What I Packed in My Hospital Bag
My hospital bag packing list started very long, then I asked some friends what they packed and it got shorter. THEN I asked you all on Instagram for your 3 must-haves and got lots of responses that made me remove even more items off my list, so I only brought the essentials. I had a planned c-section, so I knew I would be there for a few days, which is why I might have brought a couple more things than normal.
Here is what I packed:
+ I used this bag for my hospital bag and it was perfect.
+ Pajamas: I brought this pair and this pair. I was so glad to have two pairs since I was there for 4 nights. I loved the dark set and the floral print set, since it could hide any unwanted stains if they happened ;) The button up top was key and made breastfeeding so easy.
+ Slippers: I'm a slipper girl at home, so I knew I'd like them in the hospital too. If you don't normally wear slippers, you probably won't wear them there ;)
+ Nursing bra and a bralette: I didn't use the nursing bra (and honestly, I still don't like them to this day...I rarely wear them!) But I do love this bralette and these, too! I used the hospital's underwear and it worked great.
+ Shower / bathroom stuff: Kept this super minimal, which I'm glad for because I only showered once and I only washed my face and did a little makeup one time. I brought face wash, moisturizer, lotion, and my makeup bag, flip flops for showering (essential, in my opinion!), and my travel mirror. I was told to bring a towel, but I didn't end up bringing it and I was fine with the hospital's towel.
+ Headband: You know I love a headband, but I really loved it for the hospital! So many suggested this on Instagram, and I'm glad they did. When you've got a new baby, you spend a lot of time looking down at them, so having your hair back is so helpful. Also it's just a really quick way to feel put together without washing your hair! (PS. These are my favorite headbands-- they don't hurt your head at all!)
+ Hair stuff: hair brush, dry shampoo and a couple hair ties.
+ Long phone charger: number one recommendation from everyone was this! SO glad we had one.
+ Lip balm / chapstick: thank goodness I brought this because my lips have literally never been so dry!! I used vaseline.
+ Our own pillows (The BEST pillows!) and a favorite blanket: it's just so nice to have something that is yours to make you feel more cozy. I could never have slept with the hospital pillow. The hospital blankets are also really thin and not cozy, so having a plush blanket was really great.
+ Going home outfit: I wore a simple loose-fitting dress from Target and it was perfect!
+ Heating Pad: I think this was the most important thing I packed, since I had a c-section. I was so, so sore! I used this electric heating pad almost all day long. It really helped the pain and gave me some extra coziness and comfort.
Things I was recommended to bring but didn't use:
White noise machine, fan, eye mask, nursing bra, robe.
What I packed for the babies:
+ 2 gowns and hats (since they were little, a gown is all they fit into. We loved this brand!!)+ 2 pacifiers+ 2 swaddle blankets+ I also made cute little signs with their names on them to tape to their bassinets, so everyone would know who was who. (The hospital signs only say "baby boy", so thought this would be helpful, and it was :))
They really have everything you need for baby at the hospital!
Hopefully this is helpful if you're close to having a baby! What were your must-haves?xoxo
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