Happy Thanksgiving, my friends! I hope your day will be filled with those you love, gathering around a table and enjoying the gift of yummy food and community. I couldn't let tis day pass without naming things I'm Thankful for! It's easy to get caught up in the busyness of life (and this season, specifically!) and forget to be conscious about our blessings or constantly be in a state of wanting more, so I want to share what I'm thankful for here.
"Gratitude turns what we have into enough." -- Melanie Beattie
I'm thankful God created beauty that comes in many forms. Beauty in flowers and sunsets, landscapes, marriages, joyous occasions, but also in the broken, messy parts of life. I will always love this quote by Ann Voskamp from her book One Thousand Gifts, “I want to see beauty. In the ugly, in the sink, in the suffering, in the daily, in all the days before I die, the moments before I sleep.”
I'm thankful that God created us in His image, which means we were also created to create. Being able to design client homes and conceptualize our workshops is a passion of mine, stemming from the talents the Lord has given me to be creative.
I'm so thankful for my family. It's really hard to live across the country for them (my brother and sister in law in Dallas and my parents and extended family all in California), I'm not going to sugar coat it! But knowing they are there, healthy, and supportive of us is so encouraging. We treasure the time we get to spend with them even more, being so far away. I'm also thankful for the way my parent's raised us. It's something I don't take for granted!
Of course I'm thankful for my husband, who shows me so much love, even when I don't deserve it. he's helpful around the house (and can make scrambled eggs like no one else!), is supportive of my dreams and business(es) and truly has a heart for Jesus. He's the most precious gift.
I'm so grateful for a warm place to call home. It's small as can be, but we love it! I'm also thankful my husband let's me decorate pretty much however I want, but of course I'm mindful of his style, too ;)
Although a lot of work, we just adore our puppy, Lincoln! Since getting him, we've been doing more things outside together which has been so fun. In the summer we went to the dog park a few times a week and I just loved getting outside. Lincoln's taught us about patience (ha!), unconditional love, loyalty, and not to take ourselves too seriously. It's amazing how furry friends steal your heart so quickly!
I'm incredibly thankful for sweet friends. When I moved to Michigan almost 4 years ago I was most nervous about finding a community of friends. God has blessed me beyond measure with our church, which is where I found almost all of my good friends! I'm in a cooking club with some girlfriends and that's been really sweet.
As we have a friend in the ICU fighting for his life, we are very mindful of our health. We know this is not a guarantee, so I am extremely thankful that we are healthy. I'll be honest and tell you that I have anxiety over getting sick or someone I know being sick, but I'm trying to learn that I can trust the Lord with those fears. No matter what may come, He is good.
Then there's other things I'm thankful for, like my job and being able to work for myself, for our cars and clothes, and food in our fridge. For freedom to believe what we want and attend church, for kind people, and for little joys like wonderful smelling dish soap, a crackling candle, fresh flowers, and getting snail mail. Even the little things are worth celebrating and writing out. Again, Ann Voskamp says it so well, “And when I give thanks for the seemingly microscopic, I make a place for God to grow within me.”
And of course, I'm thankful for all of you who come here each day or week to read what's going on in this corner of the web. I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving day!!
Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo
Beautiful photos! Lots to be thankful for! :) Happy Thanksgiving!