazing. I am totally coveting your chevron dresser!!!

  4. Wow, first off you are gorgeous! That pic of you with your curls is stunning. Secondly, you are so talented with DIY projects! I love mason jars as well and the fun ways you utilized them. Way impressed, girl!



  5. Your projects are great! Love that chevron dresser!

  6. I love all of your projects! You should feel very accomplished. :)

  7. I am in love with all your projects! You are so amazingly talented!! xoox

  8. Wow I'm going to have to go back through a lot of these posts - they're awesome. I especially need to know about these no heat curls! Love!

  9. So many fun projects! Still ADORE the chevron dresser! And of course all the mason jar projects!!

  10. I just found your blog and I'm so glad I did, I love it! I have to try that no heat curls thing, your hair looks gorgeous with it! Love your chevron dresser.

  11. Such a great year for you! I'm thankful I found your blog this year :) Looking forward to your posts and projects next year! xoxo

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  12. I love all of these projects! So great!

  13. So much inspiration, my dear! How did I miss the snow globes??? They are darling! Here's to an even better 2012!~

  14. I love all of the uses for the mason jars! Mason jars are one of my favorite decorations/craft supplies, so I may have to try a few of these!

  15. I love your little DIY projects! I really want to try chalkboard paint at some point too. :)

    Love, Jazmyn

  16. I love love love all of these ideas! You are so freaking creative...I may have to use a few of these ideas for myself one day. One of my 2012 intentions is to do more DIY projects. We'll see if that happens :) Happy New Year, sweet girl!

  17. wow lots of diy's! i love that huge dresser! i want one like that. ps. you are gorgeous!

  18. Really nice projects you've done. Love the chevron dresser. And how fun that you live in Seattle, what a fun city it is. Thanks for linking up!

  19. You are such an amazing, beautiful and crafty little thing. Your 2011 was so wonderful and I can only imagine what fabulous things you will accomplish in 2012 :) One of my highlights of 2011 was meeting you. You're awesome, girl xoxo

  20. I totally totally adore this post!! This is like the best of Michaela!! Love the no heat curls and the mason jar projects!!

  21. I absolutely adored every DIY project you took on and and finalized with fabulousness!! Looking forward to more in the new year!!

  22. I just found your blog through Honey We're Home, you have so many awesome projects. Happy New Year!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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