Hope you enjoyed your weekend! Saturday was beautiful and sunny here and probably 45 degrees (that's warm!) so we took Lincoln to the dog park and on a long walk, which was really fun. He gets so tired out and sleeps for a while after those adventures, so we had time to clean the house. Later on Saturday night we brought a meal to our friends' family who's fighting for his life in the ICU. I brought my favorite flank steak taco crock pot recipe and it was a hit! Sunday we went to church in the morning, swung by the dog store to get Lincoln a new leash (he broke his last one ha!) and then had breakfast at Field & Fire in which I enjoyed the best waffle I've ever had. Maple glaze and candied pecans. Yes, please! I came home and made the dough for the below cookie recipe, then Sunday evenings we work in the youth group at our church. Phew!
I thought I'd share some December goals with you, since I apparently totally forgot about the month of November! ;) We'll just skip right to this month's goals:
- It's always my goal not to have to do much shopping in December, so I can throw parties and enjoy the season instead of scrambling. I'm happy to report I have almost all my shopping d.o.n.e. Just have to pick out my dad something, but we'll do that when we're in California, so we don't have to travel with the gift. If you're looking for gift ideas, check out my gift guides!
- Bake these delicious homemade sugar cookies to serve at my upcoming gatherings! My grandma gave me a ton of her old cookie cutters last year, which is so special because I grew up going to her house to bake this very recipe a few days before Christmas. It was a highlight of the season! I'm excited to do it with her again this year, since we'll be home in CA for Christmas. I made the dough yesterday, so I'll be doing the cut outs this week!
- Celebrate my husband's father's birthday, who passed away in January of 2016. We will always have a milkshake in honor of him and reflect on the ways he shaped McCann and loved him well.
- Host a My Favorite Things party. This is happening this Thursday! I'll be sure to report back with how it went and give you all the details
- Host my friends' adoption party for her little girl! This has been 2 years in the making and we are so excited to celebrate her adoption!
- Have our neighbors in our building over for cookies and coffee / wine. We haven't ever had our neighbors over into our home since living year for 18 months, so we are changing that! Our goal is to get to know our sweet neighbors while we are still here.
- When we get to California, we are taking a little road trip to Southern California to go to Disneyland, because my husband has never been before. (Not even Disney World!) While we're down there we're going to get to see one of my best friends who's pregnant with a little girl. I can't wait to see her, since we haven't seen each other since our wedding!
PS. If you have Disney tips around the holidays, let me hear 'em!
- While home visiting family, I also want to go out to a tea brunch with my mama at our favorite place, which is also where my CA bridal shower was.
- My grandma asked me to make the floral centerpieces for Christmas day dinner, so I'm excited to do that. Typically CA Whole Foods has peonies at Christmas! #tooexcited
- Knock off some Christmas movies from our holiday bucket list. We've already watched The Grinch. On the list: The Holiday, Elf (we usually watch this with my parents), A Christmas Story (marathon on Christmas Day), White Christmas -- can you believe I've never seen this?! --, Miracle on 34th Street, and alllll the mushy Hallmark movies. That last one is only on MY list, not my husbands ;)
- Also while in California, I want to visit my client (and cousin!) who's kitchen remodel just finished up. I can't wait to show you pictures when we're back from our trip!
- Spend time with those we love. Presence over Presents. Who's with me?!
- Truly never loose sight of the real meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate this time of year. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." -- Luke 2:11
Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo
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Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo