Our Baby Registry & Tips for Twins
So, you're having a baby...or maybe TWO! Congratulations! If you recently found out about it being two babies, I know you might feel overwhelmed, scared, excited, nervous...it's okay to feel ALL the emotions! I sure did. Heck, when we found out about having twins, I was excited for one day and then it hit me and I literally couldn't talk about it for a month-- ha! I needed some time to process the news. I started warming up to the idea and then I got super excited. I still had some fears, but it was a nervous-excitement and I knew God would equip me to tackle all my short-comings and fears. Today I'm here to tell you, it's going to be okay. Actually....it's going to be more than okay.
It's going to be great!
That became my motto after finding out about having two little babies...at one time. Growing together...in my belly. Ha! It brings back all the emotions of finding out, just thinking about it. Having twins is such a unique experience. Yes, it's challenging at times (it is, and it's okay to admit that!), but it's also the most special gift and I wouldn't trade it for anything! I never pictured being a twin mom, but I'm 7 months in and truly loving it. I can't picture my life any other way!

I get a lot of questions about what you need for twins-- do you need two of everything?! -- so I decided to make a list of the items we've used and loved and found the most helpful thus far. These items are all great to add to your registry. We also borrowed some items where I knew I wanted two of something. For example, we registered for one Snuggle Me and then borrowed the second one from a friend. (I was so glad to have two!) Of course, if you're not having twins, you can still get a lot out of this post! Just only buy one of everything ;)
Before I link to everything we registered for and loved, I wanted to share a note about clothing for twins. If you're like me, I was very concerned about how many of each size I needed for clothing. I also wanted to make sure I had enough pajamas / sleepers vs. "outfits". I decided early on that until they can tell me otherwise, they will be matching. It keeps it super simple to buy clothes this way-- two of everything! Sometimes I will buy one blue, one green if the outfit comes in two color ways, but usually they just exactly match.
You will get a lot of clothes for your showers, even if you don't register for them (and especially if you know the genders!) So if you're picky about clothes, like me, then you may want to register for some so people see your style / maybe even purchase off the registry. Of course the below suggestions could change based on the season you're having your babies, but hopefully this gives you a good starting place. One thing I've found I've needed in all sizes has been a few plain white, short sleeve bodysuits. In the summer they could wear them alone and in the winter, they've been great to layer under two-piece sweat sets.
Here's what I think would be appropriate to have on hand when your twins are born so you feel prepared:
Preemie size: 6-8 sleepers total
My boys were 6lbs and 6lbs 10oz when then were born and they still wore preemie clothes for probably 4 weeks. I didn't know this would be the case, so we had to go buy preemie clothes. I would suggest having some on hand, but not take the tags off some of the clothes until they're born so you can always return in case you have big babies. I don't think you need outfits in preemie size, unless your twins are very early and small, so you'd be taking them more places. When ours were this little, they were in cute sleepers, knotted gowns, and we mostly stayed home.
Newborn Size: 10 sleepers total, 2-3 sets of outfits (6 total) you'd want them to wear if you go out, and 2-3 "play" outfits like leggings and bodysuits, also consider a few "one-off" pajamas in neutral colors in the case of blow outs where you don't want to change both babies into matching outfits. They will still be in sleepers the majority of the day at this age.
As a quick note, our twins were in newborn size for probably 2 months. They were in preemie for month 1, newborn for months 2-3, then started wearing 0-3 size clothing at 3 months. They're now 7.5 months and wearing 6-9 and 9 month clothing, depending on the brand.
0-3 Months Size: 10 sleepers total, 3-4 outfits (more in this size since you're going more places), 3-4 play/cozy outfits with leggings and body suits.
*I would say that as the months go on, you'll want 8-10 sleepers and then a couple more real outfits at each size. That's what worked for us! The babies are 7 months now, wearing 6-9 month size clothes, and we have about 12 sleepers (5 matching sets, 2 non-matching neutrals), 6 outfits for church/outings, and 3 sweat suit like options for playing at home. You don't want to buy too far ahead in sizing because you don't know what size they'll be in what season.
What We Registered For:
Twin Specific:
+ Twin Z Pillow and one additional cover (we use this for every feeding, multiple times a day. It's our most-used product by far!)+ Twin Bassinet (we kept our bassinet in our living room so we could put them down out there and they didn't always have to have them back in the nursery.)
MOM:+ Diaper Bag (love our diaper bag! It's plenty big for all the things you need for two)+ Hospital BagI personally bought everything I'd need for breastfeeding, as I didn't want to register for it ;)
FEEDING:+ High Chair+ Bottles (don't get too many, as you don't know what kind they will like, but I will say our babies took the first bottles we gave them and were fine with them!)+ Bibs (1 pack is fine, but we now have 3 packs since we have a reflux baby;))+ Silicone Bibs (2, just to have on hand for when solids start)+ Burp Cloths (we have a baby with reflux, so we have since ordered more packs, but I'd make sure you have at least 2 packs. I also recommend not getting white, just to hide any stains)+ Bottle Rack (eventually needed two)+ Formula Pitcher (this is SO great if you might do formula, it mixes it for you and you can make it in bulk and refrigerate it for up to 24 hours)
SLEEPING:+ Muslin Blankets (6-8, we really like the cloud island brand from Target. They're the softest ones I have!)+ Swaddles (2, we swaddled with muslin blankets first, then moved to the Ollie around 8 weeks, then the Merlin Sleep Suit around 4.5 months, and are now in a regular sleep sack.)+ Sleep Sack (2, but you could hold off on this in case you don't know what brand you want yet)+ Pacifiers (2, don't get too many incase they don't like that brand, or get 2 of two different brands)+ Crib Sheets (6, these are our favorite!)+ Sound Machine for nursery+ Travel Sound Machine (2, one for each car seat. Also nice to have 2 for if we go somewhere other than home for naps and they have to sleep in different rooms)+ Crib Mattress
CHANGING:+ Diaper pail (did tons of research on this and thought this was the best one. A lot of twin parent's say they're not worth it cause you change the bags so often, but for us, it's TOTALLY worth it since our trash can is outside and I'm not going to walk out there every time we have a dirty diaper. We change our pail every other day.)+ Refill bags+ Changing pad cover (2)+ Changing mat for on the go (love this, also use on our bed for nighttime changes to not wake the other baby up by changing in the nursery!)+ Diaper caddy (got 2, thinking we'd use one in living room and one downstairs, but only use one)+ Wipes dispenser
BATHING/Hygiene:+ Bath Towels (4)+ Nose Frida+ Baby Bath+ Bath Knee Pad+ Baby shampoo
GEAR:+ Gliders (we did two of these and opted out of the swing. Honestly, could have done with just one glider)+ Baby Monitor (two cameras for twins)+ Solly Baby Wrap (just got one and it was enough)+ Ergo Baby Carrier (just got one and it was enough)+ Car Mirrors + Car Seat -- personal choice, but we went with the Nuna Pipa RX as it's one of the lightest weight car seats. + Snuggle Me+ Stroller -- this is very personal choice, but we went with the Mockingbird Single-to-Double Stroller and have liked it a lot! Because we live in snow half the year, if I could go back, we may have splurged on the Uppa Baby Vista stroller for better turn radius and smoothness. Navigating strollers in the snow is tough for me ;) But the Mockingbird is a great stroller and it's a wonderful value.
Let me know if you have any questions! Happy to help answer anything for you.
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