Help Us Choose: Living Room Rug

We're in the home stretch of finishing up our living room/dining room design at my parent's house. #operationmakeovermyparentshouse is going well, but I'm glad it's almost done! Today I'm asking for your help-- we need to choose a rug ASAP and my mom (aka my client!) needs your help choosing. I told her I could pick one, or we could ask my readers, and she of course chose YOU! Greaaaat ;)

The room is being painted a light gray (Malibu Beige by Kelly Moore at 75% strength), the dining chairs are upholstered in this cranberry, burgundy color seen on the board, and our color palette is navy, silver blue (found in the amazing Phillip Jeffries wallpaper) and cranberry. So, here are the three choices below:




What's your vote?! I can't wait to hear your input. Thanks in advance!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!



  1. #2 - i love the soft, neutral look of the lighter blue rug!

  2. i don't like 2 at all- it leaves me wanting more. i prefer 3 the most, BUT with a golden retriever the light fur might show up more so then i'd choose 1.

  3. Can you tell me where to get rug 2 as well? I think it'd look great in my new house!!!!

  4. My vote is #3! Though my second choice is #1.

  5. Number 1. I do love #3 but think it might show too much Hope hair?

  6. I am leading toward one or three.... I think I choose 1, because I think with the dark rug and the cranberry sofa, it would be too heavy. And as the owner of a yellow lab who sheds a ton, a lighter option is better too.

  7. I love the contrast #3 provides, but like other people mentioned, the dog hair would be a problem! #1 would be the winner for me in that case!

  8. I'm loving the first one! Looks fantastic so far!

  9. Number 3 is the one for just grounds the whole look nicely. Also think it will go nicely with the cranberry chairs.

  10. I really like the first one, but the third one is really nice too! xo

  11. My first thought was number 2. But I always choose the lighter and brighter.

  12. #3 is totally fabulous. That one!

  13. I love option #2 but the light and airy vibe has always done it for me. I know whatever you go with will be fabulous Michaela!

    Chelsea & The City

  14. I like #3 but understand the concern about the dog hair. So probably #1.

  15. i love the last one. but the second one will be more hope friendly, and let's face it, it's always about the dog.

  16. I'd go with #1! It's the most versitile of the 3 rugs and can be pulled another color direction if you decide you need to change the style of this room and/or steal the rug for another room later on. 3 is awesome but you guys have a light colored dog... who sheds... which will show like crazy on that dark rug.

  17. #2 is definitely my favorite, but they are all beautiful!

  18. I vote #3 - love the contrast!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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